Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Product Arrivals 6/10 – 6/16


*Board Games*

Kids of Carcassonne

Pack & Stack

Space Alert

*Collectible Card Games & Accessories*

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Starter Decks

*Miniatures & Accessories*

Assorted Reaper Miniatures

Hordes Circle Orboros Megalith

Hordes Trollblood Long Rider Champion

WH Empire Archers

WH Empire Captain with Sword & Shield

WH Empire Elector Count Marius Leitdorf

WH Empire Greatswords

WH Empire Steam Tank

WH Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire



*Board Games*

Ca$h N Gun$

Race for the Galaxy Gathering Storm

*Card Games*

Bang! 4th Edition

Killer Bunnies Ominous Onyx Expansion

Killer Bunnies Orange Expansion

Killer Bunnies Red Expansion

Killer Bunnies Steel Expansion

Killer Bunnies Violet Expansion

Killer Bunnies White Expansion

Five Crowns

*Collectible Card Games & Accessories*

Assorted Card Sleeves

Assorted Deck Boxes

*Miniatures & Accessories*

Assorted Glues

Assorted Citadel Paints & Brushes

D&D Primal Heroes 1 Booster

Heroscape Castle/Tower Wall

*Role-play & Accessories*

GameMastery Combat Pad

Free RPG Day 6/20/09

Saturday, June 20th
Publishers, such as Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Flight, Chessex, and many more, has sent us RPG items to be given away to our gamers. Come in and pick up these free dice, tiles, and books. Limit one item per person.

Special Sale through 6/30/09



Buy 1 D&D Martial Powers Power Card Set and get another D&D Martial Powers Power Card Set 50% off


Buy 1 Pokémon Platinum Rising Rivals Booster & get 1 Platinum Booster at 50% off.


Buy 1 Yu-Gi-Oh! Raging Battles Booster & get either 1 Crimson Crisis or 1 Crossroad of Chaos Booster at 50% off.


Buy 1 World of Warcraft TCG Arena Grande Melee Alliance/Horde Deck & get the other 50% off.


Buy 1 World of Warcraft TMG Spoils of War Booster & get a 2nd booster 50% off.


Offer ends 6/30/09


WOTC Gift Weekend 6/12-6/14

Wizards of the Coast

Gift with Purchase Weekend!

June 12th -14th, 2009


Any customer that purchases a minimum of $15.00 worth of Wizards of the Coast Product can receive one of the following items while supplies last:


  • Magic the Gathering Half Decks (2 per customer)
  • Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Demonweb Booster
  • Star Wars Miniatures The Clone Wars Starter
  • Forgotten Realms Book The Orc King Hardcover

Yu-Gi-Oh! Constructed Regional Qualifier 6/14/09

Yu-Gi-Oh! Regional Qualifier

  • Fee: $20.00
  • Style: Constructed, Prizes: 5 boosters of the most recent set, Swiss rounds, best 2-out of-3 game match, with a 40 minute time limit. Cut to top 8 for Single Elimination.
  • Top 32 players receive an invitation to 2009 National Championship event.
  • Registration starts at 11:00AM, the tournament will begin at 12:00 Noon
  • ONLY 80 SEATS AVAILABLE: First 80 people in line will be admitted into this tournament. We will NOT ACCEPT PHONE reservations. This will strictly be "first come first serve" to give everyone equal chance to sign up for this event.
  • Personal items are to be kept at a minimum, 1 Trading Card Binder or similarly sized item will be allowed for each player, NO BACKPACKS. If you bring a backpack you will be asked to take it back to your vehicle
*If you are under the age of 18, a parent/legal guardian must sign the Trading Card Game Registration Form

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Product Arrivals 06/03 – 06/09



*Board Games*

Arkham Horror Innsmouth Horror Expansion

Family Guy Trivial Pursuit


*Collectible Card Games & Accessories*

            Pokemon Platinum Rising Rivals Boosters

Yu-Gi-Oh! Gold Edition


*Miniatures & Accessories*

Heroscape Booster Set 1





*Board Games*

Carcassonne Big Box 2

Munchkin Quest

Runebound 2nd Edition

Thurn & Taxis

Ticket to Ride


*Card Games*


Fluxx 4.0 Edition

Mille Bornes



Settlers of Catan Card Game

Settlers of Catan Card Game Expansion


*Miniatures & Accessories*

Assorted Armytransport Foam Trays

Assorted Citadel Paints and Paint Sets

Assorted Opaque 16mm Dice Bricks

Clear Dice Boot

D&D Dangerous Delves Boosters

D&D Players Handbook Divine Heroes Boosters

D&D Players Handbook Primal Heroes Boosters

Water Soluble Mat Marker Set


*Role-play & Accessories*

Assorted Opaque Polyhedral Dice Sets

Assorted Scarab Polyhedral Dice Sets

Assorted Translucent Polyhedral Dice Sets

Double Sided Battlemat with 1" Squares & Hexes

Paizo Combat Pad


Z-Man Games Demon 6/4/09

Z-Man Games Demonstration!

Come in on Thursday, June 4th

from 6pm-9pm

There will be demos of:

IDEOLOGY: The War of Ideas 2nd Edition

A 2-5 player board game where players use Economic, Cultural and Military influence to bring countries from across the globe under their control.

From the Website:

The conflict of political ideas spawned the conflicts of the 20th Century. More than any other era in human history, nations defined themselves not merely by their military or economic might, but by the ideals that inspired their ambitious achievements.

Ideology: The War of Ideas is an exciting new strategy game by Z-Man Games. During the game, each player symbolizes one of the 20th Century's most powerful Ideologies: Capitalism, Communism, Fascism, Imperialism, and Islamic Fundamentalism.

Beginning with one global region completely under its sway, each Ideology attempts to influence and control the independent regions of the earth. The Ideology that acquires the highest level of global influence will dominate the world for generations to come!

This second edition includes enhanced graphics, variant rules, and variant abilities to 4 of the 5 Ideologies in the game. Also, we added more Influence cards.

Fairy Tale

2-5 player Card Game. From the website:

It is a tale as old as time itself. Shadow threatens the world of Dragons, Fairies, and Knights. But this time you are in control as you draft cards from one or more factions. By choosing your forces wisely and anticipating your opponent's picks, it is within your power to affect the outcome of this FAIRY TALE!

This is a non-collectible cardgame wherein you draft cards - you draw 5 cards, pick one, then pass the remaining cards to another player while receiving a new hand of 4 cards yourself from another player. You pick another card then give those cards to another player, etc. After 4 rounds of drafting, the player with the most points wins.

Any questions? E-mail Dan at dl.buck@gmail.com.

All images and games © 1999-2009 Z-Man Games, Inc. (Z-MAN). All rights reserved.

Visit http://www.zmangames.com for rules, faqs and more!