Tuesday, September 23, 2008

October Pocket Model Events

October POCKETMODEL event details


For all events, the most current rules and FAQs apply.

All Sealed events will use the most recent available expansion set.





Saturday October 4th 6:00pm

Pirates Sealed Draft

3-booster draft event

Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds

Fee: $17 (all fees go toward product and prizes)

  • Each player will receive 3 packs, which must remain sealed.
  • Each person opens 1 pack at the same time, and picks one card from that pack. Then all cards are put out on the table and players pick one at a time.
  • Crew affiliation does not matter (any crew can be used on any ship).
  • Duplicate ships or crew ARE allowed if you drafted them.
  • Each player contributes 3 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling 15 Gold.


Saturday October 18th 6:00pm

Pirates Constructed Multiplayer Scenario

60-point Constructed

Horror on the High Seas

Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • All attendees play at one table
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 3 islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling any amount of Gold.
  • All standard multiplayer rules apply.
  • Players are encouraged (not required) to use fantasy or mythical aspects of the game.
  • All standard rules apply with the following exceptions:
  • The Privateer will be controlling a fleet made up of 200 points worth of 'zombie' creatures.
  • Creatures can consist of any of the "living" units in the game (sea monsters, krakens, crabs, sea dragons, etc)
  • Creatures start anywhere on the board (at least 3L from any Home Island), and do not have a "home island" of their own.
  • All creatures are considered to have the Eternal keyword, however when they die they are just out of the game for as many turns as it would take to fully repair, then reappear where they were killed.
  • The Privateer can assign a number of "zombie" captains to his fleet equal to the number of players. They can be assigned to any creature and cost 0 points (cannot be assigned to Sea Dragons). Privateer crew cannot be eliminated and ignore cargo restrictions.
  • The Privateer's fleet is immune to "cancel" abilities.
  • Privateer will contribute 2 islands and 8 unique treasures to the mix.
  • The Players' goal is to survive and to get more gold home than any other player.
  • The Privateer's goal is to wipe out all of the players and eat their brains




Saturday October 18th 12:30pm

Star Wars Constructed

Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds

Fee: $9 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • Fleet must be 30 points (maximum).

Deck must be 30 cards (minimum).

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