Friday, January 30, 2009

Non-Sanctioned MTG Vintage Tournament

Vintage for a Mox Emerald!





All Fun and Games
(919) 468-6322
958 U.S. Highway 64
Apex, NC 27523


February 28, 2009

Registration starts at 3:00 PM

Tournament starts at 4:00 PM



10 Proxy Vintage/Type 1

$25 Entry (plus $1 for each proxy over 10) (15 Max.)

*Cash Only

The above Unlimited Mox Emerald is guaranteed with just 12 people. Other prizes adjust with attendance.

Tournament will consist of swiss rounds followed by a cut to single elimination rounds. Number of rounds is determined by attendance.

Vintage! Test your might!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Updated Warhammer Fantasy League Rules!


-Starting date 02/19/09 - Ending date 04/29/09.

-10 Week League, $5 League Fee
(Please make sure to pay your league fees when you play your first league game or before)

 -Each army will be 1500 points. You cannot go over this limit, not even by one point. But you can be under. We've had problems in the past with computer generated lists, (The Forge Army Generator, etc.). If you choose to use these programs, make sure to manually recalculate based on Armies point listing for your final list.

 -You must use the same army type during the entire league.

 -Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space.  WEDNESDAYS will be the official league day, which guarantees the most room for Warhammer players to schedule your games.  Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm.  All games will last 6 turns unless TIME is called.  Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm

 -All League games must be played in the store. 

 -If you can't attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win. 

-Standings will be determined by Battle Points from best 4 games.  If there is a tie for first place, the two players will have a final battle to determine 1st place. There will be a Sportsmanship Award this league.    

-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s.  If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponent.


-As new Warhammer Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league.  You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard). The NEW Lizardmen book will be used.



February Pocket Model Events!

February POCKETMODEL event details


For all events, the most current rules and FAQs apply.





Saturday February 14th 6:00pm

Pirates Constructed Multiplayer Scenario

100-point Constructed

War of the One-Shot Nations

Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • All attendees play at one table
  • Fleet must be 100 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 2 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 5 Terrain.
  • Each player contributes 2 Unique Treasure.
  • No gold coins. Any gold values from unique treasure are ignored.
  • All standard multiplayer rules apply with the following exceptions.
  • Fleet must be one of the following:
    • All Jade Rebellion (may include Mercenary)
    • All Barbary Corsair (may include Mercenary)
    • All Viking (may include Mercenary)
  • Fleets may contain Mercenary units, but mercenaries must be less than 50% of the point cost of your fleet. (i.e. If you are playing 100 points, no more than 49 points can be Merc.)
  • No Pirate, England, Spain, America, France, or Cursed units are allowed.
  • You may proxy generic crew as long they exist for that nationality. (For example, you may proxy a Jade Captain, but you may not proxy a Viking Navigator.)
  • No Ransom – Units with the Ransom keyword are not allowed.
  • No Cowards – If a ship starts its turn in a Fog Bank, it may not end its turn in a Fog Bank.
  • No Safety – You may be shot at while docked at your Home Island.
  • No Preemptive Strikes – No player's ships can be shot at until that player has had a turn.
  • Dry dock – Repairing while docked at your Home Island repairs 2 masts instead of 1.
  • Last ship standing wins. If the store closes before a winner can be determined, ranking is based on points still in play (derelict ships, crew on islands, etc. count as being in play unless the player is removed from the game). In the event of a tie, those players draw and split their prizes.



Saturday February 28th 6:00pm

Pirates Constructed Multiplayer Scenario

60-point Constructed

King of the Hill

Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • All attendees play at one table
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 1 Island.
  • No Terrain.
  • No Coins.
  • All standard multiplayer rules apply with the following exceptions.
  • There will be 1 Island in the center of the table with a Fort on it.
  • Each player will place their Home Island 6L from the center island. (Smaller distance if the table size limits this.)
  • The fort has no special abilities, and has a number of flags/cannons equal to the number of players attending. Fort cannons are 3-rank L-range cannons.
  • At the beginning of every player's turn, a 1-gold coin is placed in the Fort.
  • At the beginning of the game, the fort is uncontrolled and universally hostile.
    • No gold can be retrieved from the Fort.
    • At the end of each player's turn, the fort will shoot all of its cannons at any ships in range starting with the closest ship and then continuing to the next closest if that ship is sunk and so on until all of the cannons have fired. If multiple ships are equidistant, roll a die to determine which gets shot at first.
  • Any time the Fort is destroyed, it instantly becomes fully repaired and is under the control of the player who destroyed it with all of the gold that was in it remaining. It will then act as a normal Fort in that player's fleet (player may fire cannons, and may begin loading gold from it on that turn).
  • All ships in the game have the Eternal Keyword. This is a Scenario ability, not a Ship or Crew ability and cannot be cancelled, copied, or messed with in any other way.
  • Units with the following abilities are not allowed:
    • Forts can't hit this ship.
    • This ship can't be shot at while docked.
  • If a ship with gold on it is sunk, the owner of the sunken ship gets 1 gold. If there is a second gold on it, the aggressor gets 1 gold. Any remaining gold goes back into the Fort.
  • The game ends when any player has 30 gold at their Home Island, or when the store closes (whichever comes first). Ranking is determined by who has the most gold on their Home Island (then normal tie-breakers… mast removed, then masts remaining).








Saturday February 21st 12:30pm

Star Wars Multiplayer Constructed – Supersize!

Fee: $9 (all fees go toward prizes)

  • Fleet must be 40 points (maximum). (30 in play, 10 in reserves)
  • Deck must be 40 cards (minimum).
  • May only use up to 3 of any unit or card.
  • May use only 1 of any named ship.
    • Examples:
    • May have only one Devastator.
    • May have only one "Darth Vader's" ship regardless of model type.
    • Any unit that has Leader in the name (Blue Leader, Black Leader, etc) is considered a named ship.
    • Any squadron, division, faction, etc. name is NOT a named ship, and may have up to 3.
  • All attendees play at one table.
  • Each player has a Home Zone. There is only one Contested Zone.
  • Each player starts with 4 Objective Slots instead of 3.
  • Last player standing wins. (Second to last is second place, etc.)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

MTG CONFLUX Pre-Release Weekend!


Open Dueling

  • Starts at 10:00AM
  • Number of Seats = 15
  • $15.00, 1 random Intro Pack and Promo card *while supplies last*
  • Dueling Rules: You will receive 1 random Intro pack, using the Intro Pack you will play against other Open Dueling Players as well as tournament players. After you complete five open Dueling matches you will return your tracking card to us and receive 1 complementary Magic Booster Pack.


Sealed Deck

  • STARTS AT 11:00AM
  • Number of Seats = 50
  • $30.00, 3x Shards Boosters & 3x Conflux Boosters and Promo Card *while supplies last*


2HG Sealed Deck

  • Starts at 6:00PM
  • Number of Teams = 12 (24 players)
  • $40.00 ($20.00 per person)


Booster Drafts (4:30PM, 5:30PM, and 6:30PM)

  • Sign ups begin at 4PM, Draft will start when 16 Players sign up
  • Number of Seats = 16 per draft
  • $16.00



Open Dueling

  • Starts at 10:00AM
  • Number of Seats = 15
  • $15.00, 1 random Intro Pack and Promo card *while supplies last*
  • Dueling Rules: You will receive 1 random Intro pack, using the Intro Pack you will play against other Open Dueling Players as well as tournament players. After you complete five open Dueling matches you will return your tracking card to us and receive 1 complementary Magic Booster Pack.


Sealed Deck

  • STARTS AT 11:00AM
  • Number of Seats = 50
  • $30.00, 3x Shards Boosters & 3x Conflux Boosters and Promo Card *while supplies last*


*Information posted above is subject to change

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Product Arrivals 1/14 – 1/20



*Board Games*


    Heads of State


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    Assorted Reaper Chronoscope Miniatures




*Board Games*

    Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition

    Axis & Allies Guadalcanal


    Carcassonne Castle

    Carcassonne Hunters & Gatherers

    Carcassonne Inns & Cathedrals

    Descent Journey in the Darkness

    Race for the Galaxy

    Risk 2210 A.D.

    Settlers of Catan Cities & Knights 5-6 Player Expansion


    St. Petersburg

    Ticket to Ride

    Ticket to Ride Dice Expansion

    World of Warcraft Adventure Game


*Card Games*

            Killer Bunnies

    Killer Bunnies Green Expansion

    Killer Bunnies Orange Expansion

    Killer bunnies Red Expansion

    Killer Bunnies Violet Expansion


    Munchkin 5 Deranged

    Munchkin Cthulhu 2 Call of the Cowthulhu

    Munchkin Cthulhu 3 Unspeakable Vaults

    Settlers of Catan Card Game


*CCG/TCG & Accessories*

    Assorted Ultra Pro Solid Deck Protectors

    Ultra Pro Top Loaders Clear

    Ultra Pro 2 Piece Stor-safe Card Boxes 50Ct

    Ultra Pro 2 Piece Stor-safe Card Boxes 100Ct


*Miniatures & Accessories*

    40K 5th Edition Rulebook

    40K Assault on Black Reach

    40K Assault on Black Reach Paint Set

    40K Chaos Space Marines Box

    40K Codex Tau

    40K Imperial Guard Cadians Box

    40K Inquisition Sisters of Battle Canoness

    40K Kroot Carnivore Squad

    40K Ork Boyz Box

    40K Ork Warboss

40K Space Marines Box

40K Tau Warriors Squad

    40K Tyranid Gaunt Box

    40K Tyranid Ravenors

    Assorted Reaper Legendary Encounters Miniatures

    Citadel Assorted Paints

    Citadel Assorted Brushes and Tools

    Citadel Assorted Dice Cubes

    Citadel Plastic Glue

    Citadel Modeling Putty

    D&D Against the Giants Boosters

    D&D Dungeons of Dread Boosters

    Monsterpocalypse Unit Boosters

    Star Wars Clone Wars Boosters

    Star Wars Force Unleashed Boosters

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Boosters

    Warhammer 7th Edition Rulebook

    WH Brettonian Armies Book

    WH Brettonian Knights

    WH Brettonian Mounted Yeoman

    WH Chaos Warriors Regiment

    WH Dark Elves Black Ark Corsairs

    WH Dark Elves Repeater Bolt Thrower

    WH Empire State Gunners

    WH Empire Militia

    WH High Elf Warriors Regiment

    WH High Elf Swordmasters

    WH Black Orcs

    WH Black Orc Big Boss

    WH Skaven Night Runners

    WH Vampire Skeleton Regiment

    WH Tomb King Liche Priest



*Role-Play & Accessories*

    Assorted Opaque Polyhedral Dice Bricks

    D&D Character Sheets

    D&D Draconomicon

    D&D Manual of the Planes

            D&D 4th Edition RPG Starter