Entry Fee
Date: Saturday 12/18/10
Time: 10AM Registration, Games begin at 12 Noon
* Extended
* Deck lists are required
Tournament Length
* Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
* Top 8 matches will have no time limit
* Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
Attendance Swiss rounds
8-16 4
17 - 32 5
33 - 64 6
65 - 128 7
129 - 226 8
227 - 409 9
410 or higher 10
* All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
* The top 8 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 8 single-elimination finals.
Top 8
* Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3
* Top 8 matches will have no time limit.
* Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings.
* 24K, REL Competitive
* All the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules and the Magic: The Gathering Infraction Procedure Guide are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document. Rules documents can be found in the DCI Document Center.
* Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters.
* This is a premier Magic tournament. Organizers and judges of a Grand Prix Trial are not permitted to play in the tournament.
* At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Atlanta is offered at each Trial, based on attendance:
Attendance 3-Round Byes Awarded
8 - 32 1
33 - 64 2
65 - 128 4
129+ 8