Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sanctioned Magic Gold Tier Sealed Deck Tournament

Saturday, September 15th. 12:00pm

Type: Santioned Sealed Deck Tournament

Fee: $25.00*


  • 5x 10th Edition Boosters
  • 30-Minute Deck Construction
  • 50-Minute Rounds
  • Use most current DCI Floor Rules
Special Prizes:
  • 1x Magic Duffle Bag awarded to 1st Place
  • 1x Lorwy Booster Display awarded to 1st Place, booster box will arrive after tournament has been reported to DCI and we will contact the 1st place winner when the booster display arrives.
  • 8x Magic Hats awarded to top-8 Finishers
  • 16x Gold Tier Deckboxes awarded to top-16 Finishers
  • 32x Classic Memory Lapse Foil Prom Cards to the first 32 registered players

*All Fees go toward prizes and products used in tournament

Modern RPG Day (New Date!!)

Sunday, September 9th. 12pm-6pm

The Modern RPG Day originally scheduled for August 19th has been moved to Sunday, September 9th. This special modern-themed RPG day will feature the Modern Floorplans Products from Fabled Environments. The game systems will include D20 Modern, Shadowrun, and Savage Worlds with 6-seats per table. Pre-generated characters will be provided.

If you are interested in signing up to play in one of these listed games, please call the store at (919) 468-6322 and let us know.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament

Sunday, October 14th. 9:00am

Cost: $5. Maximum of 32 Participants, pre-registering and payment is advised.

Time: Check-in begins at 8:30. 1st round begins at 9am sharp.

Description: Our first ever Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament! The best part: you have no idea who your teammate will be. We’ll be randomly assigning teams the morning of the tournament. So no need for the ultra competitive tournament lists, just bring something fun to play and play against.

Games: 3 games, 2 ½ hours per game. We will be using GW GT scenarios.

Rules: The morning of the tournament you will be randomly teamed with another player. You must build an 1125 point army using the following rules:

  • No more than 2 characters. No lords. No more than 1 level 2 wizard (you may have a 2nd wizard but they can only be 1st level, or you may have 2 1st level wizards).
  • Core: 2+
  • Special: 2 or less
  • Rare: 1 or less
  • No more than 2 chariots
  • No more than 2 warmachines
  • Truthsayer, Dark Emissary, and Asarnil the Dragon Lord are not allowed.
  • Vampire Counts: Requirement for a spellcasting general is waived.
  • Brettonians: BSB requirement is waived.
  • Dogs of War: Paymaster requirement is waived.
  • Army Marshall: The Marshall of the combined forces will be the general with the highest leadership. Marshall’s grant +1 CR to combats within 12”. In all other respects the Marshall counts as the army’s general.
  • Battle Standard Bearers: Only one BSB may be used per alliance. The team must decide on which BSB is used at the beginning of the tournament and cannot change this choice between games.
  • Dispel Dice: Each team gets a base of 2 dispel die (4 if one team member is playing Dwarves).
  • The same army must be used for each battle.
  • No other list restrictions other than your roster must always be chosen from the same book/list and must be of the most recent book available to your army.
  • Any special character requirement a list may have is waived.
  • Battle Point Scoring: Wins are worth 5pts, Draws 3pts, Losses 1pt.
  • Each scenario will have bonus points.

Other Rules and Notes:

  • Wood Elf players may not place their extra wood for any battle.
  • Clan Eshin may not use the “Night Fighting” rules.
  • Armies do not have to be painted.
  • There will be loaner armies available for those without an army, at least 2 Empire, 2 Lizardman, and 1 ogre army.

Terrain: Each table will have the terrain pre set-- it is not to be moved.

  • Forests, hills, and buildings are infinitely tall.
  • All hills are considered to be on the same level and thus block line of sight for each other.
  • Buildings are impassable.

Sportsmanship Scoring: These questions will determine your opponent’s sportsmanship score. Each is worth 1pt.

Answer Yes or No to each question.
1. Did you have fun playing this opponent?
2. Would you play this opponent again?
3. Were any rules issues handled in a reasonable fashion?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

2007 Warhammer 40,000 Fall Tournament

Sunday, September 23rd. 11am-6pm

Arrive between 10:00am and 10:30am, so we can get the pairings ready and check army lists. Do not be late.

Fee: $18.00 for early registration, $20.00 the day of tournament. This fee is per person. When signing up for the tournament you will need to list the army you are using along with your phone number. We can accept credit cards over the phone if you do not have the opportunity to come in and pay your fee early. The more participants that show, the better the prize payout.

1. This tournament is a team tournament. You choose a partner, and together you work as a team , building the army and battling your opponent. An army of 2000pts is what you need together. This means that as a team, following the same FOC, both of your armies will count as one.
EXAMPLE. Bob and Tom are a team. They use Necrons. Bob will take a Necron Lord and one squad of troops and Tom will take the other squad of troops. Then they finish off the army with what they have, to get to 2000 pts.
You will move as a team, shoot as a team, and assault as a team. Try to pair up with someone who has the same army as you. As an example, Necrons fighting along side Eldar does not work. If you have to proxy, have it make sense, and let your opponents know what is what.

2. Special characters and forge-world models will be allowed, but not forge world rules.

3. Armies must follow all restrictions from their own codex. You must keep the same rules, patrons, etc. through the whole event. If you need to proxy any model, make sure your opponent knows what is what. You must bring the rules you are using for your army. You also must bring your own dice, ruler, any templates you need, super glue, and a copy of your army list. We've had problems in the past with computer generated lists, (The Forge Army Generator, etc.). If you choose to use these programs, make sure to manually recalculate based on Codex point listing for your final list.

4. There will be three scenarios (they will be announced before each battle), which will take no more than 2 hours to set up and play. When time is called, you will finish the round you are on and hand over your score sheet. No additional time will be provided. This is a one day event. There will be a 30 minute break for lunch after the 2nd round ends.

5. If there is a tie for first place, the two players will have a final battle to determine the winner, on a seperate day. There will be a prize awarded to Best Sportsmanship.

6. There will also be a painting contest for Single model, all participants may enter one model for us to judge in the painting contest. The model must be purchased through the store after the 1st of June, so bring a receipt for proof.

Modern RPG Day

Sunday, August 19th. 12pm-6pm

We will be hosting a special modern-themed RPG day featuring the Modern Floorplans Products from Fabled Environments. The game systems will include D20 Modern, Shadowrun, and Savage Worlds with 6-seats per table. Pre-generated characters will be provided.

If you are interested in signing up to play in one of these listed games, please call the store at (919) 468-6322 and let us know.

Warhammer Fantasy Mini-Brawl Tournament

Sunday, August 12th. 9am-5pm

Check in begins at 8:30am, games start promptly at 9:00am. Three 2.5 hours games will be played throughout the day

: $15.00. 20 spots are available so register soon!

2250 Point Army Tournament.

* All army lists will be checked for validity. Please either submit a copy of your list after you sign up at the store (at least 3 days prior to the event) to stenulf1@earthlink.net (word or pdf format) prior to the tournament or have an extra copy of your list ready at check-in.

*No list restrictions other than your roster must always be chosen from the same book/list and must be of the most recent book available to your army.

* Any special character requirement a list may have is waived.

* Thorek gets 1 re-roll per game.

* No Over the Top armies please!

Coming of Galactus HeroClix Event. Sat, July 14th - Sat. Aug 11th

Saturday, July 14th- This sealed event requires a purchase of two (2) booster packs of Marvel HeroClix: Avengers. Following the conclusion of this event, the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Silver Surfer game piece which can be used in subsequent weeks of the Coming of Galactus World HeroClix Event. The champion of this event will receive a "bye" for the first round of the Coming of Galactus Championship event on August 11th, where players will compete to win a Galactus 2007 colossal figure.

Saturday, July 21st- Rules are the same as July 14th except the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Terrax the Tamer game piece.

Saturday, July 28th- Rules are the same as July 14th except the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Firelord game piece.

Saturday, August 4th- Rules are the same as July 14th except the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Stardust game piece.

Saturday, August 11th- Retail locations worldwide will celebrate the 5th Anniversary of HeroClix with the exciting final week of the Coming of Galactus World HeroClix Event.

This event requires a purchase of two (2) sealed booster packs of Marvel HeroClix: Avengers, from which a player will build a 300 point team. Any Herald of Galactus figure (Silver Surfer, Terrax the Tamer, Stardust, Firelord) received in a previous week of the Coming of Galactus World HeroClix Event may be included as a part of a valid tournament build.

Following the conclusion of this event, the event Champion will receive a Galactus 2007 Colossal Figure.