Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Pocketmodel Tournaments

For all events, the most current rules and FAQs apply.

All Sealed events will use the most recent available expansion set.


Saturday December 13th 6:00pm

Pirates Constructed Multiplayer Scenario

40-point Constructed

Convert the Natives scenario

Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • Up to 6 players per table (randomly assigned)
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 3 islands and 2 terrains.
  • All standard rules apply with the following exceptions:
  • There is no Gold.
  • The Natives:
    • Place a set of Canoes and their Chieftain at each wild island instead of gold.
    • Each player is asked to bring 2 sets of canoes, although some will be provided.
  • Scenario-Specific Crew:
    • Each player gets one Missionary crew (denoted by a token or some other counter… feel free to be creative).
    • This crew takes up 2 cargo spaces, and costs 0 points.
    • When this crew is eliminated or captured, it reappears immediately at the owner's Home Island.
  • Converting the Natives:
    • If an island has an unconverted Chieftain on it, you may use an explore action to unload your Missionary on that island.
    • While on the island, the Missionary can be shot at by opposing ships (similar to the Marine: 2 hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate the Missionary).
    • The Missionary cannot be loaded by an opposing ship.
    • At the beginning of your turn, if your Missionary is on an island with an unconverted Chieftain, roll a d6. On a result of 1, your Missionary angers the natives and is eliminated.
      • If you have a ship with the "re-roll" ability docked at this island, you may use that ship's action for the turn to re-roll for the Missionary.
    • If your Missionary survives 3 consecutive rolls, the Chieftain becomes converted, immediately becomes part of your fleet, and may be loaded onto a ship that turn. Canoes may be given actions once the Chieftain is loaded.
    • Once a converted Chieftain is loaded onto one of your ships, the Chieftain and its Canoes act as per the normal Chieftain/Canoe rules.
  • Chieftain/Canoe Stats:
    • Regardless of which set of canoes is being used, they all have the same stats.
    • The Chieftains have no nationality and cost 0 points. They do take up a cargo space as normal.
    • All Canoes have a movement of S+S, 0 cargo spaces, a 3S cannon, and no other abilities other than the Native Canoe keyword.
    • Canoes cannot be shot at until the Chieftain has been converted.
    • Canoes cannot dock at any Home Island.
  • Winning:
    • When one player controls ALL remaining Canoes, that player is the winner.
    • If a time limit is necessary, the player with the most Canoes (Canoes, not Chieftains) remaining is the winner.



Saturday December 13th 1:00pm

Star Wars Constructed

Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds

Fee: $9 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • Fleet must be 30 points (maximum).
  • Deck must be 30 cards (minimum).

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