Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Elder Dragon Highlander League Starts 11/01/08

    We are going to run a EDH League. This will be a Wizards Official Non-Rated Constructed Event that will be starting November 1st, and running to the end of November. The League Fee is $1, and will go towards prizes. Saturdays, at 4PM, are the official MTG League Nights and if you want to play on any other day, please call ahead to reserve table space. Just call up the store at 919-468-6322 and we'll make room for you and your opponent. We will have a list posted after the first Saturday of all those signed up in the league with what they are using as their generals and contact information to reach the players and find time to play.

You can play as many games as you would like, so there is no limit to the games you can play in a week or per opponent. League Results slips will be filled out the same as before, with both players' signatures, time and date played. League slips that are not filled out completely will not count towards your results. The new league rules are posted below, and will be printed out at the store.



Deck Construction Rules:

Players must choose a legendary creature as the "General" for their deck.


The following card may not be used as a General: Rofellos


League Rule: An EDH "League" consists of a regular group of players who frequently play together using the same decks. No two players in a league game may have the same General. Within a given league, Generals are allocated first-come, first-serve and are preserved between meetings/games. No player may have, in his or her deck, the General of any other player in the game; it should be replaced with some other card before the game begins. The first day of league is November 1st, at 4PM. Make sure you're here in time to reserve your General.


The General's mana cost limits what colored mana symbols may appear on cards in the deck: if a colored mana symbol is not present in the General's mana cost, the deck may not contain any cards using that mana symbol. Lands with a basic land type (basic lands, Shock lands, Dual lands, Shadowmoor CIPT-basics, etc) contain the corresponding mana symbol(s) as per CR 212.6g.


Example: If you were play Phelddagrif (Casting cost 1UWG) as your General, your deck may not contain any red or black cards; no card in such a deck may contain red or black mana symbols or hybrid mana symbols ( Talisman of Dominance, Life//Death and Boros Guildmage are not allowed. Degavolver is doubly bad).


A deck may not generate mana outside it's colors; anything which would generate mana of an illegal color generates colorless mana instead.


An EDH deck must contain exactly 100 cards, including the General.


With the exception of basic lands, no two cards in the deck may have the same English name.


EDH is played with vintage legal cards, with the exception that cards are legal as of their set's prerelease.


Additionally, the following are banned:


Play rules:

Players begin the game with 40 life.


Generals are announced and removed from the game before shuffling at the start of the game.


Being a General is not a characteristic it is a property of the card. As such, "Generalness" cannot be copied or overwritten by continuous effects, and does not change with control of the card.


Examples: A Body Double copying a General in a graveyard is not a General. A General which is affected by Cytoshape, or is face down, is still a General.


The first time a player takes a mulligan, they draw 7 cards (instead of 6). The second mulligan is to 6, and so forth.

If a player suffers 21 points of combat damage from a single General, they lose. This is an additional state based effect, similar to poison counters, but separate and specific to each General. This damage cannot be healed or undone, even if the creature is removed from play temporarily. Damage done by a creature under someone else's control is still counted towards the 21 point limit for that creature and defender.


While a General is removed from the game, it may be played. As an additional cost to play your General this way, you must pay {2} for each previous time you have played it this way.


If a General would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, its owner may remove it from the game instead. (This is a replacement effect... the creature never goes to the graveyard and will not trigger abilities on going to the graveyard).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yu-Gi-Oh! Activities Starting!

Fee: $6.00 per person

Format: Advanced (please see banned list at http://www.ude.com/ - select yugioh) Start Time: 1:30PM Sundays End Time: 6pm Time per Round: 35 min.

Prize Support: 1 booster pack with admision, additional boosters and/or Gift Certificates will be awarded based on number of attendees

Judging Staff: Dudley Riner, Daniel Creech and Mike Kee


All matches are played in a best of 3 set. The number of rounds will depend on the number of players in attendance based on the UDE tournament policy. At the conclusion of the Swiss rounds, the players with the best records will have a playoff. The number of people in this playoff is also deteremined by the UDE tournament policy, but the number can be reduced if time is running short. The winner will be the one who is undefeated in the playoff. Any time during a tournament a player may call for a judge to answer questions or reslove player disputes. If the judge making the ruling is not the head judge the player may ask for an appeal. All rulings made by the head judge are final.  Decks range from 40 cards to 80 and should be in plastic sleeves.  If the deck is in good condition and all cards are of uniform appearance, then play without sleeves is allowed.


Remember, Duel with Honor Integrity and Most of all, Have Fun! 

Visit the league's website associated with the store by clicking on the link below: http://www.createforum.com/duelwithhonor/index.php?mforum=duelwithhonor



We will host 3 to 4 Yu-Gi-Oh Tournaments a month and there will also be Free Play once a month. Please look over the calendar for further details.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Star Wars GAME DAY!

Star Wars Game Day Event

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Special Promotions will be announced on the day of event!

You have watched the films now take a walk within the world!

All Fun & Games will sponsor a Star Wars™ game day on Saturday, November 15, 2008. The event will feature demos of the Star Wars Saga Edition Role-playing game, the Star Wars Miniatures game, and the Star War Pocket Models constructible card game. The Star Wars game day takes your interest in Star Wars from the screen to the table. Join us and we will teach you the games, so that you can create the action!


Scheduling a Game: If you wish to run a game at the event, then please contact Vivian [Ph. (919) 468-6322 or Email: afng@allfunngames.com) at All Fun and Games. You should specify which type of game that you'd like to run, number of players, and your preferred time slot.

Registering for a game: If you would like to register for a game, then please contact Vivian [Ph. (919) 468-6322 or Email: afng@allfunngames.com) at All Fun and Games. You should specify the specific game that you'd like to play.

Star Wars Saga Edition Role-playing Game: Saga Edition was released in 2007 and was immediately recognized for its innovative rules that truly captured the feel of the films. Saga Edition was awarded 3 Gold Ennie Awards at the 2008 Ennies held in August at GenCon. The awards were for best rules, best d20 product, and best game. In addition, Saga won the silver Ennie for product of the year! We encourage everyone to try the award winning Star Wars Saga Edition. Saga Game session 1 is scheduled for 11AM-3PM; session 2 is scheduled for 5PM-9PM

Star Wars Miniatures: This collectible miniatures tabletop game is based on the Star Wars
universe and produced by Wizards of the Coast. The game was originally released in September 2004. Star Wars Miniatures players build point-based squads from one of ten different in-universe factions then conduct battles between those squads. The game mechanics are a simplified version of the role-playing game system with many game masters using these miniatures for the Star Wars Saga Edition role-playing game. If you want to learn how to run a skirmish using your favorite characters from the films, then this game is for you.

Star Wars CMG Demos 2-3PM

  • Come learn how to play the Star Wars Miniatures Game

Use what you learned in the demos, and compete to win one of many prizes at 3:00PM.

New players will be provided a warband to play in the event.


Fee: Free

100 Point Constructed

Swiss pairings, minimum of 3 rounds

Star Wars PocketModels: This collectible constructible card game brings the action of space combat to the game table. Build your fleet of Star Wars™ ships from over 80 different PocketModels. Create a unique card deck filled with Star Wars characters and events. Set your defenses and prepare your assault. Take out your opponent first for the win. Do you have what it takes to rule the galaxy?

Star Wars Pocket Model Demos 12-1PM

  • Come learn how to play Star War Pocketmodels.

Use what you learned in the demos, and compete to win one of many prizes at 1:00.

New players will be provided a deck which they may keep after the event.


Star Wars PMG Constructed

Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds

Fee: Free

  • Fleet must be 30 points (maximum).
  • Deck must be 30 cards (minimum).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Grand Prix – Atlanta Trials!

Grand Prix- Atlanta Trials

Saturday November 8th


Entry fee varies from location to location. Check with local organizer for specific information.


  • Swiss Rounds: Sealed Deck, Top 8: Booster Draft
  • Sealed Deck Product: 1 Shards of Alara tournament pack, 2 Shards of Alara booster packs per player
  • Booster Draft Product: 3 Shards of Alara booster packs per player
  • Deck lists are required
  • If product is not stamped or pre-registered, deck registration and deck swap will be performed for the Swiss Sealed Deck.

Tournament Length

  • Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
  • Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:

    Attendance Swiss rounds

    8 Single Elim.

    9 - 16 4

    17 - 32 5

    33 - 64 6

    65 - 128 7

    129 - 226 8

    227 - 409 9

    410 or higher 10


  • All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
  • The top 8 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 8 single-elimination finals.

Top 8

  • Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3
  • Top 8 matches will have no time limit
  • The Top 8 players will be seated randomly at the draft table immediately prior to drafting.
  • The Top 8 bracket will be determined using this random seating.
  • Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings.


  • 24K, REL 2
  • All Universal Tournament Rules and Magic: the Gathering Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document
  • Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters.


  • At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Atlanta is offered at each Trial.
  • Product prizes to be determined by the organizer

    Registration Information

  • Players who want more specific local tournament or registration information should call their local contact phone number.
  • Players who have general questions about the Magic: The Gathering® trading card game, Wizards of the Coast, Inc., the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour, Arena™–The League for Magic: The Gathering, DCI players' organization, Qualifier tournaments, the Magic®
    World Championships, National Championships, or Regionals should call Wizards of the Coast at (800) 324-6496, or send email to <custserv@wizards.com>.

Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, DCI, Arena, and Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

DDM Demonweb Pre-Release Event!

Dungeons & Dragons® Miniatures

Demonweb Prerelease Event Fact Sheet

Event Date

November 1st at All Fun & Games

Start Time: 1PM


  • 2 Demonweb boosters per player
  • 200-point Sealed format, Assault
  • Check www.thedci.com for D&D Minis, Limited-format rules

Tournament Length

  • Swiss rounds – Maximum length of 60 minutes per round
  • Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance


  • All players may participate in all Swiss rounds
  • A single-elimination top 4 or 8 may follow the Swiss rounds at the organizer's discretion


  • 16K, Casual REL
  • All Universal Tournament Rules and D&D® Miniatures Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document
  • Players must bring pen, paper, map sheets, and appropriate counters

Entry Fee


Prize Schedule *Minimum Prize Support

Each participant receives an alternate-paint mini (while supplies last)

3rd-4th finishers receive 2 Demonweb expansion boxes each

2nd Place receives 3 Demonweb expansion boxes

1st Place receives 5 Demonweb expansion boxes



Players who have general questions about the D&D® Miniatures
game, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.® , or the DCI™ player's organization, should contact Wizards of the Coast on (800) 324-6496, or send email to custserv@wizards.com.



All trademarks, including character names and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.

© 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

ONE DAY SALE!!!! 10/9/08



10AM TO 10PM














*Offer cannot be combined with any other discounts

*If product is already on sale you can take up to 15% off

*Not applicable on special orders

*Snacks & Sodas not included

*Star Wars Miniatures Singles not included

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New WH 40K League Begins 10/13/08

Cities of Death League.

Army lists can be no more than 1,000 points and everyone may have no more than 2 strategems.  The only thing coming out of the Cities of Death book is the strategems and missions. Rules for movement, shooting, and assault will be following the rules from the 5th Edition Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Please make sure to have both books read through and with you when you come in to play. Don't forget your dice and measuring devices.



1.     10/13-10/19       Fire Sweep

2.     10/20-10/26       High Ground

3.     10/27-11/2         Domination (Following Night Fight Rules)

4.     11/3-11/9           Maximum Attrition (use Kill Points instead of Victory Points)

5.     11/10-11/16       Urban Assault


We are going to run this event a little different this time around. We will pair you up with your opponent for all the missions. Anyone interested in playing this league MUST pre-register before October 10th. The following Saturday, October 11th, the pairings will be emailed and placed around the store. The reason for this is to give everyone a chance to play someone different and so the new people can learn to play the game, and have fun.

            -5 Week League, $5 League Fee (Please make sure to pay your league fees before you play your first league game). You can only one game a week, and have it count as a league game.

 -Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space.  Monday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for 40K players to schedule your games.  Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm. Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm. If you plan to play a game on any day that is not Monday, you must call and reserve a space. Make sure to contact your opponent before reserving a table. It would be most appreciated if both people contacted the store to reserve a table. Our phone number is 919-468-6322.

 -All League games must be played in the store. 

 -If you can't attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponents 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponents get an automatic win. If there is no way for your opponent to play you, then contact the store to see if Vivian or Michael can play you.


-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s.  If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponents.

 -As new 40K Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league.  You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard). Make sure to have your own dice, ruler, and templates.  If you are using Space Marines, the newest edition must be used.

 -As always there will be a Sportsmanship award.

 SPORTSMANSHIP RATING: (use these when you fill out results slip.)

10 pts   The best game ever. Seriously, if only all games could be this great!

8 pts     An above average game and a lot of fun.

6 pts     An average game. This is the default score if no box is checked.

4 pts     A below average game. It was okay, but not that good.

2 pts     A very bad game. You would rather be at home painting than playing games like this.

0 pts     The worst game ever. You need to speak to a tournament judge about this game and your opponent



Also, after the league, during the holidays, we will still host a number of 40K events. Mondays will still be open night for all 40K players, and and for those who want to watch.