Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Move Details!!!!

Hello Everyone!! Well it's almost time for the move to be complete!!!  Please be patient with us while we get everything organized and re-situated in our new location at 487 James Jackson Ave., Cary NC 27513. See you Friday!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Clearance Price Update to 80% off!

In preparation for our move, all of our clearance items have been marked down to 80% off!! And if you pay cash, we'll hack off an additional 5%!! All of it must go! Stop by before it's gone! The sale ends when we close tonight (Saturday 4/21).

Monday, April 16, 2012

Moving Sale is Increasing!

Well another week has gone by!!! It's time for more stuff to go on sale!!!! 5% discount on everything if you pay with $CASH$! Also, additional items have been added to our sales area and now we have increased the discounts to 60%-80% off over half of our products! Remember to add 5% to those numbers if you pay with cash!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Big News!

All Fun & Games is moving!

Let us THANK YOU for your continued patronage by offering some great deals.

We are having a Huge Moving Sale beginning today (Monday 4/9/12)!

Over ½ the store is 50% off or more. (Sale price is discounted from MSRP. All sales on discounted products are final.)

All gaming events will continue as scheduled at our current location.

Please come by and join in some of the fun.

It’s been a great five years here in Apex and now we’re heading just down the road to Cary.

We will be open in our new location beginning Friday April 27, 2012.

Our new location is: 487 James Jackson Avenue, Cary.

Stay tuned for news about our Grand Re-opening Celebration!

More information will be posted on or call us at 919-468-6322. Please feel free to share this information with other folks you know that may be interested!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Missions For Warhammer Fanasty

Week 1: Da Blood Soaked Choppa

Mission- Battle Line
Length of Game- 6 Turns
Terrain- 4 Mysterious Forests, 2 Normal Hills

Special Rules:
Each player nominates one core unit of their army to carry the blood soaked choppa. While the choppa is in the unit's possession that unit receives +1 to Strength and +1 to attack. If the unit should flee for any reason the blood soaked choppa is dropped and lost forever, and the unit no longer gains this bonus.

Victory Conditions:
Victory points. +200 for eliminating the unit carrying the blood soaked choppa.

Week 2: The End Times

Mission- Meeting Engagement
Game Length- Random
Terrian- 3 Mysterious Forests, 3 Normal Hills

Special Rules:
the very world itself is being ravaged by Chaos and is under constant change. Roll a d6 at the start of every game turn and apply the result on the cart below for the remainder of that turn.
1- Blood rain: The battlefield is showered in the blood of the fallen. All units are subject to frenzy and are stubborn
2- Lightning Storm- Every unit on the battlefield is struck by lighthing and suffers d6 wounds that cannot be saved by any means. Carachters that are not attached to units take d3 wounds.
3- Magical Vortex- All wizards automatically channel both power and dispel dice this round.
4- Tsunami- The oceans was away vast chucks of the world, and have it made it hard to reach the enemy. All models movement is halved and when charging they only roll 1d6 to see how far they charge.
5- Gale Force Winds- All shooting that uses BS are -1 to hit, and those that don't need a BS to shoot must roll at 4+ to shoot at all.
6- Gift of Chaos- The generals of the two armies are awarded great gifts by the gods, but it comes at a price. Both Generals have all their stats increased by 1 (to a max of 10). They have 3+ ward save and are subject to stupidity.

Victory Conditions-
Place a maker or suitable terrain piece in the center of the table to represent the chaos portal. The player with control of the portal at the end of the game gets 500 victory points.

Meeting Engagement
(see page 149 of the main rulebook)
6 turns
No need to roll for terrain each table should have 5
pieces of terrain.
All woods are mysterious woods.
All hills are normal hills.
At the start of each player’s turn, that player rolls an
artillery die and multiplies the result by 3. The result is
the number of inches both players can see that turn. If a
misfire is rolled there is no sight restriction that turn.
Use Victory points to determine the winner as described
on page 143 of the Main Rulebook.
Defeat your opponent by 1500 victory points or more.
Defeat your opponent by 800 – 1499 victory points.
Defeat you opponent by 200 – 799 Victory points.
Defeat your opponent by 199 victory points or less.
+1 point for killing your opponent’s cheapest unit.
+1 point for each of your opponent’s reserve
units you kill.
+1 point for massacring your opponent

Missions For Warhammer 40K

Git dat dirty git!

Score as many kill points as you can and try to kill the traitor.

This mission uses Annihilation with one modification. Each player will give his opponent 1 troop model form your army list to represent the traitor. The traitor is worth 5 kill points. The traitor can join any troop unit in your army. He can ride in a transport as long as his squad meets the unit size for the vehicles capacity. He loses all of his equipment/special rules and gains the Independent Character special rule with the following profile: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 I 5 W 2 A 2 LD 10 S 4+/5+.

Use Pitched Battle as per page 92 of the main rulebook.

Length of game:
Use random game length as per page 90 of the main rulebook. Or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.

Special Rules:
Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Outflank, Reserves, Night Fight (Turn 1 only), Seize the Initiative

Battle point modifiers:
+1 If you kill your traitor. (You only score this point if you kill the model you gave to your opponent)
+1 If you kill an enemy HQ
+1 If you control more pieces of terrain than your opponent. (To control you need a scoring unit within 3” of a piece of terrain)
+3 If you get the traitor you are controlling into your opponents deployment zone.

Whoz got da Motz!

Control as many objective counter as possible.

This scenario uses a modified Seize ground (page 91) missions. Please note that there are always 5 objectives, DO NOT ROLL. Before determining who goes first an objective marker is placed in the center of all four table quarters. The fifth and final objective is placed in the direct center of the table. The objective in each Deployment table quarter is worth 1 point. The objectives in the empty table quarters are worth 2 points and the objective in the center of the board is worth 4 points.

Spearhead as seen on page 93 of the main rulebook

Length of Game:
This game last 6 turns, or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.

Special Rules:
Reserves, Deep Strike, Night Fight (Turn 6 Only), Seize the Initiative

Battle point modifiers:
+1 If you control all the objectives at the end of the game.
+1 If your opponent has no units in your deployment zone.
+1 if all your hq choices are alive at the end of the game.
+1 if you kill all of your opponents Heavy Support choices. (If your opponent doesn’t have any heavy supports then you automatically get this point.)

Week 3:Head of Da Snake!

Destroy the Enemy HQ while keeping yours alive.

This scenario uses victory points. See page 300 of the rulebook for victory points rules. Each player must nominate a single HQ choice to be your army general. This choice is worth double victory points for this mission.

Dawn of War [table halves]

Length of Game:
Use random game length as per page 90 of the main rulebook. Or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.

Special Rules:
Deep Strike, Outflank, Reserves, Seize the Initiative,

Battle point modifiers:
+100 Victory Points if you killed all of your opponents troop choices
+100 Victory Points if your General is alive at the end of the game.
+100 Victory Points if you kill all of your opponents Fast Attack choices. (If your opponent doesn’t have any fast attack choices you score this point)