Time: 12 Noon
Entry Fee: $6
Format: Standard Constructed. Deck lists are required, and need to be either typed or printed neatly. We will be reporting the top 8 deck lists to Wizards of the Coast, and they need be legible.
Tournament Length: Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round. Numbers of Swiss rounds are based on attendance
Advancement: All players may participate in all Swiss rounds. The top 8 players after the Swiss rounds will advance to the single-elimination finals. In the case of an event with 16 players or less, the Swiss rounds will be followed by a cut to top 4. In the case of an event with exactly 8 players, there will be three Swiss rounds with no single-elimination cut
Top 8: Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3. Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will be used to determine final order in the standings.
Prizes: All participants will receive a Nissa’s Chosen promo card exclusive to Magic Game Day (while supplies last). The Top 8 payers will each receive an Emeria Angel full-art promo card exclusive to Magic Game Day. Two Emeria Angel promo cards will also be awarded as door prizes at each location. The winner receives the Zendikar Game Day winners’ certificate, as well as the Zendikar Champion title.
24K, Competitive REL
All Universal Tournament Rules and Magic: The Gathering Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document.
Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters to the event.