Monday, August 18, 2008

Munchkin Charity Tournament!

Munchkin Charity Tournament Rules:

Date: Sunday September 7th, 2008


Time: 12:00PM


Seats Available: 64, registration begins now


$10 Entrance Fee

- 100% of all 'fees & donations' go to the Autism Society of NC.

Cheatin' for Charity

- A $1 donation during the game gets you a treasure card, unless you are in combat when it costs $2

More Cheatin' for Charity

- A $2 donation lets you re-roll a failed die roll. It goes up $1 for each additional re-roll. You can pay double that amount to force someone else to re-roll!

Support the Host

- Buy any Steve Jackson Game item during the tournament and get your choice of bookmark and promo card.

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