Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rotating DM’s D&D 4th Edition Game

If you are interested in signing up for this session please send your name, phone number, character class, role, and race. Your seat will be confirmed when you have submitted your character sheets. All Level 1 Character sheets are due 7/24/08. Please contact us if you have any questions at all.


Seats Still Available for 7/27/08

-Leader 3 out of 4

-Defender 4 out of 4

-Striker 3 out of 4

-Controller 4 out of 4

-Controller/Striker 4 out of 4


  • Character stats will be by Method 2 in the Player's Handbook, the point buy system, on page 17. Each session will advance all characters by 1 level.
  • For magic items, after level 1, choose one item of your level +1, one item of your level, and one item of your level -1. In addition you have gold pieces equal to the value of one magic item of your level -1. You can spend this money on rituals, potions, or other magic items, or save it for later. See page 143 of DMG.
  • Characters are not allowed to have any followers or hirelings, even if a feat or ability allows them.
  • Players can only use the Player's Handbook and DMG physical books. That means you cannot pull items and classes from the internet or a magazine you received from another country, con, etc.
  • You cannot spend experience points on anything.
  • If the character can transform into another creature or summon other creatures, make sure you have 2 copies of all the stats, one for the DM and one for yourself. All players must also have two copies of their characters also. All character sheets and stats sheets MUST be TYPED and turned in by specified date.
  • Make sure to bring a miniature or a proxy of an appropriate size to represent yourself or creatures
  • No evil characters or classes will be allowed.
  • There will be a specific number of tables per session. Each table will accommodate 5 players and 1 DM. A player has the choice of picking a specific "role" per table if there are still spaces available for that "role". Each table will consist of 1 leader, 1 defender, 1 striker, 1 controller, and 1 extra controller/striker.
  • If you sign up during the day of the event or do not turn in your character by specified date, we will have pre-generated characters for you to use.
  • Rules will be amended as needed by AF&G staff.
  • Please remember this event is based on Volunteers. An attendance sheet will be posted for you to sign in when you arrive on game day. For every 5 times you are a player you must DM at least once.

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