Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
World Wide D&D Game Day 2007
Date: Saturday, November 3, 2007
Start Time: 5:00 PM
Event Category: Entertainment
We will have multiple gaming tables set up with pre-generated characters. We will be give away special promotional miniatures, campaign cards, and other cool stuff too just for coming out to this FREE event. We will have 30 seats available for this special gaming event, you may pre-register for the event by either calling or emailing us.
If you would like to volunteer as a DM please let us know!
HeroScape Tournament Rules - 9/29/07
This system is based upon a Swiss style format, which basically states that players play a certain pre-determined set of rounds (games). As much as possible, players of comparable strength are paired up with no player playing the same opponent twice.
After the 5 rounds have passed, there will be enough criteria formed to allow for winners to be announced in a friendly setting, or to advance a set of top players, usually to a single elimination final.
Before the tournament begins, each player will fill out a ScoreCard. The card should be filled out with personal information in the appropriate blanks on the front, and their army details (which units, how many, number of points) should be written on the back. Once the preliminary details are filled out, the cards are turned back in to the tournament coordinators.
Overall Tournament Info
Tournament Date: September 29, 2007
Begins at 10:30, ends at 6:00
Entry fee is $5, will go towards gift certificate from All Fun & Games.
There will be 5 rounds, 1 hour each
Total army size is 500 pts.
Overall Rules for Gameplay:
All gameplay rules from Heroscape’s Master Game will be enforced. New rules from the Swarm of the Marro master set will be enforced. (The major difference here is that double-hex based figures can rotate without using an extra move.) Manuals will be provided for any questions on master game rules.
Maps will be selected from the 10 maps used at GenCon 2007 based on available sets for construction and previous playtesting.
How the tournament will procede:
In the first round, the tournament coordinator (TC) will randomly shuffle the scorecards. Picking from the top, the TC will assign players to a specific map to play at random. Players will be paired up by the order they are drawn in the stack of scorecards.
After each round is finished, the players will fill out their scorecards appropriately (see Scoring section). The TC will then arrange the cards so that the players with the most wins/highest score are at the top of the scorecard stack, so players with the highest scores play each other, and this is carried down throughout the stack.
If two players are randomly placed and yet have already played each other previously, then simply switch one player with the next card on the stack so that players are able to play new opponents each round.
Final tabulations:
The TC organizes the cards first by W/L. Any players with the same W/L are then ranked by SoS points with the higher SoS points getting ranked higher. If there are still any ties, then the player with the higher amount of Losing Points will be ranked higher. If by some random freak occurance there are still any ties to be broken, roll a D20 with the higher roller being ranked higher.
After each round, the scorecard should be filled out before turning it in to the TC.
Once seated at a table with an opponent players will need to fill in the name of the opponent in the space marked with the number of the current round. Once a game is over players place a check mark in the box marked Win if they won and Loss if they lost. If a player loses a game he must also write in the number of points of his opponent’s army that he destroyed in that game in the spot titled Losing Points. If this is not the players first loss he will add his Losing points to the previous losing points total so that his sum of losing points is obvious.
***Losing Points will be scored by full pt value on a card. This means that if a 3 member squad card has at least 1 figure left on the board, it still counts as the total point value being left on the board. This is done for simplicity (math is hard)****
Each time a player is paired with another and a game is played repeat the above process, so that at the end of the tourney you should have a clear understanding of:
Your W/L ratio
Your total of Losing Points
A list of all the players you played
After The last game of the tourney, turn in your card to the TC. The TC will calculate your SOS score based on who you played, and how many wins the people you played have. This will be your SoS score. SoS score is determined by adding 1 for each win a player has, and .5 for each tie.
For example,
So at the end of the tourney when figuring your SoS, if you played a game against an opponent who had 3 wins, 1 tie, and 1 loss, you would add 3.5 to your SoS score.
So at this point you have established three sets of values: Your W/L ratio, your SoS, and a number representing your Losing Points.
Additional Tournament Rules:
If there are an uneven number of players then one player will be chosen and awarded a bye each round. The first round, this player will be randomly chosen, the second and subsequent rounds, the player with the lowest ranking (judged by W/L and Losing Points) will be awarded the bye
Instead of an opponent, write the word Bye in the space provided and a check mark in the win box
When calculating SoS points at the end of the tourney, the Win points of your Bye opponent, is your own win number, as if you had played against yourself and won.
Game Ties
If a game goes to time, and both players have the same amount of points left, the game ends in a draw. Neither player is considered a losing player so no losing points are scored. Place a check in the tie column. Ties count as .5 points when figuring SoS. So at the end of the tourney when figuring your SoS, if you played a game against an opponent who had 3 wins, 1 tie, and 1 loss, you would add 3.5 to your SoS score.
Drop outs
If you are going to figure your SoS and you discover an opponent you won against has dropped out, consider his win number to be the greater of either "2" or the actual number of wins that player obtained prior to dropping out
Losing Score Notes
Undropped Airborne Elite / Unsummoned Rechets of Bogdan
If you lose the game and your opponent has undropped AE, points for the AE are NOT added to your Losing Score since you did not destroy them. Same treatment for unsummoned Rechets.
A.) If you Mindshackle an opposing unit but you lose the game, the Mindshackled unit (whether finally destroyed or still alive at time expiration) DOES count toward your Losing Score, since you "effectively destroyed" your opponent's unit by turning it against him.
B.) If your own unit is Mindshackled by the opponent and you lose the game, you do NOT get credit to your Losing Score if during the game you destroy your own Mindshackled unit. It was not your opponent's to begin with, so your destroying it does not count as damage to your opponent's army.
Soul Devour (Shades of Bleakewoode)
A.) Units whose Souls are Devoured are treated like Mindshackled units, above.
B.) A Shade itself is destroyed when it succeeds with Soul Devour. If you lose the game, but a unit of enemy Shades was destroyed, you DO count the Shades toward your Losing Score (regardless of HOW they were destroyed).
Schedule for Tournament:
10:30 am – Arrive, fill out your scorecards and be ready to go!
11:00am – 12:00am First Round
12:15am – 1:15pm Second Round
1:15pm – 2:00pm Lunch
2:15pm – 3:15pm Third Round
3:30pm – 4:30pm Fourth Round
4:45pm – 5:45pm Fifth Round
6:00pm Winners announced, Prizes distributed.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
North Carolina Game Day XIV
Saturday, September 22nd. 9:00am - 8:00pm
Where: North Carolina State University. Talley Student CenterThe North Carolina Gameday is a free tri-annual event held at NC State University in Raleigh. The event is sponsored by ENWorld, Dark Horizon, and GAMER and offers a wide variety of gaming: roleplaying games, board games, war games, and collectible card games.
The Gameday is a great way to meet local gamers and ENWorld gamers from around the country!
All participants of the North Carolina Game Day will receive a coupon for All Fun & Games, so sign up today!!
Friday, September 14, 2007
D&D Miniatures: Desert of Desolation Prerelease Event
Entry Fee:
Tournament Structure:
Sealed (limited) Booster Event with 200-point warbands using the Assault scenario rules. Warbands are built from two Desert of Desolation booster packs. No faction rules apply.
Assault Scenario
You must assault enemy territory and maneuver to keep your opponent’s warband out of your territory.
Victory goes to the first player to score victory points equal to the warband limit: 200 points in a 200-point game.
There are two ways to score victory points.
• Eliminating enemy creatures: As in the standard scenario, you score victory points equal to the cost of each eliminated model.
• Occupying at least one tile in the enemy’s half of the board: At the end of each round of a 200-point game, if a player has one or more models on a terrain tile that is entirely on the opponent’s half of the board, that player is awarded 10 victory points. Each player can earn up to 10 victory points each round in this way, but never more than 10 in one round. A model that takes up multiple squares is considered to be on a terrain tile if any part of the model is on that tile.
Rounds will be a maximum length of 60 minutes.
Each participant receives a Warhorse alternate-paint mini (while supplies last).
Starro the Conqueror-- HeroClix Event. Sat, Sept. 22- Sat, Oct. 20

Saturday, Sept. 22nd- Requires a purchase of two (2) sealed booster packs of DC HeroClix:
Justice League. Following the conclusion of this event, each registered participant will receive a special Aquaman game piece which can be used in subsequent weeks of the Starro the Conqueror Event. The champion of this event will receive a "bye" for the first round of the Starro Attacks! tournament on October 20th.
Saturday, Sept. 29th- Rules are the same as above, except all registered participants will receive a special Flash game piece.
Saturday, Oct. 6th- Rules are the same as above, except all registered participants will receive a special Green Arrow game piece.
Saturday, Oct. 13th- Rules are the same as above, except all registered participants will receive a special Green Lantern game piece.
Saturday, Oct. 20th- STARRO Attacks! a worldwide tournament where players will compete to win a STARRO THE CONQUEROR 2007 colossal figure.
Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Release Event
Click here for more Event information.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Warhammer 40K Apocalypse Release Event
All Fun & Games will be hosting a Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse Release Event. Come to participate in the massive demo battle or bring an Apocalypse force of your own to take on this different style of game.
For the Apocalypse bring-n-battle you may bring up to 3000 points made up from any Warhammer 40,000 army with a maximum of 1000 points of infantry models.
All Special Characters are allowed, as are any Forge World, Armorcast, or Vehicle/Monstrosity Design Rules units. VDR units and Monstrosities will have to be approved before they can be used.
All models that are VDR or Forge World must be strictly WYSIWYG. All other models must be assembled.
For rules questions and VDR approval contact Matt Plonski, resident mega battle nut and Apocalypse devotee, at mplonski@nc.rr.com.
We will be raffling off $150 worth of prizes all day long. All participants in the Release Event will receive a ticket, and when called will be able to pick any prize from the table.