Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WM/Hordes Fight for Lives Charity Event 6/26/10

The game:
50 points, one list, Fight club! This means that 35 points of your list needs to be Jacks/beasts. Not in battlegroup, just on the table, so Sam can marshal two mules and it counts.

Kill the caster or kill all the jacks/beasts to win.

Cost: $10.00 to enter. Grants you 20 raffle tickets $0.50 per raffle ticket. Spend tickets to buy re-rolls and bonuses. Re-rolls will escalate per turn, if you spend one for a re-roll you will need to spend two for the next that turn, then four for the next, and eight for the next and so on. Bonuses include 10 tickets
to go first, 10 to make a jack/beast AD, or 10 to deny AD.

Time: 12PM Noon, be there early to sign up. 4 rounds will be played.

1st place, winner’s choice of an art print from the privateer site, 1st place SR coin
2nd place, 2nd place SR coin
3rd place, 3rd place SR coin.

If the winner wants to hold their decision till Hordes prints I can do that.

Raffle prizes!! (The real winners)
An autographed WARMACHINE Poster signed by Privateer Press! FRAMED!

A smaller signed MK2 poster will also be raffled off.

Door prizes will also be available.

All proceeds of this event go towards American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Any questions please ask.
-Jake Brickey