Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Sale

*Friday BOGO Sale*

All Day:

All In-Stock items are Buy One, Get One of Equal or lesser value at 40% off suggested retail!!!

*Does not apply to clearance items

**Does not apply to special orders

***If you cannot make into the store for the sale, you may call us and pay for any items with a credit card

****Applies only to in-stock products

Thursday MEGA Sale!!!!

*Thursday Mega Sale*

Board, Card, & Classic


From 5PM-10PM:

All In-Stock Board, Card, & Classic games are 30% off suggested retail!!!

*Does not apply to clearance items

**Does not apply to special orders

***If you cannot make into the store for the sale, you may call us and pay for any items with a credit card

****Applies only to in-stock products

Also, keep an eye out for our big Christmas Eve Sale! Details posted soon on our website’s blog!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Huge Wednesday CCG Sale!


*Wednesday CCG Sale*



From 5PM-10PM:

All In-Stock CCG cards and supplies are 30% off suggested retail!!!





*Does not apply to clearance items

**Does not apply to special orders

***If you cannot make into the store for the sale, you may call us and pay for any items with a credit card

****Applies only to in-stock products


Also, keep an eye out for our big Christmas Eve Sale! Details posted soon on our website's blog!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday Mega Sale

Tuesday Only!!! RPG Mega Sale!!!
From 5pm–10pm, All In-Stock Roleplaying Books, Supplies, and Accessories are 30% off suggested retail price!
*Does not apply to Discounted Items
**Cannot be used for Special Orders

Apoc-Eclipse January 22nd



Be part of the biggest Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse Battle Ever!

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011 At

All Fun & Games in Apex, NC

The Apoc-Eclipse North Carolinna mega battle gaming club will be joining forces with all of the North American Games Workshop Battle Bunkers and other locations across the glove to coordinate a single, massive, record-brewaking battle. All objectives will be totaled and tabulated into a single result. Come, join the fun!



  • No point limit! You may bring any number of points as long as the total is a multiple of 2500 points.
  • All Units must be from the same "force" The forces available are:
    • Imperial(Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Inquisition, Titan Legions)
    • Chaos(Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, Traitor IG, Traitor Space Marines, Titan Legions,
    • Orks
    • Eldar
    • Tau
    • Tyranids
    • Dark Eldar
    • Necrons
  • All Modesl must be either Games Workshop licensed or scratch-build. Everything mus be WYSIWYG and painted to a table-top standard, We're letting you take whatever you want, but we need some way of being able to identify what you got.
  • Movement trays for large infantry forces are encouraged.

Please See the Nearby Sign up Sheet. It is not necessary to pre-register, but it would be helpful.

For all other house rules, please check their web page (www.apoc-eclipse) or send email to

Global battle Organized through

Monday, December 20, 2010

HUGE Monday Miniatures Sale!

Monday Miniatures Sale*

From 5PM-10PM:

All In-Stock Miniatures, Figures, and supplies are all 30% off suggested retail!!!

*Does not apply to clearance item

**Does not apply to special orders

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Warhammer Fantasy Hex Tile League

The theme will be Mighty Empires and will lead up to a Grand Alliance battle at the end of the league. We are planning on having roughly 12 players, hopefully more.

-The league starts on the 10th of January and ends the 1st of April. Winners within each faction will be decided by wins and losses, then if there are any ties, by battle points. The winner of each faction will then represent the Grand General in the final battle. Make sure to fill out the whole result slip that is provided for you, or the game might not count. Also, you must decide on which army you are going to play the whole league. You will not be able to change it, so choose wisely.

-12 Week League, $12 League Fee (Please make sure to pay your league fees before you play your first league game). The best of 12 games will win (per person). If there are ties for winners, then we will go to tiebreakers by looking at overall games. If there are still ties, then there will be one last tournament, points and scenario decided by us.

-The more people that sign up, the more players will win. Signups start now.

-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. Monday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for Warhammer Fantasy players to schedule your games. Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm. Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm. If you plan to play a game on any day that is not Monday, you must call and reserve a space.

-All League games must be played in the store.

-If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponents 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponents get an automatic win.

-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponents. Paper, cups, plates, etc..., are not allowed to be used as models. If you don’t have a model to represent it, you can’t field it. You are allowed to proxy (bring in a different model to represent a certain other model) if you do not own the exact model. For instance, if you wanted to try a certain Lord from the Beastmen Armies Book, but only have a Dark Elf Assassin, he can represent the Beastmen Lord. But the Assassin cannot represent a Giant, for he is not the correct size. Just let your opponent know about the changes.

-As new Warhammer Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league. You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard). Make sure to have your own dice, ruler, and templates.

-As always there will be a Sportsmanship award.

-Players are asked to pick one hero or lord choice at the beginning of the league and give them a name and a story. This character will represent the players “Great Hero”, and will have an impact on the overall story of the league, which will be updated weekly. This hero can evolve throughout the story (i.e. Kirin, a high elf noble, can be upgraded to Kirin Truestrike, the high elf Prince) if players want to upgrade their leader or give him additional magic items. However, a warrior should not become a sorcerer and vice versa. In some cases where warriors are also sorcerers, as is the case with vampires, accommodations will be made (In this example, Tristam the Wight King cannot later become Tristam the Vampire, though a necromancer can evolve into a Vampire Lord so long as that lord is based mostly on Magic). Also, since individuality is important in this league, Special Characters cannot be selected as great heroes. They can still be used, but they cannot be the great hero. The selected Great Hero will always be the army’s general, regardless of leadership or special rules.

Special Rules:
Mountain Tiles - Always use the “Battle for the Pass” scenario
River Tiles - Must include at least one Mysterious River in addition to any other terrain rolled
City Tiles - Must have at least one Encampment of Destruction or Settlement of Order in addition to other terrain rolled
Castle Tiles - Same as above, plus defender receives 3 blazing barricades

There will be a team aspect to this league. Order vs. Destruction. If you have any questions about what side you will be on ask Joey or Clint about which side. If there aren’t enough people on a certain side we will compensate accordingly.

While the Forces of Order settle minor border disputes, a shadow grows in the north. The Forces of Destruction are uniting, and an army the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the Storm of Chaos is moving. Will a great hero rise and bring together the forces of Order to meet this threat, or will darkness cover the Old World...

Warhammer 40K Winter Escalation League Begins January 10th!

It will be a 12 week escalation league, with each point limit lasting for two weeks except the last two.

-The league starts on the 10th of January and ends the 1st of April. Players can participate in a maximum of two games per week for league ratings in order to keep scoring balanced for those players that cannot play as often.

-12 Week League, $12 League Fee (Please make sure to pay your league fees before you play your first league game). The best record of the 12 weeks, so getting the maximum game time is very helpful for standings. If there are ties for winners then there will be one last tournament, points and scenario decided by us.

-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. Monday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room players to schedule your games. Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm. Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm. If you plan to play a game on any day that is not Monday, you must call and reserve a space.

-All League games must be played in the store.

-If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponents 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponents get an automatic win.

-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponents. Paper, cups, plates, etc..., are not allowed to be used as models. If you don’t have a model to represent it, you can’t field it. You are allowed to proxy (bring in a different model to represent a certain other model) if you do not own the exact model.

-As new 40k Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league. You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard). Make sure to have your own dice, ruler, and templates.

-As always there will be a Sportsmanship award.

Special Rules:
Every two weeks will represent a certain point cost and scenario. At the end of the first week of any given scenario and point cost, players will switch sides (i.e. if during week 1 you were the attacker, during week 2 you would play the defenders). Players can play a maximum of two games during each week.
• Weeks 1 & 2 - First Strike: 750 pts, Mission will be Planetfall from the Planetstrike rulebook
• Weeks 3 & 4 - Swarm of Bees: 1000 pts, Mission will be Stranglehold from the Planetstrike rulebook
• Weeks 5 & 6 - Bullrush: 1250 pts, Mission will be The Gauntlet from the Cities of Death rulebook
• Weeks 7 & 8 - Trial By Fire: 1500 pts, Mission will be Total Devastation from the Cities of Death rulebook
• Weeks 9 & 10 - Thunder and Smoke: 1750 pts, Mission will be Grand Assault from the Cities of Death rulebook
• Week 11 - Clash of Titans: 2000 pts, Mission will be Clash of Heroes from the Battle Missions rulebook
• Week 12 - Cataclysm: Undecided pts limit Apocalypse game

Friday, December 3, 2010

Grand Prix Trial: Atlanta

Entry Fee

Date: Saturday 12/18/10


Time: 10AM Registration, Games begin at 12 Noon

    * Extended
    * Deck lists are required

Tournament Length
    * Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
    * Top 8 matches will have no time limit
    * Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
      Attendance    Swiss rounds
      8-16                4
      17 - 32            5
      33 - 64            6
      65 - 128           7
      129 - 226            8
      227 - 409            9
      410 or higher        10

    * All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
    * The top 8 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 8 single-elimination finals.

Top 8
    * Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3
    * Top 8 matches will have no time limit.
    * Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings.

    * 24K, REL Competitive
    * All the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules and the Magic: The Gathering Infraction Procedure Guide are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document. Rules documents can be found in the DCI Document Center.
    * Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters.
    * This is a premier Magic tournament. Organizers and judges of a Grand Prix Trial are not permitted to play in the tournament.

    * At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Atlanta is offered at each Trial, based on attendance:
      Attendance    3-Round Byes Awarded
      8 - 32        1
      33 - 64      2
      65 - 128    4
      129+         8

Calendar is being Modified!

Just a quick note that our game room calendar is being modified! Please pardon the interruption, but if you are unsure of an event please call us at 919.468.6322!

All Fun & Games

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Product Arrivals 11/24 – 11/30


*Board Games & Accessories*

  • Tadaaam!
  • Water Lily

*Card Games & Accessories*

  • Insidious Sevens
  • Shashawa
  • Shokoba
  • Call of Cthulu LCG Cacophony Asylum Pack
  • Civilization
  • Warhammer LCG Fourth Waystone Battle Pack

*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Starstrike Blast
  • Pokemon Pocket Album
  • Nesting Dragon Deck Vault
  • Magic: The Gathering Premium Deck Series Fire & Lightning
  • Killer Bunnies and the Ultimate Odyssey: Burn, Baby, Burn – Elementals Expansion Deck
  • Killer Bunnies and the Ultimate Odyssey: Burn, Baby, Burn – Energy Expansion Deck
  • Killer Bunnies and the Ultimate Odyssey: Burn, Baby, Burn – Tech Expansion Deck
  • Killer Bunnies and the Ultimate Odyssey: Burn, Baby, Burn – Animals Expansion Deck
  • Killer Bunnies and the Ultimate Odyssey: Burn, Baby, Burn – Crops Expansion Deck
  • Killer Bunnies and the Ultimate Odyssey: Burn, Baby, Burn – Land Expansion Deck
  • Munchkin Go Up A Level
  • Munchkin Santa's Revenge

*Figures/Miniatures & Accessories*

  • Reeve the Pious, Holy Warrior
  • Dust Scorpions
  • Thanksgiving Mouslings
  • Dirk Goodspeed
  • Alien Overlord Boss
  • Santa Claus
  • Almah, Merchant Princess
  • Crystal Golem
  • Warhammer Fantasy Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery
  • Warhammer Fantasy Dreadstone Blight
  • Warhammer 40k Dark Eldar Hellions
  • Warhammer 40k Dark Eldar Mandrakes
  • Warhammer 40k Dark Eldar Ravager

*Role-Play & Accessories*

  • D&D Beholder's Collector Set

*Mind Teasers and Puzzles*

  • Cats Collage
  • Dogs Collage
  • Pretending To Be Normal
  • Way Up North
  • O Christmas Tree
  • Batters Up


  • Game Trade Magazine #130
  • No Quarter Magazine #32
  • White Dwarf #371


*Board Games & Accessories*

  • Ticket To Ride Europe
  • Othello
  • Apples to Apples Party Box
  • Apples to Apples Junior
  • Blokus
  • Settlers of Catan
  • Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension
  • Settlers of Catan Cities & Knights Game Expansion
  • Settlers of Catan Cities & Knights 5-6 Player Extension
  • Monopoly
  • Cluzzle
  • Wits & Wagers 2nd Edition
  • Wits & Wagers Expansion Pack
  • Wits & Wagers Family
  • Say Anything
  • Ra
  • Carcassone
  • Frag Gold Edition
  • Frag Gold Edition FTW
  • Agricola
  • Acquire

*Card Games & Accessories*

  • Small World Cursed
  • Small World Tales & Legends
  • Citadels
  • Ascension: Chronicle of The Godslayer
  • Forbidden Island
  • UNO Original
  • Mad Gab Picto-Gabs Game to Go
  • Bohnanza
  • Dominion Prosperity Expansion
  • SET
  • Five Crowns
  • Quiddler
  • Pit
  • Deluxe Pit
  • Flinch
  • Deluxe Rook
  • Mille Bornes Collector's Set
  • Careers Game
  • Scattergories Categories
  • Guillotine

*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

  • Assorted Dragon Shields
  • 9 Pocket Card Pages
  • Magic: The Gathering Scars of Mirrodin Boosters
  • Magic: The Gathering Deck Builders Toolkit
  • Magic: The Gathering 2011 Core Set Boosters
  • Magic: The Gathering Zendikar Boosters

*Figures/Miniatures & Accessories*

  • Zap A Gap Glue and Gel
  • Warmachine Forces: Cygnar
  • Warmachine Cygnar Battlegroup
  • Warmachine Cryx Battlegroup
  • Warmachine Herne & Jonne
  • Warmachine Hammerfall Shield Gun Corp
  • Hordes Forces: Legion of Everblight
  • Hordes Forces: Circle Oroboros
  • Hordes Trollbloods Fennblade Officer & Drummer
  • Hordes Circle Oroboros Cassius Oathkeeper & Wurmwood
  • Hordes Trollbloods Mk II Token Set
  • Hordes Circle Oroboros Mk II Token Set
  • Hordes Legion of Everblight Mk II Token Set
  • Hordes Skorne Mk II Token Set
  • Hordes Minions Mk II Token Set
  • Heroscape D&D Assortment 3 Moltenclaw
  • Assorted Citadel Paints
  • Citadel Modelling Files

*Role-Play & Accessories*

  • D&D Beholder Collector's Set
  • Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader RPG
  • Castle Crusades Players Handbook
  • Gamemastery Flip Mat: Basic
  • Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition
  • Savage Worlds Necessary Evil Explorer's Edition

*Dice & Accesiories*

  • Crystal Counters "Magical Pack"
  • Assorted Polyhedral Dice

*****After Thanksgiving SALE Weekend*****

*****Black Friday Sale*****

11/26 ONLY: BOGO Blowout! Buy 1 get 1 at 50% off anything in the store!

· Buy any item at Regular retail price and get a second item of equal or lesser value at 50% off, Items maybe special ordered but cannot be combined with any other discount offer.

*****After Thanksgiving Sale*****

11/27-11/28: BOGO! Buy 1 get 1 at 30% off anything in the store

· Buy any item at Regular retail price and get a second item of equal or lesser value at 30% off, Items maybe special ordered but cannot be combined with any other discount offer.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Games Workshop 40K & Fantasy 2-Day Campaigns!

Warhammer Fantasy 2-Day Campaign: Stomping Grounds 12/6 & 12/13, $2 Registration Fee (Prizes)

  • Players will sign up for either Destruction or Order, and any neutral armies can select which side they want to fight for
  • Day 1 will follow the rules for the linked battles on page 439-441 in the Warhammer Rulebook, with Destruction playing the Skaven scenario and order playing the Empire scenario
  • Day 2 will be an as yet undetermined third scenario based on the results of day 1 (I'll think up two sample scenarios to apply to each result.)
  • Wins are worth three points, draws are worth 2, losses are worth 1
  • The side with the most Points at the end is the winner. Also, the player that accumulated the most kill points will receive the Master of Slaughter award.
  • Each side will have a Best Sportsman award, and there will be a Best Paint Job Award.

Warhammer 40K Planetstrike 2-Day Campaign 12/6 & 12/13, $2 Registration Fee (Prizes)

  • Each Player will decide whether they want to be the Attacker or Defender when they sign up, and in the case of an unbalanced number, we will make accommodations.
  • Players will play a different scenario depending on who wins each scenario. Defenders will stay at the same table for all three games to keep the defensive set-up the same, but attackers will rotate every match.
  • Each battlefield will have two bastions as objectives, so both players will receive 2 points to spend on stratagems.
  • Winners will be determined by Kill Points in the case of a tie. The player that accumulates the most overall kill points over the course of the two days will receive the Mass Carnage award.
  • Players go through three games, and will be paired according to Campaign points in a Swiss Format. Wins are worth three Campaign points, Draws are worth two, and losses are worth one.
  • At the end of the second day, the side with the most overall campaign points (Attacker or Defender) will be declared the winner.
  • There will also be a Best Sportsman award for both the Attackers and Defenders, as well as Best Paint Job.
    • Scenario 1: Planetfall
    • Scenario 2: Seek and Destroy OR Forlorn Hope
    • Scenario 3: Planetquake OR Stranglehold OR Planetfall

Monday, November 15, 2010

WH 40K Toys For Tots Charity Tournament!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Call All Fun & Games to RSVP your attendance to the event. You do not have to RSVP, but any walk-ins will be allowed to participate on a first-come/first-served basis after all the RSVP folks. Attendee limit is currently at 18 with the option to increase to a max of 24 players.

Check-in begins at 10:15 a.m. day of event; Games begin at 11 a.m.

Entry fee is "new in package" toy donation(s) to be given to Toys for Tots Foundation (benefiting the Raleigh Chapter "Dig Deep" and give as much as you can - many children in the area wouldn't get a holiday gift if it wasn't for the U.S. Marine Corps' Toys for Tots program!

**SPECIAL OFFER FROM ALL FUN & GAMES: All Fun & Games will provide a 15% discount on any games, puzzles, etc. purchased for donation; there will also be a 10% discount for purchases for yourself. Just inform the store staff at checkout which items you are donating to receive the special discount on them.

Army lists are 1750 points

3 Rounds

2:15 time allotted per round

Random pairings in Round 1; Swiss-style pairings in Rounds 2 and 3

Missions will have primary, secondary, and tertiary objectives (with the Primary being means of determining winner and Secondary and Tertiary objectives acting as "tie breakers" if need be - see details below)

Crown "Best Overall," "Best General," and "Best Sportsman" winners

PRIZE SUPPORT WILL BE AVAILABLE. Over $100 in prize support will be offered throughout the day's event. Prizes will include Best Overall, Best General, and Best Sportsman. Other prizes will also be offered during individual rounds, and as the TO sees fit (in other words, *how* prizes other than "Best X" will be awarded is still To Be Determined).

WYSIWYG required; "Counts As" is acceptable within reason.

Painted strongly recommended, but not required.


10:15 a.m. - begin registration

11:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. - Round 1

1:30 to 3:45 p.m. - Round 2

3:45 to 4:30 p.m. - Food Break

4:45 to 7:00 p.m. - Round 3

7:00 p.m. and beyond - announce winners, brag, commiserate, pack-up, clean-up, etc.


Deployment Primary Secondary Tertiary

Dawn of War Seize Ground (Mod.) Terrain Features VPs

Pitched Battle Annihilation Recon VPs

Spearhead Capture & Control (Mod.) Table Quarters VPs

Primary. Determines the winner of the game. If someone wins on the Primary Objective, you can stop here; otherwise, refer to Secondary.

Secondary. First tie-breaker. If the primary objective is tied, utilize the Secondary Objective to determine a winner. If the primary objective is tied and the secondary objective produces a winner, you can stop here; otherwise, refer to Tertiary.

Tertiary. Second tie-breaker. If the primary AND secondary objectives are tied, utilize the Tertiary Objective to determine a winner. Since the Tertiary Objective is Victory Points for all missions, simply calculate VPs (pg. 108 of rulebook) and any player with even 0.5 more VPs than opponent wins.

Mission Objectives

Modified Seize Ground

5 objectives – 1 @ center of each quarter (total of 4) and 1 @ center of table

§ Each scattered 1d6+3” prior to roll-off to see who goes first; use little arrow on “hit” but halve distance (rounded up)

Only Scoring Units may claim objectives; any unit may contest

Player with most objectives wins this mission objective

Modified Capture & Control

3 objectives – 1 @ center of each players’ deployment zones (total of 2) and 1 @ center of table

§ Two Deployment Zone objectives scattered 1d6+3” after roll-off to see who goes first, but prior to deployment of any units; use little arrow on “hit” but halve distance (rounded up)

Only Scoring Units may claim objectives; any unit may contest

Player with most objectives wins this mission objective


As per pg. 91 of 40kv5

Table Quarters

Person w/ most Scoring Units in a quarter claims it; unit must be completely in quarter to count

Any units except dedicated transports count for this purpose

Player with most quarters wins this mission objective


Player w/ most Scoring Units completely within opponent’s deployment zone wins this mission objective

Terrain Features

Person with most VPs in an area terrain feature (which is defined as any terrain feature that is demarcated by a base and is not impassible) claims the terrain feature

Player to claim the most terrain features wins this mission objective

Victory Points

As per pg. 108 of 40kv5 (except player wins this condition if 0.5 VPs higher than opponent’s total)

Mission Special Rules (all missions)

Reserves, Deep Strike, Infiltrators, Scouts, Outflank, Seize the Initiative.