Sunday, October 14th. 9:00am Cost: $5. Maximum of 32 Participants, pre-registering and payment is advised.
Time: Check-in begins at 8:30. 1st round begins at 9am sharp.
Description: Our first ever Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament! The best part: you have no idea who your teammate will be. We’ll be randomly assigning teams the morning of the tournament. So no need for the ultra competitive tournament lists, just bring something fun to play and play against.
Games: 3 games, 2 ½ hours per game. We will be using GW GT scenarios.
Rules: The morning of the tournament you will be randomly teamed with another player. You must build an 1125 point army using the following rules:
- No more than 2 characters. No lords. No more than 1 level 2 wizard (you may have a 2nd wizard but they can only be 1st level, or you may have 2 1st level wizards).
- Core: 2+
- Special: 2 or less
- Rare: 1 or less
- No more than 2 chariots
- No more than 2 warmachines
- Truthsayer, Dark Emissary, and Asarnil the Dragon Lord are not allowed.
- Vampire Counts: Requirement for a spellcasting general is waived.
- Brettonians: BSB requirement is waived.
- Dogs of War: Paymaster requirement is waived.
- Army Marshall: The Marshall of the combined forces will be the general with the highest leadership. Marshall’s grant +1 CR to combats within 12”. In all other respects the Marshall counts as the army’s general.
- Battle Standard Bearers: Only one BSB may be used per alliance. The team must decide on which BSB is used at the beginning of the tournament and cannot change this choice between games.
- Dispel Dice: Each team gets a base of 2 dispel die (4 if one team member is playing Dwarves).
- The same army must be used for each battle.
- No other list restrictions other than your roster must always be chosen from the same book/list and must be of the most recent book available to your army.
- Any special character requirement a list may have is waived.
- Battle Point Scoring: Wins are worth 5pts, Draws 3pts, Losses 1pt.
- Each scenario will have bonus points.
Other Rules and Notes:
- Wood Elf players may not place their extra wood for any battle.
- Clan Eshin may not use the “Night Fighting” rules.
- Armies do not have to be painted.
- There will be loaner armies available for those without an army, at least 2 Empire, 2 Lizardman, and 1 ogre army.
Terrain: Each table will have the terrain pre set-- it is not to be moved.
- Forests, hills, and buildings are infinitely tall.
- All hills are considered to be on the same level and thus block line of sight for each other.
- Buildings are impassable.
Sportsmanship Scoring: These questions will determine your opponent’s sportsmanship score. Each is worth 1pt.
Answer Yes or No to each question.
1. Did you have fun playing this opponent?
2. Would you play this opponent again?
3. Were any rules issues handled in a reasonable fashion?