Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Product Arrivals 4/29 – 5/5



*Board Games*

              Talisman: the Dungeon Expansion        


*Card Games*

Zombies 8 Jailbreak


*Collectible Card Games & Accessories*

    Alara Reborn Boosters (Friday)

    Alara Reborn Fat Packs(Friday)

    Alara Reborn Intro Decks (Friday)

    Alara Reborn Singles (Friday)


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Assorted Reaper Miniatures



    Level Up Magazine #1




*Board Games*

    10 Days in Asia

    10 Days in Europe

    10 Days in the USA


    Carcassonne Inns & Cathedrals

    Carcassonne The Count

    Carcassonne King & Scout

    Carcassonne The River 2

    Carcassonne The Tower


    Lost Cities Board Game

Runebound 2nd Edition

    Settlers of Catan Seafarers Expansion

    Tally Ho




*Card Games*


    Five Crowns

            Fluxx 4.0

    Killer Bunnies

    Mille Bornes


    Munchkin 2 Unnatural Axe

    Munchkin 3 Clerical errors

    Munchkin 4 Need for Steed

    Munchkin 5 DeRanged

    Munchkin 6 Demented Dungeons

    Munchkin 7 More Good Cards



    Settlers of Catan Card Game



    Zombies!!! 2nd edition

    Zombie Fluxx


*Collectible Card Games & Accessories*

            Assorted Deck Sleeves and Boxes


*Role-play & Accessories*

    D&D Assorted Power Cards

    D&D Martial Heroes 2           

    D&D Player's Handbook 2

Alara Reborn Launch Party & League Information

5/2/09 Alara Reborn Launch Party: Sealed Deck

-Sealed Deck 12 Noon

  • Product Mix 3x Shards of Alara Boosters & 3x Alara Reborn Boosters
  • $30.00
  • Knight of the New Alara Promo cards to the first 48 Players

5/2/09 Alara Reborn Lanuch Party: Booster Draft

-Booster Draft 6:30PM

  • Product Mix 1x Shards of Alara Booster & 2 Alara Reborn Boosters
  • $16.00
  • Knight of the New Alara Promo cards to the first 48 Players


Alara Reborn LEAGUE PLAY (Alara Block: Shards, Conflux, & Reborn)

LEAGUE FEE:  $1.00
+ The cost of 3x Shards of Alara Boosters and 3x Alara Reborn Boosters


  • ANY Players from the Release tournament may use the card pool they received during the tournament as their league deck!  If you did not play in the release tournament and would still like to join in league play.  You may purchase 3x Shards of Alara Boosters and 3x Alara Reborn Boosters. IF you are un-satisfied with your card pool you may completely re-buy your pool of cards, but any league games that have been played will still count towards your over-all score. When re-buying your card pool, it must consist of at least 3x Shards of Alara boosters.
  • You must register your deck when signing up for League play.
  • All Players will have a card list which will be updated after each new pack is purchased and kept on file in the store.
  • Adding Boosters to your card pool:  You may choose to add an additional booster the day league begins!  The listed dates below are when you may choose to purchase additional boosters to your card pool beginning:
    • Saturday 5/2/09
    • Saturday 5/9/09
    • Saturday 5/16/09
    • Saturday 5/23/09
    • Saturday 5/30/09 LAST DAY OF LEAGUE, no additional boosters maybe added
  • Wednesdays, Fridays, & Saturdays starting at 4:00PM are the official league days. If you would like to play on any other day, please call to reserve your space.
  • League Decks will be kept at the store until the League has been completed.  Each player will receive a card box with their name on it.  We will hold your cards for up to 1 month after the league is finished.
  • Players are responsible for returning their league boxes to an employee.  If the your league cards are left in the game room, you are tempting fate.
  • Anyone caught cheating (inserting cards, etc.) will be dropped from the league and banned from the store for 6 months.
  • Players can play as many matches in a week as they wish, but only the first 6 matches in a week will count.  If you do not play all 6 matches in a week those matches can be carried over into the next week.  Example:  You can wait until the last week and play 24 games.  Also, you can only the same opponent 2 times in 1 week.
  • Players are responsible for filling out the result entry slips that are provided and placing them in the bowl so labeled.  Entry slips must be signed and dated for them to be valid.  If the information is not listed on the result sheet that game WILL NOT be included into your score.
  • When players win a match, they will receive 2 tick marks for their score and a loss will result in 1 tick mark for their score.  All monies will go towards prizes and kits. Foil Promo Cards awards as follows: 8 tick marks (Path to Exile), 16 tick Marks (Hellspark Elemental), 24 tick marks (Path to exile), 32 tick marks (Hellspark elemental), 40 tick marks (Path to Exile), 48 tick Marks (Hellspark Elemental), while supplies last. Prizes will include New Mana Decks Boxes and foil play sets.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Product Arrivals 4/15 – 4/21



*Board Games*



    Dice Town



*Casino/Playing Cards & Accessories*

    Official Mah Jong Cards


*Collectible Card Games& Accessories* 

    MTG Divine vs. Demonic Duel Decks

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Crimson Crisis Special Edtiton Box


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Hordes Circle Orboros Stoneward & Woldstalkers




*Board Games*

    Call of Cthulhu Arkham Horror

    Call of Cthulhu Curse of the Dark Pharaoh Expansion

    Carcassonne Cult/Siege/Create Expansion

    Carcassonne Inns & Cathedrals

    Carcassonne The Count Expansion


    Race for the Galaxy

    Race for the Galaxy Gathering Storm

    Settlers of Catan    

Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Expansion

Wits & Wagers


*Card Games*

    Bag O'Munchkins

Feed the Kitty

    Fluxx 4.0

    Good, Bad & the Munchkin


    Monty Python Fluxx


    Munchkin 2 Unnatural Axe

    Munchkin 4 Need for Steed

    Munchkin Bites

    Munchkin Bites 2 Pants Macabre

    Munchkin Blender

    Munchkin Booty

    Munchkin Cthulhu

    Munchkin Fu

    Munchkin Impossible

Rat-a-Tat Cat

    Sleeping Queens

    Star Munchkin

    Star Munchkin 2 Clown Wars

    Super Munchkin

    Super Munchkin 2 Narrow S Cape

    Zombie Fluxx


*Collectible Card Games & Accessories*

    Assorted Card Sleeves

World of Warcraft Drums of War Boosters           


*Miniatures & Accessories*

40K Assault on Black Reach

40K Chaos Space Marines

40K Chaos Space Marine Terminators 

40K Eldar Guardians

40K Necron Warriors

40K Ork Boyz

40K Space Marine Codex

40K Space Marine Tactical Squad

40K Space Marine Terminators

40K Tau Crisis Suit

40K Tau Fire Warriors

    40K Tau Hammerhead

    40K Tau Sky Ray

    40K Tyranid Broodlord

40K Tyranid Gaunts

    40K Tyranid Ravenors

    40K Tyrant Guard

Assorted Citadel Paints

    Assorted Hordes Miniatures

    Assorted Warmachine Miniatures

    D&D Dungeons of Dread Boosters

    Heroscape Castle/Tower Wall Pack

    Monsterpocalypse I Chomp NY Monster Boosters

    Monsterpocalypse I Chomp NY Unit Boosters

    WH Champion of Chaos

    WH Chaos Warriors RegimenT

    WH Dwarf Regiment

    WH Dark Elf Regiment

    WH Empire State Troops

    WH High Elf Regiment

    WH High Elf Swordmasters of Hoeth

    WH Lizardmen Armies

    WH Lizardmen Saurus Regiment

    WH Ogre Kingdoms Bulls Regiment

    WH Ogre Kingdoms Maneaters

    WH Orc Regiment

    WH Skaven Clanrats Regiment

    WH Tomb King Skeleton Warriors

    WH Vampire Counts Crypt Ghouls

    WH Vampire Counts Necromancers

    WH Vampire Counts Regiment

    WH Vampire Counts Winged Vampire Lord

    WH Wood Elves Spellsingers


*Role-play & Accessories*

Assorted Opaque Polyhedral Dice Sets

    Assorted Translucent Polyhedral Dice Sets

D&D Dungeon Tiles: Caves of Carnage

    D&D Dungeon Tiles: Fane of the Forgotten gods

    D&D Dungeon tiles: Lost Caverns

    D&D Power Cards: Ranger

    GM Basic Flip Mat

Star Wars Gamemasters Screen

    Water Soluble Mat Marker Set

40K Summer Tournament

AF&G Summer 40K Tournament

May 30th


  • Bring in a 1500-point army list, and you can't go over, not even by 1 point. You must have 3 legible copies of your army list (preferably typed). One is for the Judge, one is for you, and one is for the opponent to go over, in case there are any questions. All models must be assembled, and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). No proxies allowed.


  • The first round starts at 11AM, so you must be here before 10:45 AM to sign up. Registration starts at 10AM.


  • There will be 3 rounds, and each round will be 2 ½ hours long. This includes set up. Each scenario will be handed out prior to time starting before each round. Terrain will already be set up prior to the tournament. No player is allowed to move the terrain. If you are caught doing so, points will be deducted from your scores.


  • There will also be a painting contest, but the model must have been purchased through All Fun & Games after March 1st, and you must bring the receipt to prove it. The model can be any single model, size does not matter.

The fee is $8 for any one who pre-registers, and $10 for registering the day of the tournament.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Product Arrivals 4/8 – 4/14


*Card Games*


*Miniatures & Accessories*

      Assorted Descent Miniatures

    Assorted Reaper Miniatures         


*Board Games*

    Animeeples Deluxe Euro Token Expansion

    Animeeples Wooden Farmer Expansion


Carcassonne Abbey & Mayor

Carcassonne Cult/Siege/Create Expansion

Carcassonne Hunters & Gatherers

Carcassonne Inns & Cathedrals

Carcassonne Princess & Dragon

Carcassonne The New World

Memoir '44

Munchkin Quest

Munchkin Quest 2 Looking for Trouble

Race for the Galaxy

Race for the Galaxy Gathering Storm

Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan Cities & Knights

Settlers of Catan Cities & Knights 5-6 Player Expansion

Settlers of Catan Traders & Barbarians

Shadows over Camelot

Ticket to Ride

*Card Games*


    Circus Flochati


    Frank' Zoo



Monty Python Fluxx

    Munchkin Cthulhu

    Munchkin D10 Dice Set

Munchkin 5 Deranged

Munchkin 6 Demented Dungeons

Munchkin 7 More Good Cards

Munchkin Cthulhu 2 Call of Cowthulhu

Munchkin Cthulhu 3 Unspeakable Vault

    Settlers of Catan


*Collectible Card Games & Accessories*

    Assorted Ultra Pro Solid Card Sleeves

    Assorted Ultra Pro Deck Boxes

    Pokémon Platinum Boosters

    Stor-Safe 100 Count Card Boxes

    Yu-Gi-Oh! Spellcasters Structure Deck           

*Miniatures & Accessories*

40K Assault on Black Reach Starter

    40K Apocalypse Reload

    40K Chaos Space Marines

    40K Chaos Space Marine Terminators

    40K Eldar Dire Avengers

    40K Eldar Guardians

    40K Eldar Wave Serpent

    40K IG Cadian Heavy Weapon Team

    40K IG Baneblade

    40K Necron Warriors

    40K Ork Boyz

    40K Ork Burnas & Lootas

    40K Space Marine Chaplain with Jump Pack

    40K Space Marine Codex

    40K Space Marine Drop Pods

    40K Space Marine Tactical Squad

    40K Space Marine Terminators

    40K Tau Crisis Suit

    40K Tau Fire Warriors

    40K Tyranid Gaunts

    Assorted Citadel Paints

    Assorted Glues

    Citadel Templates

    Chessex Counter Tray

    Hordes Legions of Everblight Warpack

    Hordes Skorne Warpack

    LOTR Easterlings

    LOTR Fighting Uruk-hai

    LOTR Mines of Moria

    LOTR Mines of Moria Paint Set

    LOTR Mordor Orcs

    LOTR Riders of Rohan 

    LOTR Warg Riders

    LOTR Warriors of Last Alliance          

    LOTR Warriors of Minas Tirith

    LOTR Wood Elves

    Monsterpocalypse Rise Starter Set

    Warmachine Cryx Battlegroup

    Warmachine Prime Remix

*Role-play & Accessories*

    Assorted Frosted Polyhedral Dice Sets

Assorted Opaque Polyhedral Dice Sets

    Assorted Translucent Polyhedral Dice Sets

    Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition

    Changeling the Lost

    Dark Heresy

    Dark Heresy Creatures Anathema

    Shadowrun Runners Companion

    World of Darkness


WH 40K Team League 5/4/09 – 7/26/09

-Every mission will be 2000 points and you team up with a partner (so each person will bring in 1000 points). You are not allowed to go over, not even by 1 point. You can choose a partner from one of our fine players when you walk in on League Night, or have a partner before you come in. You don't have to play with the same person twice. All missions will be the standard missions in the 5th Edition 40K Rulebook, and you will use the charts to decide which mission and deployment you will use (pages 90-93). That's right, this is an open league, and you decide on which missions will be played.


- Each player uses their own Force Organization, no sharing. We are requiring players to come in with an army list ready to go, so other players don't have to wait while the other team gets ready. Special rules only apply to your own army, not your ally's.

    (EX: If a Space Marine player teams up with Necron player, and he has Shrike. Only the Space Marine player will have Fleet, not the Necron player. )

    The same applies for transports, drop pods, banners, etc.


-The league starts on the 4th of May and ends the 26th of July.  Winners will be decided by wins and losses, then if there are any ties, by battle points. Make sure to fill out all of the information on the result slips. If you don't they will not count. Each team can fill out one slip, and make sure to put both team members name on it.


-12 Week League, $8 League Fee (Please make sure to pay your league fees before you play your first league game). The best of 6 games will win (per person).


-The more people that sign up, the more people will win. Sign ups start now.


-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space.  Monday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for 40K players to schedule your games.  Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm. Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm. If you plan to play a game on any day that is not Monday, you must call and reserve a space.


-All League games must be played in the store. 


-If you can't attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponents 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponents get an automatic win.


-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s.  If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponents. Paper is not allowed to be used as models.


-As new 40K Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league.  You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard). The Imperial Guard will use the NEW Codex. Make sure to have your own dice, ruler, and templates.


-As always there will be a Sportsmanship award.


Battle points will be determined as below:


Seize Ground: Massacre if you control 3 more objectives than your opponent

                        Major Victory if you control 2 more objectives than your opponent

                        Minor Victory if you control 1 more objective than your opponent.

                        Draw if neither controls more objectives than their opponent.


Annihilation: Massacre if a player has 8 more kill points than their opponent.

                    Major Victory if a player has 6 more kill points than their opponent.

                    Minor Victory if a player has 4 more kill points than their opponent.

                    Draw if neither player has 4 or more kill points than their opponent.


Capture & Control: Massacre if a player has control of both objectives and has more kill points opponent.

                       Major Victory if a player has both objectives and has less kill points than their opponent.

                               Minor Victory if neither player controls both objectives, but the player with the most kill points.

  Draw I neither player controls both objectives and both players have the same number of kill          points.

MTG Alara Reborn Pre-Release April 25th & 26th

Alara Reborn Pre-Release Info

*Personal items are kept to a minimum, no backpacks*

*Have your DCI Card ready, you can print a copy by logging on here: Dci Cards*

Saturday, April 25th


  • Open Dueling- product mix: 1 random Alara Reborn Intro Deck: 10 Seats available
  • $15.00


  • Sealed Deck –product mix: 3 Shards of Alara boosters and 3 Alara Reborn boosters per player: 72 Seats available
  • $30.00

*Lunch Break after Round 1


  • Booster Draft –product mix: 1 Shards of Alara booster, 1 Conflux booster and 1 Alara Reborn boosters per player.
  • $16.00

Sunday, April 26th


  • Open Dueling- product mix: 1 random Alara Reborn Intro Deck: 5 Seats available


  • Sealed Deck –product mix: 3 Shards of Alara boosters and 3 Alara Reborn boosters per player. 36 Seats available
  • $30.00

*Lunch Break after Round 1

12 Noon

  • Two-Headed Giant –product mix: 3 Shards of Alara boosters, 3 Conflux boosters and 2 Alara Reborn boosters per team.
  • $20.00 Per Player

***Due to Number of Players & Rounds for the Sealed deck during the Pre-Release we are using the following time limits***

Magic: The Gathering® DCI Floor Rules

Effective January 1, 2009

  1. Match Time Limits

    The required minimum time limit for any match is 40 minutes.

    (Deck Registration is not required for Pre-release events; TOTAL time listed will be used for deck construction)

    The following time limits are recommended for Limited tournaments:

  • Sealed Deck—20 minutes for deck registration and 30 minutes for deck construction
  • Draft—30 minutes for deck registration and construction
  • Team Sealed Deck—60 minutes for deck construction