Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Warhammer 40K Tournament 8/30/08

August 30th


1500 point list. $15 fee at door, $12 pre-register fee.


First game starts at 11AM. Need to arrive before 10:30 and needs two copies of army list. Each mission is two hours. 30 minute break between 2nd and 3rd mission. 5th edition is in effect.

Painting Contest (don't let others know what you are bringing)

18 players max (20 if there is room)



10 pts     The best game ever. Seriously, if only all games could be this great!

8 pts     An above average game and a lot of fun.

6 pts     An average game. This is the default score if no box is checked.

4 pts     A below average game. It was okay, but not that good.

2 pts     A very bad game. You would rather be at home painting than playing games like this.

0 pts    The worst game ever. You need to speak to a tournament judge about this game and your opponent.

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