Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4th Sequential KOFL Munchkin Charity Tournament

The Triangle Chapter of the Knightly Order of the Fait Lux

In association with All Fun & Games



The 4th Sequential KOFL Munchkin Charity Tournament

Sunday, May 23rd

Starting @ 12 Noon


Entrance Fee: $10 (All fees & donations go to the Autism Society of North Carolina)

Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux and John LaRoche (SJG MIB) will be hosting another Munchkin Charity Tournament raising money for the Autism Society of NC at All Fun & Games. The Knights will be selling their special D6's which will get a special Charity Tournament Rule for the day that any 'just purchased' die will be usable as a Loaded Die one time during the day.

This will be a daylong tournament with multiple rounds. If you've attended any of the previous charity tournaments, we will be using that same system. There will be prizes for the winner of every game and at the end of the day players will be grouped according to how well they've done during the day into a final round of games. The top winners of that round will all receive extra special prizes. Also there will be short Charity Auctions during the day where you'll be able to bid on promo items that give bonuses when playing Munchkin. It is not necessary to attend the entire event to get in on the games!

Charity Tournament Rules:
-Cheatin' for Charity - A $1 donation during the game gets you your choice of a treasure card or a door card, unless you are in combat when it costs $2.
-More Cheatin' for Charity - A $2 donation lets you re-roll a failed die roll. It goes up $1 for each additional re-roll of the same roll. You can pay double that amount to force someone else to re-roll!
-Cheatin' for Cheatin's Sake - A $5 donation will let you cheat as if you had a Cheat Card.
-Cheatin'? We'll have none o' that! - A $5 donation will cancel one Cheat Card or Cheatin' for Cheatin's Sake.

If you have any questions feel free to let us know or email the Raleigh Knight Herald, Sir Buck at: triangle_kofl@yahoo.com