Warhammer Fantasy 2-Day Campaign: Stomping Grounds 12/6 & 12/13, $2 Registration Fee (Prizes)
- Players will sign up for either Destruction or Order, and any neutral armies can select which side they want to fight for
- Day 1 will follow the rules for the linked battles on page 439-441 in the Warhammer Rulebook, with Destruction playing the Skaven scenario and order playing the Empire scenario
- Day 2 will be an as yet undetermined third scenario based on the results of day 1 (I'll think up two sample scenarios to apply to each result.)
- Wins are worth three points, draws are worth 2, losses are worth 1
- The side with the most Points at the end is the winner. Also, the player that accumulated the most kill points will receive the Master of Slaughter award.
- Each side will have a Best Sportsman award, and there will be a Best Paint Job Award.
Warhammer 40K Planetstrike 2-Day Campaign 12/6 & 12/13, $2 Registration Fee (Prizes)
- Each Player will decide whether they want to be the Attacker or Defender when they sign up, and in the case of an unbalanced number, we will make accommodations.
- Players will play a different scenario depending on who wins each scenario. Defenders will stay at the same table for all three games to keep the defensive set-up the same, but attackers will rotate every match.
- Each battlefield will have two bastions as objectives, so both players will receive 2 points to spend on stratagems.
- Winners will be determined by Kill Points in the case of a tie. The player that accumulates the most overall kill points over the course of the two days will receive the Mass Carnage award.
- Players go through three games, and will be paired according to Campaign points in a Swiss Format. Wins are worth three Campaign points, Draws are worth two, and losses are worth one.
- At the end of the second day, the side with the most overall campaign points (Attacker or Defender) will be declared the winner.
- There will also be a Best Sportsman award for both the Attackers and Defenders, as well as Best Paint Job.
- Scenario 1: Planetfall
- Scenario 2: Seek and Destroy OR Forlorn Hope
- Scenario 3: Planetquake OR Stranglehold OR Planetfall
- Scenario 1: Planetfall