*Due to technical issues with our email system we are posting our weekly update on our blog. We apologize for any inconvenience*
-We will be closed Thursday the 26th of November in celebration of Thanksgiving and will re-open Friday the 27th!
-Attention gamers! We are running a special on all of our collectable card games. For the Magic the Gathering players, when you buy a Shards of Alara and a Conflux booster, you can get an Alara Reborn booster free! For the Pokémon players, when you buy 2 Platinum Arceus boosters, you will receive one free! And for our Yu-G-Oh players, all Ancient Prophecy (Includes Special Edition) and Raging Battles boosters are 50% off, and when you purchase a 5D's starter, you can get a Warrior's Strike structure deck for 50% off. When you buy a Yu-Gi-Oh New Majestic Star Dragon tin and a Earthbound Immortals tin, you will receive a Jack Atlas tin absolutely free! Also, for the NEW Yu-Gi-Oh Hidden Arsenal which will be released Wednesday November 11th, you can purchase 2 and get 1 free! Offers good while supplies last and only through the month of November.
-On Saturday, December 12th, we will be hosting a Pokémon Battle Roads Tournament. More information will come as soon as we get it.
-Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com
-Wed: Open Play 10AM – 7PM
Warhammer Fantasy Open Play
MTG Booster Draft, (Zendikar) 6:30PM, $16
EDH League Play, 4PM
-Thu: Home Schoolers' Game Day, 1-4PM *Earn rewards*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12 Midnight *Earn rewards*
Z-Man Games Megacorps Demo! 7PM-11PM
Warmachine/Hordes Open Play
Heroscape Open Play, 6:30-10PM
-Fri: Official Friday Night 2HG Sealed (Zendikar), 6:30PM, $21
EDH League Play, 4PM
-Sat: Pokémon League Play, 10AM
MTG Standard, 12PM, $6
EDH League Play, 4PM
MTG Booster Draft (Zendikar), 6:30PM, $16
-Sun: Warmachine/Hordes Open Play
Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed 1:30PM, $6
-Mon: Warhammer 40,000 Open Play Night
-Tue: Role-Play Night of All Types
Name: Mohammad Aamar
Email: m.aamar12@gmail.com
Looking to play or run a D&D 4th Ed game Monday through Thursday starting at 4pm.
Name: Brett West
Email: westb3@gmail.com
- Looking to join a D&D 3.5 , Shadowrun, or any other exciting role-play game (other than 4th Edition).
Name: Robert J. Slattery
Email: kathagitek@hotmail.com
- 3.5 D&D game looking for one or two regular players to join an existing campaign currently at 6th level. We are also considering a new game.
Name: Mike P.
Email: mgpeoleye@gmail.com
- Looking for D&D 3.5 but would consider other versions. Would like to play weeknight- also like character development over hack-n-slash.
Name: Preston Jones
Email: pdawg517@yahoo.com
- Looking for Warhammer 40K pick up games on Tuesday Night!
*Card Games*
- Fantasy
- Stoner Fluxx
- Toc Toc Toc
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Stardust Overdrive Boosters
*Miniatures & Accessories*
- Assorted Chronoscope Minis
- Assorted Dark Haven Minis
- Assorted Pathfinder Minis
- D&D Savage Encounters Boosters
- Heroclix Marvel Hammer/Thor Boosters *Wednesday*
- Game Trade Magazine Issue #117
*Roleplay & Accessories*
- D&D Assorted Arcane Power Cards
- D&D Draconomicon 2 Metallic Dragons
- Star Wars Scavengers Guide to Droids
*Board Games*
- Assorted Carcassonne Expansions
- Munchkin Quest
- Munchkin Quest 2 Looking for Trouble
- Settlers of Catan: Cities & Knights
- Settlers of Catan: Seafarers 5-6 Player Extension
- Settlers of Catan: Traders & Barbarians
- Stone Age
*Card Games*
- Assorted Munchkin Expansions
- Bang the Bullet
- Settlers of Catan
- Settlers of Catan Expansion Set
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
- 9-Pocket Pages
- Assorted Ultra Pro Deck Boxes
- MTG 3" Card Album
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Hidden Arsenal Boosters
*Miniatures & Accessories*
- 40K Codex Chaos Daemons
- 40K Codex Orks
- 40K Codex Space Wolves
- Assorted Citadel Paints & Brushes
- Assorted D&D Heroes Minis
- Citadel Movement Trays
- WH Empire State Troops
- WH Warriors of Chaos Armies
- Zip Kicker 2oz Spray Bottle