Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yu-Gi-Oh! Activities Starting!

Fee: $6.00 per person

Format: Advanced (please see banned list at http://www.ude.com/ - select yugioh) Start Time: 1:30PM Sundays End Time: 6pm Time per Round: 35 min.

Prize Support: 1 booster pack with admision, additional boosters and/or Gift Certificates will be awarded based on number of attendees

Judging Staff: Dudley Riner, Daniel Creech and Mike Kee


All matches are played in a best of 3 set. The number of rounds will depend on the number of players in attendance based on the UDE tournament policy. At the conclusion of the Swiss rounds, the players with the best records will have a playoff. The number of people in this playoff is also deteremined by the UDE tournament policy, but the number can be reduced if time is running short. The winner will be the one who is undefeated in the playoff. Any time during a tournament a player may call for a judge to answer questions or reslove player disputes. If the judge making the ruling is not the head judge the player may ask for an appeal. All rulings made by the head judge are final.  Decks range from 40 cards to 80 and should be in plastic sleeves.  If the deck is in good condition and all cards are of uniform appearance, then play without sleeves is allowed.


Remember, Duel with Honor Integrity and Most of all, Have Fun! 

Visit the league's website associated with the store by clicking on the link below: http://www.createforum.com/duelwithhonor/index.php?mforum=duelwithhonor



We will host 3 to 4 Yu-Gi-Oh Tournaments a month and there will also be Free Play once a month. Please look over the calendar for further details.

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