Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Updated Warhammer Fantasy League Rules!


-Starting date 02/19/09 - Ending date 04/29/09.

-10 Week League, $5 League Fee
(Please make sure to pay your league fees when you play your first league game or before)

 -Each army will be 1500 points. You cannot go over this limit, not even by one point. But you can be under. We've had problems in the past with computer generated lists, (The Forge Army Generator, etc.). If you choose to use these programs, make sure to manually recalculate based on Armies point listing for your final list.

 -You must use the same army type during the entire league.

 -Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space.  WEDNESDAYS will be the official league day, which guarantees the most room for Warhammer players to schedule your games.  Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm.  All games will last 6 turns unless TIME is called.  Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm

 -All League games must be played in the store. 

 -If you can't attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win. 

-Standings will be determined by Battle Points from best 4 games.  If there is a tie for first place, the two players will have a final battle to determine 1st place. There will be a Sportsmanship Award this league.    

-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s.  If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponent.


-As new Warhammer Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league.  You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard). The NEW Lizardmen book will be used.



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