Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Product Arrival 6/30 - 7/6
*Board Games & Accessories*
• Battlelore Horrific Horde Goblin
• Battlelore Battles of Westeros
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
• Warhammer LCG Burning of Dericksbu Booster Pack
*Miniatures & Accessories*
• Assorted Reaper Miniatures
• DDM Gargantuan: Orcus Prince of Undeath
*Role-Play & Accessories*
• D&D Dungeon Master’s Token Set
*Board Games & Accessories*
• Agricola
• Carcassonne The Catan Expansion
• Cities & Knights of Catan
• Dominion
• Dominion Alchemy
• Dominion Seaside
• Malarky
• Pandemic
• Puerto Rico
• Race for the Galaxy
• Race for the Brink
• Race for the Galaxy Gathering Storm
• Race for the Galaxy Rebel V Imperium
• Seafarers of Catan
• Seafarers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension
• Settlers of Catan
• Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension
• Small World
*Card Games & Accessories*
• Bohnanza
• Cardcassonne
• Phase 10
• Munchkin
• Munchkin Fairy Dust
• Munchkin Waiting for Santa
• Set
*Casino/Classic Games & Accessories*
• 2-Deck Revolving Card Tray
• 6-Deck Revolving Card Tray
• Automatic 6-Deck Card Shuffler
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
• Assorted KMC Card Sleeves
• Assorted Ultra Pro Deck Boxes
• Assorted Ultra Pro Deck Protectors
*Figures/Miniatures & Accessories*
• Assorted Armytransport Foam Trays
• Assorted Malifaux Fate Decks
• Heroclix The Brave and The Bold Boosters
• Malifaux Gremlin Box Set
• Warmachine Prime MK II
• Warmachine Khador Battle Group Box Set
• Warmachine Template Set
*Role-Play & Accessories*
• Assorted Polyhedral Borealis 2 Dice Sets
• Assorted Polyhedral Translucent Dice Sets
• Exalted 2nd Edition
• Game Mastery Basic Flip Mat
Warhammer Fantasy 8th Ed Launch Party! 7/10/10
Warhammer Fantasy Launch Party
Saturday, July 10th
- Painting contest: Starting time 2PM. The model must be bought from All Fun & Games, proof of purchase is required. The winner will be decided via majority vote. All models must be in by 1pm.
- Entry fee will be $5
- Entry fee will be $5
- Jousting contest: Starting time 12pm. Mini tournament, lists will be required. Each player will bring one non-character lord choice as detailed in their army book, mounted on a non-monstrous mount. The players then roll off for deployment (on a small arena sized table) at 15inches apart; they then play a game normally, testing out the new charging rules.
- Entry fee will be $5
- Entry fee will be $5
- Bonus day for the upcoming Fantasy league. Anyone who plays on the 10th will receive a bonus!
WH 40K Summer League 2010! Begins 7/12/10!
-Gereon is a mysterious planet that holds a dangerous secret: An artifact that could change the destiny of the galaxy – an engine of destruction. The forces of Chaos already control this once-proud planet of the Imperium, and they know what slumbers here. Yet the forces of humanity are not silent, and are already moving to assault and retake Gereon for their own purposes. They are, however, ignorant to the planet’s secret, and unaware of what power they may imminently unearth. It is then up to the Zenos races to stop both humanity and the insane mutants from attaining this power, or risk allowing the galaxy to be utterly destabilized . An Emperor Titan is up for grabs. Who will seize its mighty power?
-This league will be an escalation campaign style, starting at 1000 points and ending with 2000. The league will begin July 12th and the entry fee will be $12. Here is the break down week by week:
Week: Points:
1(July 12-18th) 1000
2 1000
3 1250
4 1250
5 1500
6 1500
7 1500
8 1850
9 1850
10 1850
11 2000
12(Sep 27th-Oct 3rd) 2000
- The point costs are point maximums, not requirements. Players who want to play smaller games should feel free to do so. There will be no benefit for playing large games.
- There will be weekly updates on the lore of the league and what is going on with the Engine of Destruction.
- All the scenarios will be straight from the book with these limitations:
The first 2 weeks of the league will be played using the City Fight rules to make the smaller point games more interesting.
The last 2 weeks of the league will exclude the Dawn of War deployment rules, to make the higher point games fairer for certain armies and to avoid confusion.
-The Army lists are completely open and do not need to be handed in. The players must have a written copy of the list on them when they play the game, just in case there are discrepancies.
-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee a space. Monday nights will be the official league night, guaranteeing most of the store’s play space for 40K players to schedule your games. Games can be played during the weekdays but cannot start any later then 7pm. All games will last 6 turns unless TIME is called. Sunday games should be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm.
-All League games must be played in the store.
-If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't, your opponent will receive an automatic win. A league contact sheet will be posted and sent out to our mailing list.
-Models must at least be primed; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponent.
-As new 40K Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league. You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard).
-The League will end with an Apocalypse game on October the 10th, open to all players in the league. The game’s first round will begin at 12pm; doors open at 10am. The game will be called at 5:30pm that day.
-The prize support for this league will be a little different than normal, as there will be more prizes offered per person rather than the bulk of prize support going to a few individuals. Prizes will be given as follows:
-First place, Second place, Third place, Most games played, Most opponents played, Sportsmanship.
WH Fantasy 2010 Summer League! Starts 7/26/10!
The league will start at 1000 points, which is the average for most battalion with one hero (some are outliers). The league will be 10 weeks long and will begin July 26th. Since this is a brand new edition, the league fee will only be $5 just to try out new lists and meet the community! Every two weeks the point values will increase 250 points. The point costs are a maximum, so you can still play with less than the listed amounts.
Here is the breakdown on the weekly points:
Week Point Value
1(July 26-August 5nd) 1000
2 1000
3 1250
4 1250
5 1500
6 1500
7 1750
8 1750
9 2000
10(Oct 4th- 10th ) 2000
*Note that the launch party is an extra day for the league and will give players a bonus*
Bigger games will NOT count for more. We are trying to encourage new players and new armies. Scenarios will be rolled for in the 8th edition of WFB. Follow set up as read in the rulebook for the scenario you and your opponent decide upon. After setting up, turn d3 pieces of terrain into mysterious terrain from the new edition. IE: Mysterious woods, marshes etc.
-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. Monday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for Fantasy players to schedule your games. Games can be played during the weekdays and cannot start any later then 7pm. All games will last 6 turns unless TIME is called. Sunday games should be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm.
-All League games must be played in the store.
-If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win. A league contact sheet will be posted and sent out to our mailing list.
-Models must at least be primed; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponent.
-As new supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league. You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard).
Saturday, June 26, 2010
M11 Pre-Release Weekend 7/10-7/11
Magic 2011 Core Set (M11) Pre-release Info
Personal items are to be kept at a minimum, 1 trading card binder or similarly sized item will be allowed for each player. No backpacks. If you bring a backpack, you will be asked to take it back to your vehicle and lock it in your trunk. Please have your DCI card with you at the event, out and ready. It will help speed up the registration process.
Promotional Card for Sealed Deck Event: Sun Titan. One per person, no pre-registering allowed. Registration starts at 10AM on Saturday and Sunday for the Sealed Tournament. Deck Building starts at 11AM.
Saturday, July 10th
· Sealed Deck: 6 boosters per player: 72 Seats available, 11AM, $30 (Prizes will be in M11 Boosters)
· Open Dueling: 1 intro deck: 15 Seats available, 11AM, $15 (Prizes will be in M11)
· Two-Headed Giant: 8 boosters per team. 18 Teams available, 6PM, $21 per person (Prize support will be given in existing boosters or store credit, not M11)
· Booster Draft: 3 boosters per player. 24 Seats available, 7PM, $16 (Prize support will be given in existing boosters or store credit, not M11)
Sunday, July 11th
· Sealed Deck: 6 boosters per player. 54 Seats available, 11AM, $30 (Prizes will be in M11 Boosters)
· Open Dueling: 1 intro deck: 15 Seats available, 11AM, $15 (Prizes will be in M11)
***Due to Number of Players & Rounds for the Sealed deck during the Pre-Release we are using the following time limits***
Magic: The Gathering® DCI Floor Rules
Effective July 1, 2009
112. Match Time Limits
The required minimum time limit for any match is 40 minutes.
(Deck Registration is not required for Pre-release events; TOTAL time listed will be used for deck construction)
The following time limits are recommended for Limited tournaments:
• Sealed Deck—20 minutes for deck registration and 30 minutes for deck construction (50 minutes total)
• Draft—30 minutes for deck registration and construction
• Team Sealed Deck—60 minutes for deck construction
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
WM/Hordes Fight for Lives Charity Event 6/26/10
50 points, one list, Fight club! This means that 35 points of your list needs to be Jacks/beasts. Not in battlegroup, just on the table, so Sam can marshal two mules and it counts.
Kill the caster or kill all the jacks/beasts to win.
Cost: $10.00 to enter. Grants you 20 raffle tickets $0.50 per raffle ticket. Spend tickets to buy re-rolls and bonuses. Re-rolls will escalate per turn, if you spend one for a re-roll you will need to spend two for the next that turn, then four for the next, and eight for the next and so on. Bonuses include 10 tickets
to go first, 10 to make a jack/beast AD, or 10 to deny AD.
Time: 12PM Noon, be there early to sign up. 4 rounds will be played.
1st place, winner’s choice of an art print from the privateer site, 1st place SR coin
2nd place, 2nd place SR coin
3rd place, 3rd place SR coin.
If the winner wants to hold their decision till Hordes prints I can do that.
Raffle prizes!! (The real winners)
An autographed WARMACHINE Poster signed by Privateer Press! FRAMED!
A smaller signed MK2 poster will also be raffled off.
Door prizes will also be available.
All proceeds of this event go towards American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Any questions please ask.
-Jake Brickey
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Free RPG Day Saturday 6/19/10
Session 1 Free RPG Day 1PM-5PM
- D&D Bloodsand Arena: Seats are full
- Exalted: Under the Rose: 5-Seats still available
- Legend of the Five Rings: DM needed, with 4 seats available
Session 2 Free RPG Day 6PM-10PM
- D&D Bloodsand Arena: Seats are full
- Deathwatch: Final Sanction: 1-Seat still available
- Pathfinder: Mast of the Fallen Fortress: DM Needed, with 4-Seats still available
Free RPG Day, June 19th, is coming up fast. The product is all first come first serve. Although, if you play in a game at the store on July 19th you are entitled to a copy of the game you are playing. In addition, if you participate in any Free RPG Day activities you may place a preorder of any FREE RPG Day Product's offered at a 20% discount! Free RPG products will be available starting at 10AM until close, only one item per person. For a list of available Free RPG items available visit www.freerpgday.com. If we have remaining items from the day we will make them available again for pick up on 6/22/10 during our RPG night and people may take multiple items if available. Also, if you play in any adventure during the day you will be placed into a Raffle and will be able to select from any of these out of print products:
- Advanced D&D Fiend Folio
- Advanced D&D Deities and Demigods
- Advanced D&D Monster Manual II
- Advanced D&D Players Handbook
- Advanced D&D 2nd Dungeon Masters Guide
- D&D Modules G1, S1, A1, D1, C1, D2, B2, B3 (all out of print)
- D&D 3D Tiles
- Cyberpunk Chrome
- Cyberpunk Style Guide 2
- Cyberpunk Northwest Passage
- Cyberpunk Deep Space
- Cyberpunk When Gravity Fails
- Cyberpunk Blackhand Street Weapon
- Cyberpunk Green War
- Cyberpunk Rulebook
- Cyberpunk Maximum Metal
- Gurps Vikings
- Paranoia Sourcebook
- Paranoia Bot Abusers guide
- Bar Wars
- Star Frontiers
- Killer By Steve Jackson Games
- The Ebon Mirror
- Champions Rule Book 4th Edition
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Product Arrival 6/9 - 6/15
*Board Games & Accessories*
• Asteroyds
• Martinique
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
• Magic Duel of the Plainswalkers Intro Packs
*Miniatures & Accessories*
• Forces of Warmachine: Cryxx
• Heroclix: The Darkest Night Starter Set
• Malifaux Rule Book
*Role-Play & Accessories*
• D&D DU7 Deserts Of Athas Dungeon Tiles
• D&D Monster Manual 3
• D&D PHB Tieflings Race
*Board Games & Accessories*
• Carcassonne
*CCG/TCG & Accessories*
• Deluxe Rook
• Rook
• Monopoly Card Game
• Uno
*Miniatures & Accessories*
• Forces of Warmachine: Cryxx
• Heroclix: The Darkest Night Starter Set
• Malifaux Rule Book
*Role-Play & Accessories*
• D&D DU7 Deserts Of Athas Dungeon Tiles
• D&D Monster Manual 3
• D&D PHB Tieflings Race