Monday, September 29, 2008

MTG Shards of Alara Event Schedule!

  • Friday, Oct 3rd will be Friday Night Magic draft at 6:30 pm with Shards of Alara set. (There will not be a Thursday night Midnight Madness Party this time)
  • Saturday, Oct 4th there will be several tournaments.
    • The official Release Event will be draft at 12:00 noon with a cost of $16.00. There will be a limited number of the Foil Ajani Vengeant promo card, so try to get here early. There is no pre-registration, only first come first serve.
    • At 3pm will be the first sealed deck tournament with a cost of $25.00.
    • At 5pm will be the second sealed deck tournament with a cost of $25.00.
    • At 6:30pm will be the first evening draft with a cost of $16.00.
    • At 7:30pm will be the second evening draft with a cost of $16.00.
    • MTG League begins on Saturday as well. The cost of joining league is $1.00 and you can use any of the decks from any tournament played on Saturday. Deck registration will be required. It is not necessary to play in a tournament in order to join league. You can purchase 1 tournament deck and 3 boosters to join league. If you use a draft deck for league you can add up to 2 boosters to your card pool immediately. For sealed deck you are allowed to add 1 booster to your card pool immediately. After the initial booster(s), each week you may add 1 booster pack to your card pool. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places in the league will win a play set of the foil promo card, Ajani Vengeant as well as other prizes to be determined.



  • Adding Boosters to your card pool:  You may choose to add an additional booster the day league begins!  The listed dates below are when you may choose to purchase additional boosters to your card pool beginning:
    • Saturday 10/4/08
    • Saturday 10/11/08
    • Saturday 10/18/08
    • Saturday 10/24/08 LAST DAY OF LEAGUE, no additional boosters maybe added
  • The Official League Open Play Day from open to midnight will be Saturday.  Players are also welcome to come in and play games on Wednesday and Friday.  If you are coming to find a match please give us a call so we may let other league players know that you will be coming in, and we will make sure to save a table for you.
  • League Decks will be kept at the store until the League has been completed.  Each player will receive a card box with their name on it.  We will hold your cards for up to 1 month after the league is finished.
  • All Players will have a card list which will be updated after each new pack is purchased and kept on file in the store.
  • Players are responsible for returning their league boxes to an employee.  If the your league cards are left in the game room, you are tempting fate.
  • Anyone caught cheating (inserting cards, etc.) will be dropped from the league and banned from the store for 6 months.
  • Players can play as many matches in a week as they wish, but only the first 6 matches in a week will count.  If you do not play all 6 matches in a week those matches can be carried over into the next week.  Example:  You can wait until the last week and play 24 games.  Also, you can only the same opponent 2 times in 1 week.
  • Players are responsible for filling out the result entry slips that are provided and placing them in the bowl so labeled.  Entry slips must be signed and dated for them to be valid.  If the information is not listed on the result sheet that game WILL NOT be included into your score.
  • When players win a match, they will receive 2 tick marks for their score and a loss will result in 1 tick mark for their score.  Special Foil Promo Play Sets will be awarded at the end of the league based on points and completed games.
  • All monies will go towards prizes and kits.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Product Arrivals 9/24 – 9/30



     *Board Games*

    Catan Gallery Edition 


*Card Games*

    Hero Immortal King: The Lair of the Lich

    Hero Immortal King: The Infernal Forge

    Hero Immortal King: The Den of Dementia


*CCG/PMG/TCG & Accessories*

    World of Warcraft Black Temple Raid Deck



               Chocolate Fix

    Clever Castle

Hoppers Jr.

Melissa & Doug Jumbo Cardboard Blocks


*Miniatures & Accessories*

Assorted Dark Heaven Blisters

Assorted Warlord Blisters



White Dwarf Issue #345

Game Trade Issue #104





       *Board Games*



    Murder Mystery Party Murder on the Grill

    Murder Mystery Party Pasta, Passion, & Pistols

    Murder Mystery Party Stayin' Alive

    Murder Mystery Party Taste for Wine & Murder

    Power Grid

    Settlers of Catan

    Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension

Wits & Wagers


*Card Games*


    Man Bites Dog


    Munchkin 6: Demented Dungeon

    Munchkin Bites

    Munchkin Cthulhu


*Classic Games*

    Cribbage Pegs

    Travel Mah Jong


*CCG/PMG/TCG & Accessories*

Assorted Dragon Shields

    Ultra Pro 2-Compartment Clear Card Box

Ultra Pro 9-Pocket Pages

Ultra Pro Deck Boxes, Assorted Colors

Ultra Pro Solid Series Deck Protectors

Ultra Pro MTG Planeswalker Playmat


*Jigsaw & Mindteaser Puzzles*

Rush Hour #2 Expansion

    Melissa & Doug Multi-Activity Play Table

    Melissa & Doug Wooden Railway Train Set


*Miniatures & Accessories*

40K Black Templars Codex

40K Eldar Codex

40K Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troops

40K Imperial Guard Heavy Team

40K Ork Boyz

40K Ork Painboy

40K Tyranid Zoanthrope

Citadel Army Transport Case

DDM Desert of Desolation Boosters

Heroclix DC Justice League Boosters

Heroclix Marvel Mutation & Monster Boosters

SWM Knights of the Old Republic Boosters


*Role-Play & Accessories*

    D&D 4th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

    D&D 4th Edition Monster Manual

    D&D 4th Edition Player's Handbook

    D&D Dungeon Tiles Fane of the Forgotten Gods

                Game Mastery GM Basic Flip Mat

    Savage World Explorer's Edition

October Pocket Model Events

October POCKETMODEL event details


For all events, the most current rules and FAQs apply.

All Sealed events will use the most recent available expansion set.





Saturday October 4th 6:00pm

Pirates Sealed Draft

3-booster draft event

Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds

Fee: $17 (all fees go toward product and prizes)

  • Each player will receive 3 packs, which must remain sealed.
  • Each person opens 1 pack at the same time, and picks one card from that pack. Then all cards are put out on the table and players pick one at a time.
  • Crew affiliation does not matter (any crew can be used on any ship).
  • Duplicate ships or crew ARE allowed if you drafted them.
  • Each player contributes 3 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling 15 Gold.


Saturday October 18th 6:00pm

Pirates Constructed Multiplayer Scenario

60-point Constructed

Horror on the High Seas

Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • All attendees play at one table
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 3 islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling any amount of Gold.
  • All standard multiplayer rules apply.
  • Players are encouraged (not required) to use fantasy or mythical aspects of the game.
  • All standard rules apply with the following exceptions:
  • The Privateer will be controlling a fleet made up of 200 points worth of 'zombie' creatures.
  • Creatures can consist of any of the "living" units in the game (sea monsters, krakens, crabs, sea dragons, etc)
  • Creatures start anywhere on the board (at least 3L from any Home Island), and do not have a "home island" of their own.
  • All creatures are considered to have the Eternal keyword, however when they die they are just out of the game for as many turns as it would take to fully repair, then reappear where they were killed.
  • The Privateer can assign a number of "zombie" captains to his fleet equal to the number of players. They can be assigned to any creature and cost 0 points (cannot be assigned to Sea Dragons). Privateer crew cannot be eliminated and ignore cargo restrictions.
  • The Privateer's fleet is immune to "cancel" abilities.
  • Privateer will contribute 2 islands and 8 unique treasures to the mix.
  • The Players' goal is to survive and to get more gold home than any other player.
  • The Privateer's goal is to wipe out all of the players and eat their brains




Saturday October 18th 12:30pm

Star Wars Constructed

Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds

Fee: $9 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • Fleet must be 30 points (maximum).

Deck must be 30 cards (minimum).

WH 40K ‘Ard Boyz Semi-Finals!




  • No more than 2500 point list may be used, from the following Armies:
  1. Codex Chaos Space Marines
  2. Codex Eldar
  3. Codex Daemonhunters (Inquisitorial armies may take Imperial Guard or Space Marines allies)
  4. Codex Witchhunters (Inquisitorial armies may take Imperial Guard or Space Marines allies)
  5. Witch Hunter Zealots (White Dwarf 292)
  6. Codex Imperial Guard
  7. Imperial Guard Armored Companies (White Dwarf 294)
  8. Imperial Guard may take Inquisitorial Allies
  9. Codex Necrons
  10. Codex Orks
  11. Codex Tau
  12. Kroot Mercenary armies from Chapter Approved
  13. Codex Tyranids
  14. For the Qualifiers and Semi-finals:
  • Codex Space Marines 4th Edition
  • Codex Dark Angels
  • Codex Space Wolves (please check errata on US website)
  • Codex Black Templar
  • Space Marines may take Inquisitorial Allies
  • Blood Angels (White Dwarf 329-330)
  • Death Watch Kill Teams (US GW site) are allowed
  • Codex Eye of Terror (13th Company) Note: the mandatory fourth HQ choice to run a 2500-point force is waived
  1. For the Finals:
  • Codex Space Marines 5th Edition
  • Codex Dark Angels
  • Codex Space Wolves (please check errata on US website)
  • Codex Black Templar
  • Space Marines may take Inquisitorial Allies
  • Blood Angels (White Dwarf 329-330)
  • Only the main army lists may be used. No appendix list are permitted. Everyon will have four copies of their army lists, and one will be handed over to the tournament judge before the first round. If the lists are flawed, you will be asked to re-do your lists.
  • Special Characters are permitted, subject to the normal restrictions for that character in the Codex.
  • Any armor, weapons, and upgrades MUST be modeled on the miniature (WYSIWYG). No exceptions.
  • EVERY model MUST be fully assembled. Models break during the game, which is alright. But they must be assembled fully before the first game.
  • Any conversions must begin as Citadel models and contain a majority of Citadel components. Non-Citadel models may not be used.
  • Forge World models are permitted, but they can only be used to represent models from existing Codexes. NO FORGE WORLD RULES ALLOWED.


Each 'Ard Boyz tournament will consist of three games of Warhammer 40,000 for each player. The 5th Edition Rulebook will be in use for all games and will be the definitive guide for all rules. The time limit for each game is 2 1/2 hours (150 minutes). At the end of this time limit, time will be called and all games must be finished immediately. No additional time will be provided. Note: do not begin a round unless there is ample time for both players to receive their turn! 

In each game, players will play a scenario. Each scenario will have a list of special rules and other information. Players will be informed at the beginning of each round as to what scenario will be used.



Due to the generosity of its supporters, and the rampant greed of its organizers, 'Ard Boyz has some of the richest rewards ever seen at a 40K tournament.


These prizes will be awarded at the end of the tournament by the tournament sponsor.

1st Place A battleforce of your choice

2nd Place A boxed set of your choice ($40 or less)

3rd Place A blister pack of your choice

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers will be asked to attend the Semi-finals. If for some reason they cannot attend, the invitation will slip to the fourth place finisher and so on.


The 1st Place prize will be sent by Games Workshop to the store of the winners choice. The 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be awarded by the tournament sponsor at the end of the tournament.

1st Place A 2500-point army of a race of your choice

2nd Place A battleforce of your choice

3rd Place A boxed set of your choice ($40 or less)

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers will be asked to attend the Finals. If for some reason they cannot attend, the invitation will slip to the fourth place finisher and so on.


Winners will relieve absurdly huge piles of loot, and the right to call all others dirty runtherders!


*36 Seats available

**Please bring in your 'Ard Boyz Certificate for proof of qualification to the Semi-Finals

Friday, September 19, 2008

Monsterpocalyspe Coming Soon!

To the Monster Fans around the North Carolina,


     The monster of miniature games is about to be released onto the world. Join All Fun & Games and Privateer Press as we celebrate the release of the most anticipated game of the year, Monsterpocalypse. Come learn how Privateer Press has changed the way collectable miniatures are played, and check out these fascinating models as they run rampant through he cities destroying everything in their path.


     We will be hosting a four-day Monsterpocalypse Tournament League. October 10th, at 7 PM, buy a starter ($25 plus tax) and jump into the fun. Play against others as you learn the rules and check out the different miniatures. October 17th, at 7PM, buy a booster ($13 plus tax) of your choice, and add it to your starter, and compete for a Extremely Limited Edition Mega form.  October 24th and 31st, the battle continues at the same time, adding yet another booster of your choice each day and competing for a Extremely Limited Edition Mega form each night. Pre-registration is available now. Sign up and reserve a seat before we run out of room.


     The Monsterpocalypse Collectible Miniatures Game (CMG) brings the giant monster genre – a pop culture favorite – to the tabletop in the form of a fast-paced, action-packed game. Designed by Matt Wilson, the award-winning creator of WARMACHINE and HORDES, Monsterpocalypse leverages the critically acclaimed abilities of Privateer Press as a leading miniatures manufacturer to enter a new category of product with a property that appeals to a worldwide fan base of all ages. Planned for release on October 10th 2008, visit for previews and updates about the game.


    Don't forget to ask about our CCG/PMG/CMG rewards program when you come into join us for the release of Monsterpocalypse!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Product Arrivals 9/17 – 9/23



     *Board Games*

Journey to the Center of the Earth

     *Role-Play Accessories*

D&D Adventurer's Vault

Dungeon Crawl Classics Adventures #54 and #55

D&D Forgotten Realms Player's Guide

D&D Forgotten Realms Scepter Tower of Spellguard

Star Wars Saga Force Unleashed



       *Board Games*

Apples to Apples Party Box

Dungeon Twister

Power Grid Korea/China Expansion

Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan Cities & Knights Expansion

Settlers of Catan Traders & Barbarians Expansion

Starfarers of Catan

Starfarers of Catan 5-6 Player Expansion

Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride 1910 Expansion

Ticket to Ride Europe

Ticket to Ride Marklin

Times Up Deluxe

Times Up Title Recall

*Card Games*


Bohnanza Fan Edition

Great Dalmuti


Killer Bunnies

Ticket to Ride Card Game

*Classic Games*

No Stress Chess

*Miniatures & Accessories*

40K Assault on Black Reach

40K Chaos Daemons Bloodletters

40K Chaos Daemons Daemonettes

40K Ork Big Mek

40K Ork Boyz

40K Ork Burnas and Lootas

40K Space Marine Assault Squad

40K Space Marine Rhino

40K Space Marine Tactical Squad

Citadel Assorted Brushes

Citadel Plastic Glue

WH Vampire Counts Crypt Ghouls

*Role-Play & Accessories*

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Friday, September 12, 2008

Shards of Alara Pre-Release: 2 Day Event!

Shards of Alara Event 1: SATURDAY, September 27, 2008

  • The first 48 people that sign up for either the Sealed Deck or Open Dueling will receive the Foil Pre-Release Card
  • Registration check in starts: 10:00AM
  • Tournament Start Time: 12:00PM
  • Seats Available: 72
  • Fee: $30, (Tournament Deck and 3 Boosters)
  • Prizes: WOTC will provide Shards of Alara boosters for prize support and the store will provide additional prizes.
    No boosters can be turned in for store credit.

  • Open Dueling (is for people not playing in the sealed deck) is unrated, free-style play that uses one(1) Intro Pack and one(1) Open Dueling Results Card. When an Open Dueling player completes his/her Open Dueling card and the card has been verified by us he/she receives one complementary booster. Open Dueling players play against tournament players between matches. The tournament players will earn one CCG/TCG rewards point for every match they play against an Open Dueler. The entrance fee for Open Dueling is $15.00.
  • Due to space constraints, please keep personal affects to a minimum (e.g. 1 Trade Binder, Dice, and Counters {please no large bags})
  • Also, note that game room RULES are in FULL effect.


Shards of Alara Event 2: SUNDAY, September 28, 2008

  • The first 48 people that sign up for either the Sealed Deck or Open Dueling will receive the Foil Pre-Release Card
  • Registration check in starts: 10:00AM
  • Tournament Start Time: 12:00PM
  • Seats Available: 72
  • Fee: $30, (Tournament Deck and 3 Boosters)
  • Prizes: WOTC will provide Shards of Alara boosters for prize support and the store will provide additional prizes.
    No boosters can be turned in for store credit.

  • Open Dueling (is for people not playing in the sealed deck) is unrated, free-style play that uses one(1) Intro Pack and one(1) Open Dueling Results Card. When an Open Dueling player completes his/her Open Dueling card and the card has been verified by us he/she receives one complementary booster. Open Dueling players play against tournament players between matches. The tournament players will earn one CCG/TCG rewards point for every match they play against an Open Dueler. The entrance fee for Open Dueling is $15.00.
  • Due to space constraints, please keep personal affects to a minimum (e.g. 1 Trade Binder, Dice, and Counters {please no large bags})
  • Also, note that game room RULES are in FULL effect.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Product Arrivals 9/10 – 9/16



*Board Games*

    Power Grid China/Korea Expansion



      *CCG/TCG & Accessories*

          Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Legends Awakened Boosters     

    Star Wars PMG Force Unleashed Tins

    World of Warcraft Darkmoon Faire Collector Set

    World of Warcraft Deck Boxes

    World of Warcraft Card Sleeves


*Miniatures & Accessories*

Assorted Borealis 2 Series 12mm & 16mm Dice Bricks

            Assorted Reaper Miniatures

    Warhammer 40,000 Assault on Black Reach

            Warhammer 40,000 Assault on Black Reach Paint Set


*Role-Play Accessories*

    Assorted Borealis 2 Series Polyhedral Dice Bricks

    Dungeon Crawl Classics #52: Sellswords of Punjar

    Master Dungeons Presents Dragora's Dungeon

    Mutant's and Masterminds Wild Cards




       *Board Games*

            Arkham Horror



    Ingenious Travel Edition

    Power Grid

    Puerto Rico

    Settlers of Catan

    Settlers of Catan Cities and Knights

    Settlers of Catan Seafarers

    The End of Triumvicate

The Sceptor of Zavandor

    Witch's Brew


*Card Games*

    Killer Bunnies

    Munchkin Bites 2

    Munchkin Blender

            Munchkin Impossible

    Settlers of Catan Dice Game

    Star Munchkin 2

    The Good, The Bad, The Munchkin

    Wizard Card Game


      *CCG/TCG & Accessories*

           Assorted Ultra Pro Deck Boxes

    World of Warcraft March of the Legions


*Miniatures & Accessories*

      40K Eldar Jetbike

    40K Ork Boyz

    40K Space Marine Assault Squad

    40K Space Marine Terminator Squad

Assorted 40K Bases

Assorted Zap-a-Gap Glues

D&D Miniatures Desert of Desolation Boosters

D&D Miniatures Dungeons of Dread Boosters

D&D Miniatures Dungeons of Dread Starter


*Role-Play & Accessories*

    Assorted Opaque Polyhedral Dice Bricks

    Assorted Scarab Polyhedral Dice Bricks

    Assorted Translucent Polyhedral Dice Bricks

    Gurps 4th Edition Magic

    Gurps 4th Edition Powers

    Gurps 4th Edition Ultra Tech

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Product Arrivals 9/3 – 9/9



*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Warhammer 40,000 Assault on Black Reach (Saturday)

    Warhammer 40,000 Assault on Black Reach Paint Set (Saturday)

Warhammer 40,000 Ork Barricade (Saturday)




*Board Games*

    Risk 2210 A.D.

    Risk Godstorm

Times Up Deluxe

    Times Up Title Recall


*Card Games*

    Deluxe Rook

Haunting House




*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

    Assorted Ultra Pro Deck Solid Deck Protectors

    Star Wars Clone Wars PocketModel Boosters

    Ultra Pro 3x4 Top Loaders


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Assorted Opaque 12mm Dice Bricks

    Assorted Vortex 12mm Dice Bricks

40K 5th Edition Rulebook

40K Eldar Dire Avengers

40K Eldar Striking Scorpions

40K IG Cadian Heavy Weapons Team

40K Ork Boyz

40K Tyranid Gaunts

Citadel Black Army Case

Citadel Grey Army Case

D&D Against the Giants Boosters

D&D Desert of Desolation Boosters

Marvel Heroclix Secret Invasion Boosters

WH Dark Elf Armies


*Role-Play & Accessories*

Assorted Vortex Polyhedral Dice Bricks

    D&D 4th Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide

    D&D 4th Edition Player's Handbook

    D&D 4th Edition Pyramid of Shadows

    Hunter the Vigil

    Scion Hero

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

    Warhammer 40,000 Inquisitor's Handbook

September Pocketmodel Events!

September POCKETMODEL event details


For all events, the most current rules and FAQs apply.

All Sealed events will use the most recent available expansion set.





Saturday September 6th 6:00pm

Pirates Sealed Draft

  • 3-booster draft event
  • Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds
  • Fee: $17 (all fees go toward product and prizes)
  • Each player will receive 3 packs, which must remain sealed.
  • Each person opens 1 pack at the same time, and picks one card from that pack. Then all cards are put out on the table and players pick one at a time.
  • Crew affiliation does not matter (any crew can be used on any ship).
  • Duplicate ships or crew ARE allowed if you drafted them.
  • Each player contributes 3 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling 15 Gold.


Saturday September 20th 6:00pm

Pirates Cursed Seas Constructed Multiplayer Scenario

  • 60-point Constructed
  • Cures of Cardinal's Coins scenario
  • Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)
  • Up to 6 players per table (randomly assigned)
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Fleet may consist of ONLY items available in Cursed Seas sets
    Pirates of the Cursed Seas: Rise of the Fiends
    Pirates of the Cursed Seas: Fire & Steel
    Promotional items from these two sets are allowed
    Generic crew ONLY may be used from other sets (as long as those crew appeared in a Cursed Seas expansion)
  • Each player contributes 3 islands.
  • All standard rules apply with the following exceptions:
  • Each player is assigned one type of coin and receives a number of them equal to twice the number of players. (For example, if three people are playing, player 1 would receive six coins with the number 1 on them, player 2 would receive six coins with the number 2 on them, and player 3 would receive six coins with the number 3 on them.)
  • Each player distributes their coins amongst their own ships as evenly as possible. These coins do not take up cargo space.
  • If a ship sinks, the player whose ship sunk distributes any coins on it as equally as possible on wild islands.
  • Gold can only be retrieved from a Wild Island (Gold cannot be obtained through boarding or exploring derelict ships.)
  • The winner of this scenario is the first player to unload one coin of each value onto his or her home island. (You may not unload duplicate versions of the same coin onto your home island.)




Saturday September 6th 12:30pm

Star Wars Constructed

  • Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds
  • Fee: $9 (all fees go toward prizes)
  • Fleet must be 30 points (maximum).

Deck must be 30 cards (minimum).

WH 40K ‘Ard Boyz 2008 Tournament Season Details

            September 13th will be a day to remember, for the best Warhammer 40,000 Generals will be here to compete in the 2008 Games Workshop 'Ard Boyz Tournament. There is no fee to enter, but there are only 12 seats available. This is an official Games Workshop Event, so the following rules must be followed:

  • No more than 2500 point list may be used, from the following Armies:
  1. Codex Chaos Space Marines
  2. Codex Eldar
  3. Codex Daemonhunters (Inquisitorial armies may take Imperial Guard or Space Marines allies)
  4. Codex Witchhunters (Inquisitorial armies may take Imperial Guard or Space Marines allies)
  5. Witch Hunter Zealots (White Dwarf 292)
  6. Codex Imperial Guard
  7. Imperial Guard Armored Companies (White Dwarf 294)
  8. Imperial Guard may take Inquisitorial Allies
  9. Codex Necrons
  10. Codex Orks
  11. Codex Tau
  12. Kroot Mercenary armies from Chapter Approved
  13. Codex Tyranids
  14. For the Qualifiers and Semi-finals:
  • Codex Space Marines 4th Edition
  • Codex Dark Angels
  • Codex Space Wolves (please check errata on US website)
  • Codex Black Templar
  • Space Marines may take Inquisitorial Allies
  • Blood Angels (White Dwarf 329-330)
  • Death Watch Kill Teams (US GW site) are allowed
  • Codex Eye of Terror (13th Company) Note: the mandatory fourth HQ choice to run a 2500-point force is waived
  1. For the Finals:
  • Codex Space Marines 5th Edition
  • Codex Dark Angels
  • Codex Space Wolves (please check errata on US website)
  • Codex Black Templar
  • Space Marines may take Inquisitorial Allies
  • Blood Angels (White Dwarf 329-330)
  • Only the main army lists may be used. No appendix lists are permitted. Everyone will have four copies of their army lists, and one will be handed over to the tournament judge before the first round. If the lists are flawed, you will be asked to re-do your lists.
  • Special Characters are permitted, subject to the normal restrictions for that character in the Codex.
  • Any armor, weapons, and upgrades MUST be modeled on the miniature (WYSIWYG). No exceptions.
  • EVERY model MUST be fully assembled. Models break during the game, which is alright. But they must be assembled fully before the first game.
  • Any conversions must begin as Citadel models and contain a majority of Citadel components. Non-Citadel models may not be used.
  • Forge World models are permitted, but they can only be used to represent models from existing Codices. NO FORGE WORLD RULES ALLOWED.


Each 'Ard Boyz tournament will consist of three games of Warhammer 40,000 for each player. The 5th Edition Rulebook will be in use for all games and will be the definitive guide for all rules. The time limit for each game is 2 1/2 hours (150 minutes). At the end of this time limit, time will be called and all games must be finished immediately. No additional time will be provided. Note: do not begin a round unless there is ample time for both players to receive their turn! 

In each game, players will play a scenario. Each scenario will have a list of special rules and other information. Players will be informed at the beginning of each round as to what scenario will be used.



Due to the generosity of its supporters, and the rampant greed of its organizers, 'Ard Boyz has some of the richest rewards ever seen at a 40K tournament.

Qualifiers (Held at local Stores)

These prizes will be awarded at the end of the tournament by the tournament sponsor.

1st Place A battleforce of your choice

2nd Place A boxed set of your choice ($40 or less)

3rd Place A blister pack of your choice

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers will be asked to attend the Semi-finals. If for some reason they cannot attend, the invitation will slip to the fourth place finisher and so on.

Semi-finals (Select locations TBA, 10/11/08)

The 1st Place prize will be sent by Games Workshop to the store of the winners choice. The 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be awarded by the tournament sponsor at the end of the tournament.

1st Place A 2500-point army of a race of your choice

2nd Place A battleforce of your choice

3rd Place A boxed set of your choice ($40 or less)

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers will be asked to attend the Finals. If for some reason they cannot attend, the invitation will slip to the fourth place finisher and so on.

Finals (Baltimore GT, 11/17/08)

Winners will relieve absurdly huge piles of loot, and the right to call all others dirty runt-herders!


Sign ups start now, and only 12 will be allowed to participate. The first game starts at 12PM, so everyone has to be here before 11:00AM so the judges can go over the army lists and final rules. If all 12 seats are reserved when you call for your reservation, please leave your name and phone number on the waiting list in case a space becomes available. There will be a break between the 1st and 2nd rounds. After the time has been called after the 1st round, you have exactly 20 minutes before the 2nd round begins. No exceptions. Please don't be late.