Friday, March 27, 2009

MTG 2HG Sealed League 4/1 – 4/30


  1. MTG 2HG League fee is $2.00 per team and the cost of 7 boosters plus tax.
  2. Teams choose 7 boosters from anything we have on the shelf!   Card pool will be left at the store during the duration of the league.
  3. The league runs from April 1st-April 30th. League days will be on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, starting at 4PM. If you want to play on any other day, you need to contact the store at 919-468-6322 to reserve a table for you and your opponents.
  4. There are no limits on the amount of matches played per week.  There are also no limits on how many times to play against a particular team. You are limited to 24 games total though.
  5. Each team may add up to 2 boosters of their choice to their decks each week if so desired.  Main deck modification is allowed which means each player may share their packs with their teammates.
  6. If you don't like your card pool, you may buy a COMPLETELY new card pool at any time, but results for any played matches still count.  If you purchase a new card pool, that means 7 new boosters at $4.00+tax.  One teammate cannot keep their deck and the other buy new.  It's either all or nothing.
  7. All decks will be constructed and all games will be played using the most current DCI Rules.
  8. Players are responsible for filling out the result entry slips that are provided and placing them in the bowl so labeled. All information will be filled out on the result slip, including both players' names (legibly), date, time, and signatures of both players. If the information is not listed on the result sheet that game WILL NOT be included into your score.
  9. FOIL PROMO CARDS AVAILABLE:  League sheets will be tracked each week.  A win receives 2 tick marks and a loss receives 1 tick mark. Points will be tallied every Saturday. If your team has earned a minimum of 8 tick marks (and for every additional 8 tick marks after) your team may choose to receive an alternate art foil promo of Path to Exile (40 cards available) or Hellspark Elemental (40 cards available) per person while supplies last.  All Foil Promos will be handed out at the end of the league; after all points have been tallied, as well as other prizes (prizes will include Official Premier Nicol Bolas Playmats).

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