Warhammer Fantasy Launch Party
Saturday, July 10th
- Painting contest: Starting time 2PM. The model must be bought from All Fun & Games, proof of purchase is required. The winner will be decided via majority vote. All models must be in by 1pm.
- Entry fee will be $5
- Entry fee will be $5
- Jousting contest: Starting time 12pm. Mini tournament, lists will be required. Each player will bring one non-character lord choice as detailed in their army book, mounted on a non-monstrous mount. The players then roll off for deployment (on a small arena sized table) at 15inches apart; they then play a game normally, testing out the new charging rules.
- Entry fee will be $5
- Entry fee will be $5
- Bonus day for the upcoming Fantasy league. Anyone who plays on the 10th will receive a bonus!