*Due to technical issues with our email system we are posting our weekly update on our blog. We apologize for any inconvenience*
-Attention gamers! We are running a special on all of our collectable card games. For the Magic the Gathering players, when you buy a Shards of Alara and a Conflux booster, you can get an Alara Reborn booster free! For the Pokémon players, when you buy 2 Platinum Arceus boosters, you will receive one free! And for our Yu-G-Oh players, all Ancient Prophecy (Includes Special Edition) and Raging Battles boosters are 50% off, and when you purchase a 5D's starter, you can get a Warrior's Strike structure deck for 50% off. When you buy a Yu-Gi-Oh New Majestic Star Dragon tin and a Earthbound Immortals tin, you will receive a Jack Atlas tin absolutely free! Also, for the NEW Yu-Gi-Oh Hidden Arsenal which will be released Wednesday November 11th, you can purchase 2 and get 1 free! Offers good while supplies last and only through the month of November.
- Hey Heroes!! On Saturday, November 14th, bring in your 500 point unrestricted band and battle against the best of the best. All heroes and Villains are welcome. Games start at 10:30 AM.
-On Saturday, December 12th, we will be hosting a Pokémon Battle Roads Tournament. Moore information will come as soon as we get it.
-Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com
-Wed: Open Play 10AM – 7PM
Warhammer Fantasy Open Play
MTG Booster Draft, (Zendikar) 6:30PM, $16
EDH League Play, 4PM
-Thu: Home Schoolers' Game Day, 1-4PM *Earn rewards*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12 Midnight *Earn rewards*
Warmachine/Hordes Open Play
Heroscape Open Play, 6:30-10PM
-Fri: Official Friday Night Booster Draft (Zendikar), 6:30PM, $16
EDH League Play, 4PM
-Sat: Pokémon League Play, 10AM
Heroclix Unrestricted 500pt Constructed Tournament
MTG 2HG Booster Draft, 12PM, $16/per person
EDH League Play, 4PM
MTG Booster Draft (Zendikar), 6:30PM, $16
-Sun: Warmachine/Hordes Open Play
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed 1:30PM, $6
-Mon: Warhammer 40,000 Open Play Night
-Tue: Role-Play Night of All Types
Name: Mohammad Aamar
Email: m.aamar12@gmail.com
Looking to play or run a D&D 4th Ed game Monday through Thursday starting at 4pm.
Name: Brett West
Email: westb3@gmail.com
- Looking to join a D&D 3.5 , Shadowrun, or any other exciting role-play game (other than 4th Edition).
Name: Robert J. Slattery
Email: kathagitek@hotmail.com
- 3.5 D&D game looking for one or two regular players to join an existing campaign currently at 6th level. We are also considering a new game.
Name: Mike P.
Email: mgpeoleye@gmail.com
- Looking for D&D 3.5 but would consider other versions. Would like to play weeknight- also like character development over hack-n-slash.
Name: Preston Jones
Email: pdawg517@yahoo.com
- Looking for Warhammer 40K pick up games on Tuesday Night!
*Board Games*
- Ticket to Ride Europa 1912 Expansion
*Card Games*
- Archaeology
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
- Pokemon Platinum Arceus Boosters
- Pokmon Platinum Arceus Theme Decks
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Hidden Arsenal Boosters
*Miniatures & Accessories*
- Heroscape Wave 10 Boosters
- WH Skaven Armies Book
- WH Skaven Clanrats
- WH Skaven Doomwheel
- WH Skaven Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth
- WH Skaven Stormvermin
- WH Skaven Warlord Queek Head-taker
*Roleplay & Accessories*
- Hero 6th Edition Rulebook
- Shadowrun Seattle 2072
*Board Games*
- Carcassonne Catapult
- Carcassonne Cult/Siege/Create
- Carcasonne King & Scout
- Carcasonne The Tower
- Settlers of Catan
- Settlers of Catan Traders & Barbarians
- Small World
- Talisman Revised 4th Edition
*Card Games*
- Bang! 4th Edition
- Guillotine
- Lost Cities
- Monty Python Fluxx
- Munchkin 5 DeRanged
- Munchkin Impossible
- Pit
- Ticket to Ride Card Game
- Warhammer Living Card Game
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
- Assorted Deck Boxes
- MTG Zendikar Intro Packs
- Planeswalker Three Ring Binder
*Miniatures & Accessories*
- Assorted Citadel Paints & Brushes
- 40K Chaos Space Marines Terminator Squad
- 40K Tyranid Gaunts
- D&D Arcane Hereos 2 Booster
- D&D Divine Heroes 2 Booster
- D&D Martial Heroes 3 Booster
- WH Dark Elves Armies Book
*Roleplay & Accessories*
- D&D DM's Screen
Pathfinder Campaign Guide