2008 Dungeons & Dragons® Miniatures
Constructed Championship Series Fact Sheet
Event Date: Saturday, May 31st, 12:00 Noon
All players are eligible to compete in Championship Qualifier events.
Exception: Players who have previously won a D&D® Miniatures Championship Rewards package by placing first at a previous Qualifier Event may not participate in further Qualifier Events for the remainder of the Season. Other players may compete in a Qualifier Event if they already hold an invitation to the Championship but have not yet finished in first place. If an already qualified players finishes high enough to receive a second invitation, that invitation will not pass down to an unqualified player
Entry Fee: $15.00
· Assault format
· 200-point Constructed warbands
· Warband lists are required
· Check www.thedci.com for Constructed-format rules
Tournament Length
· Swiss rounds - 60 minutes per round
· A minimum of 8 players are required to run a Qualifier
· Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
(Number of
Attendance Swiss rounds )
8 (3)
9 - 16 (5)
17 - 32 (6)
33 - 64 (7)
65 - 128 (8)
All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
The top 4 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 4 single-elimination finals.
Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings.
24K, Competitive REL
All Universal Tournament Rules and D&D® Miniatures Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document
Players must bring pen, paper, battlemats, and appropriate counters.
- The top 2 players receive an invitation to compete in the 2008 Dungeons & Dragons® Miniatures Constructed Championship
- The winner of each Qualifier receives a Dungeons & Dragons® Miniatures Championship Rewards Package*
Top finishers win boosters of the most recent D&D® Miniatures expansion.