Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Year 40K Apocalypse League

-Bring in a 2000pt list using the Apocalypse rules. Find a partner and battle against another team, each person with the 2000pt list. Assets must also be chosen before arriving. Everyone has to find a partner when they come in. No one will battle by themselves. If someone is without a partner, the store will provide one for you (hehehe). Terrain, no man's land, and objectives will already be set up before players arrive. This will be a short league, so we can prepare for the big one in Spring, and people can have fun with their Christmas armies and figures. All games will be a Win/Lose/Draw, based on if you obtained and kept your objectives.

-Starting date January 14, 2008 and ending February 17, 2008.

-5 Week League, $5 League Fee (Please make sure to pay your league fees when you play your first league game or before). You can play no more than 10 games, and the best of five per person will depict the winner. The more people that sign up, the more people will win. Sign ups start now.

-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. Monday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for 40K players to schedule your games. Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm and since there is not 6 turns in an Apocalypse games, the games must end at 10pm. Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm.

-All League games must be played in the store.

-If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponents 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponents get an automatic win.

-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponents.

-As new 40K Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league. You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard). This means that the New Ork Codex will be used.

-As always there will be a Sportsmanship award. Try to have fun and Happy New Year.

Any questions see Michael at All Fun and Games.

Star Wars Minis Leagues & Tournaments

Hello Minis Fans,

Prize support for the Star Wars Minis League Play and Tournaments are sponsored by Wizards of the Coast. And we would like to pass those savings onto you. So, from now on as long as Wizards of the Coast sends up prize support, we are no longer charging any fees for tournaments or leagues. We are just offering a place to enjoy playing Star Wars Minis. Just quick reminder that we have:
  • 200-Point Constructed tournament on 12/16/07
  • 150-Point Constructed tournament on 12/22/07
  • League play on Monday nights

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thursday Nights with Paul - December 6

Yes, I missed a few weeks. A couple with good reason and one with no good reason, so here's a recap:

November 15 - I missed this game night due to a family emergency.

November 22 - Thanksgiving - we were closed.

November 29 - I spent most of this night doing computer repair at the store. I did, however get to try out one new game:
  • Race for the Galaxy (Rio Grande Games) - I very much enjoyed this game. At first, it reminds you a bit of San Juan where jobs (in this case Phases) are chosen each round by the players and play proceeds according to only those phases that were chosen. However, having now played it 3 times, I can say that the build-as-fast-as-you-can strategy that is so often successful in San Juan does not work here. Instead, this game makes each building choice useful and interesting. Of course, it is Settling, Conquering or Developing in this game rather than building. All said, I really enjoy it and look forward to playing it again. 5 pips.

December 6 - Back in action, though I did only get to play two games. Here are the games that were seen on the tables.

  • Race for the Galaxy (Rio Grande Games)
  • Power Grid (Rio Grande Games) - I really enjoy this game. It's probably the only game that I *should* own, but don't. I actually wound up victorious in this 4-player game, which I think is my first time actually winning it.
  • Crazy Race (Spiele aus Tibuktu)
  • Sisimizi (Editrice Giochi)
  • Robo Rally (Wizards of the Coast)
  • Jockey (Ravensburger)
  • Aliens (Leading Edge Games)
  • Hannibal (unsure of publisher)
  • Oltre Mare (Rio Grande Games)
  • Buy Low, Sell High (Uberplay)
  • Ubongo (University Games)
  • Kung Fu Fighting (Slugfest Games)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thursday Nights with Paul - November 8

A couple more games hit the tables this week, though Starcraft still dominated the attention of 2 tables.

  • Starcraft (Fantasy Flight Games) - I was tied up with this game again this week. Got to play through to the end this time. I played as Terran. Also represented were another Terran, Zerg & Protoss. I managed to claim my special victory condition, but so did the Zerg player and he had a better score at the time, so I didn't get the win. After my second play, my rating remains at 5 pips. I'm curious to see if more plays sways my opinion. I'd like to try a team play with 4 or six players.
  • Thurn & Taxis (Rio Grande Games)
  • Monopoly (Hasbro)
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe (Days of Wonder)

Thursday Nights with Paul - November 1

An interesting week. I only saw one game on the tables, though multiple copies of it, and I got to play it:

Starcraft (Fantasy Flight Games) - Since everyone was new to the game and the game itself was fresh out of the plastic wrap along with being a pretty long game itself, we only had a chance to process 3 full game turns. In my game, there were 4 of us. I played Zerg as did another and we had 1 representative each from Terran and Protoss. I enjoyed the couple of turns, but don't really know where I stood in the overall score. Couldn't really get a feel for end game, though one of the players did get eliminated (sorry, Geoff). I'm sure that the setup would be completely different on my next playing of the game with experienced players. It feels like a decent reflection of the feeling of the video game. First stab at a rating = 5 pips.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday Nights with Paul - October 25

Quite a few games hit the tables this week:

  • Kung Fu Fighting (Slugfest Games) - One of a number of demo games that we received from Slugfest Games. It had the weight and feel of Munchkin to some degree. A very light card game where the object is to be the last one standing. Basically, you have a stance, a weapon and a number of different attack, block and attack enhancement cards along with a few healing cards. It's a fine beer & pretzels type of game or something you might play during down times between turns in a meatier game. All said, it was entertaining enough but nothing that would likely provoke me to bring it to the table by choice. 3 pips.
  • The Red Dragon Inn (Slugfest Games)
  • Tiki Mountain (Slugfest Games) - Another one of the Slugfest games, it shared some of the feel of Kung Fu Fighting, but with a much better visual presentation. The objective of this game is to climb the volcano and throw yourself in (think Joe Vs. the Volcano - Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan). In the meantime, opponents are throwing opposition in your way in the form of mudslides, gas vents, lava flows and rock slides as well as the board tossing an occasional earthquake your way. It felt very much like a kids' game and I would encourage that it be played as such and with no more than 3 players, though it will accommodate up to 6. We played with 5 and there was too much downtime between turns (which may be why they produced Kung Fu Fighting). Not a bad game, but not great either. 3 pips.
  • Pit (Winning Moves)
  • Circus Flochati (Rio Grande Games)
  • En Garde! (Slugfest Games) - I didn't play this one, but I did read the instructions. Think Kung Fu Fighting, but replace the Kung Fu theme with a fencing theme and you've got it. This was not, as I hoped, a re-print of the old En Garde! 2-player fencing game.
  • Zoff in Buffalo (FX Schmid)
  • Illuminati (Steve Jackson Games)
  • Rummikub (Pressman)
  • Black Vienna (Kosmos)
  • Dungeons & Dragons: The Dice Game (Wizards of the Coast) - We had 5 players for this. Very random as your actions are based completely on a roll of the dice, but as it supposed to be a bar room brawl, that feels pretty appropriate. I enjoyed it, but it was definitely very light and not to be treated as anything other than. I would gladly play again and likely suggest. The more the merrier as it was mercifully short. 4 pips.
  • Tichu (AbacusSpiele)
  • Il Principe (Z-Man Games)
  • Midgard (Z-Man Games)
  • Terra Nova (Winning Moves)
  • Shark (Rio Grande Games)

Pirates of the Caribbean Release Tournament 11/10/2007

Pirates of the Caribbean
Release Tournament!
New Format - TIN Tournament!!

Saturday, November 10th (1:00pm)

Format: Sealed. Cost: $20
  • You will receive 1 Collector’s Tin from which you will build your fleet.
  • Each Tin contains 5 booster packs and a Special Edition Kraken.
  • The first 18 players will receive a free Limited Edition Flying Dutchman!
  • Prizes will be booster packs (number determined by number of participants).
  • Other prizes (promos from older sets) will also be provided.

Fleets/Setup/House Rules

  • Fleet must be built ONLY from the contents of the tin you receive.
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Crew affiliation DOES MATTER!
  • Each player contributes 4 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 12 Coins totaling 23 Gold.
  • Island placement will be between 2L and 4L.
  • One roll is made to see who places the first island during setup. After Island placement, another roll is then made to see who chooses their opponent’s home island first. After that, yet another separate roll is made to see who plays first.

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate’s life for me…

Friday, October 19, 2007

Thursday Nights with Paul - October 18

(In rereading my earlier posts, I realize that I have been issuing a 3 pip rating (less than average) in many cases where I meant to place 4 pips. So, I have revised several of my previous ratings to reflect this.)

I only had an opportunity to play one game that was new to me this week:
  • Space Shuffle (Playroom Entertainment) - Kind of a fun, somewhat educational game about the solar system. Educational only in the sense of the order in which our planets rotate around the sun. You take turns placing cards into basically 5 copies of our solar system. The cards are color coded and everyone has a color. When you play a card, the person with that color as well as the person playing the card gets points. A fun filler. 4 pips.

Other games that I saw hit the tables:

  • Downtown (Abacus)
  • 1960: The Making of a President (Z-man Games)
  • Rum & Pirates (Rio Grande Games) - I played this one. Enjoyed it, as always, even though I took a ridiculous 7 scorpion chests and lost. 5 pips.
  • Manhattan (Mayfair Games) - An oldie but goodie.
  • Acquire (Avalon Hill) - A classic. I really love this printing of the game. 6 pips.
  • Rosenkonig (Kosmos) - An enjoyable two-player Kosmos game. 4 pips.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Thursday Nights with Paul - October 11

Yet another fun Thursday night. I actually made note of the games I saw played last night to represent the breadth a little better. Here is said list of games that hit the tables:

  • 1960: The Making of a President (Z-Man Games) - One of our customers purchased this new to our shelf game last night. I sat through learning the rules and then observed a bit of play. It's 2-player specific and basically a game of running an election campaign for the Nixon/Kennedy battle o' 1960. Decent looking components and overall game play seemed interesting. I'm interested in giving it a try. No rating since I didn't have an opportunity to actually play it.
  • Ubongo (University Games) - Played and enjoyed as always. Light and fairly quick. The jewel collection mechanic is secondary in this game. In my plays, it is typical to not really care who won at the end. It's who can complete the puzzles quickest each round that seems to be the most interesting challenge. Would play if asked and will suggest as filler. 3 pips
  • Hoity Toity (Uberplay) - I played Hoity Toity for the first time in a few years (making this my 2nd play) in a 4-player setting (it can accommodate up to 6). It was lighter than I remember and the 4-player game didn't go as smoothly as it seems the game could. It had the feel that more players would have improved the action that took place every turn. I cannot recall the number that I played with last, but I seem to remember enjoying the game a bit more than I did this time around, so I think it was the full contingent of 6. All told, the game wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. I'd probably play again if asked, but would be unlikely to suggest without a full 6-player crew. 4 pips
  • Shogun (Queen Games)
  • Duel in the Dark (Z-Man Games) - I want to give this game a few more plays. I didn't play last night, but have in the past. 2-player specific WWII bombing raid simulation. England bombing Germany.
  • Doom (Fantasy Flight Games)
  • 18AL (John Galt)
  • Hick Hack in Gackelwack (Rio Grande Games) - Used Hick Hack as a 5-player filler game - an appropriate role for it. Had a good time as always. 4 pips
  • Taluva (Rio Grande Games) - I tried this game for the first time. I'm not a big fan of Java, so I was a bit hesitant based solely on box pictures as they seemed to have an eerie resemblance. However, it turned out to be a relatively quick and enjoyable game. We played with 3 players, but it can accommodate up to 4. The basic concept is that you are laying connecting land tiles and building settlements. The goal is to deplete 2 of the 3 building types that you have (huts, temples & towers if I remember correctly). I liked the game and would both play again if asked as well as suggest it. 4 pips
  • Andromeda (Rio Grande Games)
  • Ricochet Robots (Rio Grande Games)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thursday Nights with Paul

Welcome to the first of what will hopefully be a weekly entry on games played and observed on our Thursday night game nights. I say hopefully because I am traditionally bad about blogging in a timely manner (as it is now Wednesday of the following week(s) about which this entry will be). In any case, it is my intent to present a combination of simply listing games that made it to the tables as well as tossing in my 2 cents on new, or in many cases simply "new to me", games that I have an opportunity to participate in. I know that there are tons of reviews of most games already available online, so I will make my points short and won't bother going into deep explanations of the games.

As so much time has passed since last Thursday, other than the games that I played, I can only recall a few others that made it to the tables though there were many more: Descent, Mexica, Clippers.

Those that I had a chance to play over the past couple of weeks were:

  • Masons (Rio Grande Games) - Really enjoyed this one. Medium strategy, but light enough to serve as an introductory game to the genre. Basically, you're walling in cities and you get points for matching the colors of buildings, walls & towers to a rotating set of cards that you hold in your hand. I give it 4 pips out of 6. I would play when asked and suggest from time to time.
  • To Court the King (Rio Grande Games) - Another variation on Yahtzee, but an entertaining one nonetheless. I tend to enjoy dice games, but don’t thrive on them. A light filler that I will play on occasion. 3 pips for this one.
  • Mr. Jack (Hurrican) - A 2-player specific game reminiscent of Scotland Yard where one player knows which character is Mr. Jack while the other player attempts to deduce this information through watching the Mr. Jack player's moves and attempting to arrange the pieces on the board to assist in his discovery. I enjoyed the game, but not as much as many others that I saw play it. It is much tougher for Mr. Jack in this game than for Mr. X in Scotland Yard, I think though. Medium-light in nature. I would both play when asked and occasionally suggest. 4 pips.
  • Qwirkle (Mindware) - Think of it as Scrabble for non-word people or a mix between Set & Scrabble. The pieces in this game are big and heavy and have a nice feel. Even as a word person and one who enjoys scrabble, I found Qwirkle entertaining. Basically, you make "words" out of colored symbols. The maximum length of a "word" is 6 tiles, which earns you a Qwirkle (worth 12 points). I managed to squeak out a win in the game I played, so that helps a bit. A game I would both play when asked and suggest. 5 pips for this one.
  • Tannhauser (Fantasy Flight Games) - I wanted to love this game. I really, really did. A big, cool looking box, cyber-Nazis, an array of physical and magic (mental) weaponry. How can it go wrong? I don't really know, but it somehow did. Granted, I would have to play it in story mode to give it a fair shake, but I really didn't enjoy the deathmatch style game that I played. It just felt like a why-not-play-a-standard-miniatures-game-? situation. For those that don't play miniatures games (such as Warhammer, Battletech, etc.), it might not be so painful, but for those of us who have, the movement restrictions in the game were painful. It's a game that I would be hesitant to play if asked and likely not to suggest. On an unfair single play of the game, I have to rate it 2 pips as I really didn't enjoy the experience.
  • Caylus Magna Carta (Rio Grande Games) - Another great translation of board game to card game (or so I am told by reliable sources since I have yet to try Caylus itself). I really enjoyed this game and it has several neat mechanics. It has a nice Puerto Rico multiple strategies might work feel. Even taking a significant beating in the game, I still really want to give it another go. Definitely would play when asked and suggest. 5 pips - might works its way up to 6 with additional plays.
  • Mykerinos (Rio Grande Games) - This game has been around awhile and I had been curious to give it a try. The opportunity presented itself and I jumped in. Glad I did. The basic gist is that you are performing an archaeological dig and presenting your finds in a museum. Yeah, sounds boring, but the game play was pretty neat. You have several card characters that you vie for, each with special attributes that help you throughout the game. It is another game in which multiple strategies appear to be available but, at least in the game I played, it appears to have a bit of a kingmaker problem at endgame. Even so, I enjoyed the game and would definitely be interested in playing again. On my single play of it, I give it 4 pips.
  • Before the Wind (Mayfair Games) - I always want to call this game Breaking the Wind. I can't resist. I've had the opportunity to play this game twice now. My first play was on very little sleep and I'd say I had an idea of what was going on at about the 1/2 way point in the game. The 2nd play was definitely much better on more rest and having had an opportunity to play through it once. The theme is relatively uninteresting - collecting goods and then shipping them away. The mechanics, however, make the game involving for all players through pretty much the entirety. I have heard complaints about the red cards (ones that you can hold in your hand for later play), but I don't necessarily share the opinion. If you find particular cards more valuable, it simply forces you to adjust your finances accordingly. Still, it doesn't mean that someone can't get lucky at the right time and get a powerful card for cheap, so I can lend some credence to the argument. In any case, I enjoy the game and would both play when asked and suggest. 4 pips.

Well, here's hoping I can be sure to post with some level of regularity and that these posts are of any value to the readers. Let me know one way or another by dropping a message to AFnG@AllFunNGames.com .


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

World Wide D&D Game Day 2007

World Wide D&D Game Day 2007!

Date: Saturday, November 3, 2007
Start Time: 5:00 PM
Event Category: Entertainment

We will have multiple gaming tables set up with pre-generated characters. We will be give away special promotional miniatures, campaign cards, and other cool stuff too just for coming out to this FREE event. We will have 30 seats available for this special gaming event, you may pre-register for the event by either calling or emailing us.

If you would like to volunteer as a DM please let us know!

HeroScape Tournament Rules - 9/29/07

This system is based upon a Swiss style format, which basically states that players play a certain pre-determined set of rounds (games). As much as possible, players of comparable strength are paired up with no player playing the same opponent twice.

After the 5 rounds have passed, there will be enough criteria formed to allow for winners to be announced in a friendly setting, or to advance a set of top players, usually to a single elimination final.

Before the tournament begins, each player will fill out a ScoreCard. The card should be filled out with personal information in the appropriate blanks on the front, and their army details (which units, how many, number of points) should be written on the back. Once the preliminary details are filled out, the cards are turned back in to the tournament coordinators.

Overall Tournament Info

  • Tournament Date: September 29, 2007

  • Begins at 10:30, ends at 6:00

  • Entry fee is $5, will go towards gift certificate from All Fun & Games.

  • There will be 5 rounds, 1 hour each

  • Total army size is 500 pts.

Overall Rules for Gameplay:

  • All gameplay rules from Heroscape’s Master Game will be enforced. New rules from the Swarm of the Marro master set will be enforced. (The major difference here is that double-hex based figures can rotate without using an extra move.) Manuals will be provided for any questions on master game rules.

  • Maps will be selected from the 10 maps used at GenCon 2007 based on available sets for construction and previous playtesting.

How the tournament will procede:

In the first round, the tournament coordinator (TC) will randomly shuffle the scorecards. Picking from the top, the TC will assign players to a specific map to play at random. Players will be paired up by the order they are drawn in the stack of scorecards.

After each round is finished, the players will fill out their scorecards appropriately (see Scoring section). The TC will then arrange the cards so that the players with the most wins/highest score are at the top of the scorecard stack, so players with the highest scores play each other, and this is carried down throughout the stack.

If two players are randomly placed and yet have already played each other previously, then simply switch one player with the next card on the stack so that players are able to play new opponents each round.

Final tabulations:

The TC organizes the cards first by W/L. Any players with the same W/L are then ranked by SoS points with the higher SoS points getting ranked higher. If there are still any ties, then the player with the higher amount of Losing Points will be ranked higher. If by some random freak occurance there are still any ties to be broken, roll a D20 with the higher roller being ranked higher.


After each round, the scorecard should be filled out before turning it in to the TC.

Once seated at a table with an opponent players will need to fill in the name of the opponent in the space marked with the number of the current round. Once a game is over players place a check mark in the box marked Win if they won and Loss if they lost. If a player loses a game he must also write in the number of points of his opponent’s army that he destroyed in that game in the spot titled Losing Points. If this is not the players first loss he will add his Losing points to the previous losing points total so that his sum of losing points is obvious.

***Losing Points will be scored by full pt value on a card. This means that if a 3 member squad card has at least 1 figure left on the board, it still counts as the total point value being left on the board. This is done for simplicity (math is hard)****

Each time a player is paired with another and a game is played repeat the above process, so that at the end of the tourney you should have a clear understanding of:

Your W/L ratio
Your total of Losing Points
A list of all the players you played

After The last game of the tourney, turn in your card to the TC. The TC will calculate your SOS score based on who you played, and how many wins the people you played have. This will be your SoS score. SoS score is determined by adding 1 for each win a player has, and .5 for each tie.

For example,

So at the end of the tourney when figuring your SoS, if you played a game against an opponent who had 3 wins, 1 tie, and 1 loss, you would add 3.5 to your SoS score.

So at this point you have established three sets of values: Your W/L ratio, your SoS, and a number representing your Losing Points.

Additional Tournament Rules:


If there are an uneven number of players then one player will be chosen and awarded a bye each round. The first round, this player will be randomly chosen, the second and subsequent rounds, the player with the lowest ranking (judged by W/L and Losing Points) will be awarded the bye

Instead of an opponent, write the word Bye in the space provided and a check mark in the win box

When calculating SoS points at the end of the tourney, the Win points of your Bye opponent, is your own win number, as if you had played against yourself and won.

Game Ties

If a game goes to time, and both players have the same amount of points left, the game ends in a draw. Neither player is considered a losing player so no losing points are scored. Place a check in the tie column. Ties count as .5 points when figuring SoS. So at the end of the tourney when figuring your SoS, if you played a game against an opponent who had 3 wins, 1 tie, and 1 loss, you would add 3.5 to your SoS score.

Drop outs

If you are going to figure your SoS and you discover an opponent you won against has dropped out, consider his win number to be the greater of either "2" or the actual number of wins that player obtained prior to dropping out

Losing Score Notes

Undropped Airborne Elite / Unsummoned Rechets of Bogdan
If you lose the game and your opponent has undropped AE, points for the AE are NOT added to your Losing Score since you did not destroy them. Same treatment for unsummoned Rechets.

A.) If you Mindshackle an opposing unit but you lose the game, the Mindshackled unit (whether finally destroyed or still alive at time expiration) DOES count toward your Losing Score, since you "effectively destroyed" your opponent's unit by turning it against him.

B.) If your own unit is Mindshackled by the opponent and you lose the game, you do NOT get credit to your Losing Score if during the game you destroy your own Mindshackled unit. It was not your opponent's to begin with, so your destroying it does not count as damage to your opponent's army.

Soul Devour (Shades of Bleakewoode)
A.) Units whose Souls are Devoured are treated like Mindshackled units, above.

B.) A Shade itself is destroyed when it succeeds with Soul Devour. If you lose the game, but a unit of enemy Shades was destroyed, you DO count the Shades toward your Losing Score (regardless of HOW they were destroyed).

Schedule for Tournament:

10:30 am – Arrive, fill out your scorecards and be ready to go!

11:00am – 12:00am First Round

12:15am – 1:15pm Second Round

1:15pm – 2:00pm Lunch

2:15pm – 3:15pm Third Round

3:30pm – 4:30pm Fourth Round

4:45pm – 5:45pm Fifth Round

6:00pm Winners announced, Prizes distributed.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

North Carolina Game Day XIV

Saturday, September 22nd. 9:00am - 8:00pm

Where: North Carolina State University. Talley Student Center

The North Carolina Gameday is a free tri-annual event held at NC State University in Raleigh. The event is sponsored by ENWorld, Dark Horizon, and GAMER and offers a wide variety of gaming: roleplaying games, board games, war games, and collectible card games.

The Gameday is a great way to meet local gamers and ENWorld gamers from around the country!

Sign up to participate in the North Carolina Game Day by visiting their website at: http://ncgameday.dhorizon.org/index.php

All participants of the North Carolina Game Day will receive a coupon for All Fun & Games, so sign up today!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

D&D Miniatures: Desert of Desolation Prerelease Event

Saturday, October 27. 12:30pm

Entry Fee:

Tournament Structure:
Sealed (limited) Booster Event with 200-point warbands using the Assault scenario rules. Warbands are built from two Desert of Desolation booster packs. No faction rules apply.

Assault Scenario
You must assault enemy territory and maneuver to keep your opponent’s warband out of your territory.

Victory goes to the first player to score victory points equal to the warband limit: 200 points in a 200-point game.

There are two ways to score victory points.
• Eliminating enemy creatures: As in the standard scenario, you score victory points equal to the cost of each eliminated model.

• Occupying at least one tile in the enemy’s half of the board: At the end of each round of a 200-point game, if a player has one or more models on a terrain tile that is entirely on the opponent’s half of the board, that player is awarded 10 victory points. Each player can earn up to 10 victory points each round in this way, but never more than 10 in one round. A model that takes up multiple squares is considered to be on a terrain tile if any part of the model is on that tile.

Rounds will be a maximum length of 60 minutes.

Each participant receives a Warhorse alternate-paint mini (while supplies last).

Starro the Conqueror-- HeroClix Event. Sat, Sept. 22- Sat, Oct. 20

Saturday, Sept. 22nd- Requires a purchase of two (2) sealed booster packs of DC HeroClix:
Justice League
. Following the conclusion of this event, each registered participant will receive a special Aquaman game piece which can be used in subsequent weeks of the Starro the Conqueror Event. The champion of this event will receive a "bye" for the first round of the Starro Attacks! tournament on October 20th.

Saturday, Sept. 29th- Rules are the same as above, except all registered participants will receive a special Flash game piece.

Saturday, Oct. 6th- Rules are the same as above, except all registered participants will receive a special Green Arrow game piece.

Saturday, Oct. 13th- Rules are the same as above, except all registered participants will receive a special Green Lantern game piece.

Saturday, Oct. 20th- STARRO Attacks! a worldwide tournament where players will compete to win a STARRO THE CONQUEROR 2007 colossal figure.

Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Release Event

The event has been changed from October 14th to October 21st. Please mark your calendars.

Click here for more Event information.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Release Event

Sunday, October 21st. 11am - 6pm

All Fun & Games will be hosting a Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse Release Event. Come to participate in the massive demo battle or bring an Apocalypse force of your own to take on this different style of game.

For the Apocalypse bring-n-battle you may bring up to 3000 points made up from any Warhammer 40,000 army with a maximum of 1000 points of infantry models.

All Special Characters are allowed, as are any Forge World, Armorcast, or Vehicle/Monstrosity Design Rules units. VDR units and Monstrosities will have to be approved before they can be used.

All models that are VDR or Forge World must be strictly WYSIWYG. All other models must be assembled.

For rules questions and VDR approval contact Matt Plonski, resident mega battle nut and Apocalypse devotee, at

We will be raffling off $150 worth of prizes all day long. All participants in the Release Event will receive a ticket, and when called will be able to pick any prize from the table.

For more information contact Michael at All Fun and Games.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sanctioned Magic Gold Tier Sealed Deck Tournament

Saturday, September 15th. 12:00pm

Type: Santioned Sealed Deck Tournament

Fee: $25.00*


  • 5x 10th Edition Boosters
  • 30-Minute Deck Construction
  • 50-Minute Rounds
  • Use most current DCI Floor Rules
Special Prizes:
  • 1x Magic Duffle Bag awarded to 1st Place
  • 1x Lorwy Booster Display awarded to 1st Place, booster box will arrive after tournament has been reported to DCI and we will contact the 1st place winner when the booster display arrives.
  • 8x Magic Hats awarded to top-8 Finishers
  • 16x Gold Tier Deckboxes awarded to top-16 Finishers
  • 32x Classic Memory Lapse Foil Prom Cards to the first 32 registered players

*All Fees go toward prizes and products used in tournament

Modern RPG Day (New Date!!)

Sunday, September 9th. 12pm-6pm

The Modern RPG Day originally scheduled for August 19th has been moved to Sunday, September 9th. This special modern-themed RPG day will feature the Modern Floorplans Products from Fabled Environments. The game systems will include D20 Modern, Shadowrun, and Savage Worlds with 6-seats per table. Pre-generated characters will be provided.

If you are interested in signing up to play in one of these listed games, please call the store at (919) 468-6322 and let us know.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament

Sunday, October 14th. 9:00am

Cost: $5. Maximum of 32 Participants, pre-registering and payment is advised.

Time: Check-in begins at 8:30. 1st round begins at 9am sharp.

Description: Our first ever Warhammer Fantasy Team Tournament! The best part: you have no idea who your teammate will be. We’ll be randomly assigning teams the morning of the tournament. So no need for the ultra competitive tournament lists, just bring something fun to play and play against.

Games: 3 games, 2 ½ hours per game. We will be using GW GT scenarios.

Rules: The morning of the tournament you will be randomly teamed with another player. You must build an 1125 point army using the following rules:

  • No more than 2 characters. No lords. No more than 1 level 2 wizard (you may have a 2nd wizard but they can only be 1st level, or you may have 2 1st level wizards).
  • Core: 2+
  • Special: 2 or less
  • Rare: 1 or less
  • No more than 2 chariots
  • No more than 2 warmachines
  • Truthsayer, Dark Emissary, and Asarnil the Dragon Lord are not allowed.
  • Vampire Counts: Requirement for a spellcasting general is waived.
  • Brettonians: BSB requirement is waived.
  • Dogs of War: Paymaster requirement is waived.
  • Army Marshall: The Marshall of the combined forces will be the general with the highest leadership. Marshall’s grant +1 CR to combats within 12”. In all other respects the Marshall counts as the army’s general.
  • Battle Standard Bearers: Only one BSB may be used per alliance. The team must decide on which BSB is used at the beginning of the tournament and cannot change this choice between games.
  • Dispel Dice: Each team gets a base of 2 dispel die (4 if one team member is playing Dwarves).
  • The same army must be used for each battle.
  • No other list restrictions other than your roster must always be chosen from the same book/list and must be of the most recent book available to your army.
  • Any special character requirement a list may have is waived.
  • Battle Point Scoring: Wins are worth 5pts, Draws 3pts, Losses 1pt.
  • Each scenario will have bonus points.

Other Rules and Notes:

  • Wood Elf players may not place their extra wood for any battle.
  • Clan Eshin may not use the “Night Fighting” rules.
  • Armies do not have to be painted.
  • There will be loaner armies available for those without an army, at least 2 Empire, 2 Lizardman, and 1 ogre army.

Terrain: Each table will have the terrain pre set-- it is not to be moved.

  • Forests, hills, and buildings are infinitely tall.
  • All hills are considered to be on the same level and thus block line of sight for each other.
  • Buildings are impassable.

Sportsmanship Scoring: These questions will determine your opponent’s sportsmanship score. Each is worth 1pt.

Answer Yes or No to each question.
1. Did you have fun playing this opponent?
2. Would you play this opponent again?
3. Were any rules issues handled in a reasonable fashion?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

2007 Warhammer 40,000 Fall Tournament

Sunday, September 23rd. 11am-6pm

Arrive between 10:00am and 10:30am, so we can get the pairings ready and check army lists. Do not be late.

Fee: $18.00 for early registration, $20.00 the day of tournament. This fee is per person. When signing up for the tournament you will need to list the army you are using along with your phone number. We can accept credit cards over the phone if you do not have the opportunity to come in and pay your fee early. The more participants that show, the better the prize payout.

1. This tournament is a team tournament. You choose a partner, and together you work as a team , building the army and battling your opponent. An army of 2000pts is what you need together. This means that as a team, following the same FOC, both of your armies will count as one.
EXAMPLE. Bob and Tom are a team. They use Necrons. Bob will take a Necron Lord and one squad of troops and Tom will take the other squad of troops. Then they finish off the army with what they have, to get to 2000 pts.
You will move as a team, shoot as a team, and assault as a team. Try to pair up with someone who has the same army as you. As an example, Necrons fighting along side Eldar does not work. If you have to proxy, have it make sense, and let your opponents know what is what.

2. Special characters and forge-world models will be allowed, but not forge world rules.

3. Armies must follow all restrictions from their own codex. You must keep the same rules, patrons, etc. through the whole event. If you need to proxy any model, make sure your opponent knows what is what. You must bring the rules you are using for your army. You also must bring your own dice, ruler, any templates you need, super glue, and a copy of your army list. We've had problems in the past with computer generated lists, (The Forge Army Generator, etc.). If you choose to use these programs, make sure to manually recalculate based on Codex point listing for your final list.

4. There will be three scenarios (they will be announced before each battle), which will take no more than 2 hours to set up and play. When time is called, you will finish the round you are on and hand over your score sheet. No additional time will be provided. This is a one day event. There will be a 30 minute break for lunch after the 2nd round ends.

5. If there is a tie for first place, the two players will have a final battle to determine the winner, on a seperate day. There will be a prize awarded to Best Sportsmanship.

6. There will also be a painting contest for Single model, all participants may enter one model for us to judge in the painting contest. The model must be purchased through the store after the 1st of June, so bring a receipt for proof.

Modern RPG Day

Sunday, August 19th. 12pm-6pm

We will be hosting a special modern-themed RPG day featuring the Modern Floorplans Products from Fabled Environments. The game systems will include D20 Modern, Shadowrun, and Savage Worlds with 6-seats per table. Pre-generated characters will be provided.

If you are interested in signing up to play in one of these listed games, please call the store at (919) 468-6322 and let us know.

Warhammer Fantasy Mini-Brawl Tournament

Sunday, August 12th. 9am-5pm

Check in begins at 8:30am, games start promptly at 9:00am. Three 2.5 hours games will be played throughout the day

: $15.00. 20 spots are available so register soon!

2250 Point Army Tournament.

* All army lists will be checked for validity. Please either submit a copy of your list after you sign up at the store (at least 3 days prior to the event) to stenulf1@earthlink.net (word or pdf format) prior to the tournament or have an extra copy of your list ready at check-in.

*No list restrictions other than your roster must always be chosen from the same book/list and must be of the most recent book available to your army.

* Any special character requirement a list may have is waived.

* Thorek gets 1 re-roll per game.

* No Over the Top armies please!

Coming of Galactus HeroClix Event. Sat, July 14th - Sat. Aug 11th

Saturday, July 14th- This sealed event requires a purchase of two (2) booster packs of Marvel HeroClix: Avengers. Following the conclusion of this event, the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Silver Surfer game piece which can be used in subsequent weeks of the Coming of Galactus World HeroClix Event. The champion of this event will receive a "bye" for the first round of the Coming of Galactus Championship event on August 11th, where players will compete to win a Galactus 2007 colossal figure.

Saturday, July 21st- Rules are the same as July 14th except the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Terrax the Tamer game piece.

Saturday, July 28th- Rules are the same as July 14th except the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Firelord game piece.

Saturday, August 4th- Rules are the same as July 14th except the first 10 registered participants will receive a special Stardust game piece.

Saturday, August 11th- Retail locations worldwide will celebrate the 5th Anniversary of HeroClix with the exciting final week of the Coming of Galactus World HeroClix Event.

This event requires a purchase of two (2) sealed booster packs of Marvel HeroClix: Avengers, from which a player will build a 300 point team. Any Herald of Galactus figure (Silver Surfer, Terrax the Tamer, Stardust, Firelord) received in a previous week of the Coming of Galactus World HeroClix Event may be included as a part of a valid tournament build.

Following the conclusion of this event, the event Champion will receive a Galactus 2007 Colossal Figure.