Friday, April 18, 2008

D&D Minis Constructed Qualifier!

2008 Dungeons & Dragons® Miniatures
Constructed Championship Series Fact Sheet

Event Date: Saturday, May 31st, 12:00 Noon

All players are eligible to compete in Championship Qualifier events.
Exception: Players who have previously won a D&D® Miniatures Championship Rewards package by placing first at a previous Qualifier Event may not participate in further Qualifier Events for the remainder of the Season. Other players may compete in a Qualifier Event if they already hold an invitation to the Championship but have not yet finished in first place. If an already qualified players finishes high enough to receive a second invitation, that invitation will not pass down to an unqualified player

Entry Fee: $15.00

· Assault format
· 200-point Constructed warbands
· Warband lists are required
· Check for Constructed-format rules

Tournament Length
· Swiss rounds - 60 minutes per round
· A minimum of 8 players are required to run a Qualifier
· Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:

(Number of
Attendance Swiss rounds )
8 (3)
9 - 16 (5)
17 - 32 (6)
33 - 64 (7)
65 - 128 (8)

All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
The top 4 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 4 single-elimination finals.
Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings.

24K, Competitive REL
All Universal Tournament Rules and D&D® Miniatures Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document
Players must bring pen, paper, battlemats, and appropriate counters.


- The top 2 players receive an invitation to compete in the 2008 Dungeons & Dragons® Miniatures Constructed Championship
- The winner of each Qualifier receives a Dungeons & Dragons® Miniatures Championship Rewards Package*
Top finishers win boosters of the most recent D&D® Miniatures expansion.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Grand Prix-St. Indianapolis Trial!

Grand Prix–St. Indianapolis Trials

Entry Fee: $25.00
TOURNAMENT DATE: Saturday, May 17th
Time: 12:00 NOON
· Swiss Rounds: Sealed Deck, Top 8: Booster Draft
· Sealed Deck Product: 1 Shadowmoor tournament pack, 2 Shadowmoor booster packs per player
· Booster Draft Product: 3 Shadowmoor booster packs per player
· Deck lists are required
· If product is not stamped or pre-registered, deck registration and deck swap will be performed for the Swiss Sealed Deck.

Tournament Length
· Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
· Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
Attendance Swiss rounds
8 Single Elim.
9 - 16 4
17 - 32 5
33 - 64 6
65 - 128 7
129 - 226 8
227 - 409 9
410 or higher 10

All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
The top 8 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 8 single-elimination finals.

Top 8
Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3
Top 8 matches will have no time limit
The Top 8 players will be seated randomly at the draft table immediately prior to drafting.
The Top 8 bracket will be determined using this random seating.
Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings.

24K, REL 2
All Universal Tournament Rules and Magic: the Gathering Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document
Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters.

§ At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Indianapolis is offered at each Trial.
§ Product prizes to be determined by the organizer

Registration Information
§ Players who want more specific local tournament or registration information should call their local contact phone number.
§ Players who have general questions about the Magic: The Gathering® trading card game, Wizards of the Coast, Inc., the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour, Arena™–The League for Magic: The Gathering, DCI players’ organization, Qualifier tournaments, the Magic® World Championships, National Championships, or Regionals should call Wizards of the Coast at (800) 324-6496, or send email to .

Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, DCI, Arena, and Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Shadowmoor Launch Party

(Formally known as the Release Event & League)
· Launch Parties will deliver a friendly, fun, social event that appeals to new and current Magic players. The Shadowmoor Release Tournament and League Play will be the two key formats associated with Shadowmoor Launch Parties
ENTRY FEE: $25.00 for the tournament
DATE: Saturday, May 3rd 2008
TIME: 12:00 Noon
· The structure for the Release Tournament is Sealed Deck. The tournament will be modified Swiss-style.
· Each player receives one Shadowmoor Tournament Pack and two Shadowmoor Boosters to build a 40-card minimum deck.
· The First 32-Players to check-in on day of tournament will receive a MTG Foil Promo.

LEAGUE FEE: $1.00 + The cost of one Shadowmoor Tournament deck and 2 Shadowmoor Boosters
· ANY Players from the Release tournament may use the card pool they received during the tournament as their league deck! If you did not play in the release tournament and would still like to join in league play. You may purchase one Shadowmoor Tournament deck and 2 Shadowmoor booster to create your league deck. IF you are un-satisfied with your card pool you may completely re-buy your pool of cards, but any league games that have been played will still count towards your over-all score.
· Adding Boosters to your card pool: You may choose to add an additional booster the day league begins! The listed dates below are when you may choose to purchase additional boosters to your card pool beginning:
1. Saturday 3/3/08
2. Saturday 3/10/08
3. Saturday 3/17/08
4. Saturday 3/24/08
5. Saturday 3/21/08 LAST DAY OF LEAGUE, no additional boosters maybe added
· The Official League Open Play Day from open to midnight will be Saturday. Players are also welcome to come in and play games on Wednesday and Friday. If you are coming to find a match please give us a call so we may let other league players know that you will be coming in, and we will make sure to save a table for you.
· League Decks will be kept at the store until the League has been completed. Each player will receive a card box with their name on it. We will hold your cards for up to 1 month after the league is finished.
· All Players will have a card list which will be updated after each new pack is purchased and kept on file in the store.
· Players are responsible for returning their league boxes to an employee. If the your league cards are left in the game room, you are tempting fate.
· Anyone caught cheating (inserting cards, etc.) will be dropped from the league and banned from the store for 6 months.
· Players can play as many matches in a week as they wish, but only the first 6 matches in a week will count. If you do not play all 6 matches in a week those matches can be carried over into the next week. Example: You can wait until the last week and play 24 games. Also, you can only the same opponent 2 times in 1 week.
· Players are responsible for filling out the result entry slips that are provided and placing them in the bowl so labeled. Entry slips must be signed and dated for them to be valid. If the information is not listed on the result sheet that game WILL NOT be included into your score.
· When players win a match, they will receive 2 tick marks for their score and a loss will result in 1 tick mark for their score. Special Foil Promo Play Sets will be awarded at the end of the league based on points and completed games.
· All monies will go towards prizes and kits.

Shadowmoor Midnight Madness!

ENTRY FEE: $16.00/Day of Event, $15.00 Pre-Registration
TIME: 11:59 PM Players will be seated and game play will commence at midnight.
· Booster Draft
· 3x Shadowmoor Boosters
· We are accepting pre-registration for the Midnight Booster Draft
· ALL Shadowmoor Products will be available for sale at 12:00 Midnight