Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The League of Fantasy and 40k for 8/1/2011-10/3/2011

Ben's League For 40k and Fantasy… Gird your loins

I asked and you have answered with your silence, now this is what you will reap. This league has one rule, my word. Mwahahaha. Each will, I will choose which of my "rules" to enforce. These rules will change your game, give you new challenges to arise above, and hopefully make you laugh a bit.

The games will be designed for 2000-2500 points. Players may play with fewer points, but it should be discussed before the game. The games will score the first two in each 2 week session. You may still play after that, but you don't need to fill out a slip, only players who are counting their game do.

There will be a fee of $5.01 (the pennies are for my college fund). But, with that said, there will be PRIZES!!!! Hurrah Prizes.

Each week along with the email my rules will go out.

Some of my rule changes:

  • Players are encouraged to be good sportsmen (and sportswomen). I will be giving out special -1 to rolls cards for players who have good sportsmanship (other employees can give them out as well). These are used before a player rolls to lower the cost of the needed roll by 1, to a minimum of 2+ (The card is used for the entire roll be it attacks for entire squad or invulnerable save for one guy).
  • For every loss a player has that player will get a card to ignore one of my rules for a game. Not all rules are ignorable, and the ones that are will have ignorable written with them.
  • Models that are not painted get a -1 to cover saves as they stand out pretty bad. (at least 2 colors) ignorable
  • Models that are not painted in a squad that is painted may be targeted out separately. ignorable
  • If you flee off the table, you end up on the table behind you. You get to fire or assault once between those players turns before automatically dying. Any kill points you score on the new table count for your game.
  • You must be wearing pants or shorts. Swimtrunks are acceptable if I can't tell their not shorts. Dresses are awkward, but I can get down with it. ABSOLUTELY NO CLOWN SUITS.


I will also be taking feedback on what kinds of rules you like and don't like, so feel free to email me with ideas and whatnot. Not only do I encourage this, but I might give out something special for those who give me good ideas.


General Rules:

The League Costs $5.oo

League Days will be Monday and Tuesday. You are welcome to schedule games other days then that, but those are the two official days. If you are scheduling a game, just let us know so we can make sure we will have space available.

Armies will be 2500 points unless otherwise specified for the week. If players agree to it beforehand, they may play any number of points they wish but the 2500 is our standard.

The goal of the league is to have fun. Don't be a jerk. Sportsmanship will be rewarded as highly as good performance in the league. If someone sportsmanship is bad, they will get a warning. If it continues, they will get points docked from their score. If it still continues they will be kicked out of the league. I don't take no crap in my leagues!

Each 2 week period, 2 games will be scored per person. These will be the first two games each two week period. You may still help other get game in, just don't use a score sheet, as I will get confused.

"Ben's rules" will go out in the weekly email. These are intended to make your games fun. I strongly encourage players to play according to the rules, but if they are truly hindering you from having a good time talk to your opponent before the game. If he/she agrees, then you can play a standard game (or make up your own crazy rules and let me know if it was fun!)

Makeup games are allowed, but if you have one you must mark it on the slip. Scoring will go out on a 2 week period.

Players should try to make their armies look presentable. No sagging jeans or torn t-shirts. But for real, make sure it's ok with an opponent before using proxies. Proxies tend to confuse, and this can be used to gain an unfair advantage (not even intentionally). Also, priming is easy, so don't be lazy :-P

League will go from 8/1/2011 thru 10/3/2011

If players want to enter the painting contest just buy a model at the start of the league. Every 3 weeks bring in your model/squad to have its picture taken for our website! and then at the end of the league we will vote on the best! (squads must be at least 5 of any model)
Categories: Best single model, best squad, best tank. And most blood.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

D&D Neverwinter Game Day

GAME Day is scheduled for Saturday August 6th We will host 2 Tables @12 Noon and 2 tables at 6PM! We are still in need of 3 volunteer DM! *Remember when you volunteer as DM, you will receive 25% off any in stock D&D role-playing related products as a thank you! We will have early release copies of the Neverwinter Campaign Setting starting Friday the 5th! This one-day event highlights the new Neverwinter Campaign Setting with an exciting adventure, Gates of Neverdeath, and ties into the next D&D Encounters season, Lost Crown of Neverwinter (beginning August 10th).

This is the first Game Day where you can create your own character! Players get a custom Neverwinter character sheet and a random theme card with one of 13 themes present in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting. They can create a character using rules found in Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, or the Neverwinter Campaign Setting. The Neverwinter set of D&D Fortune Cards are usable for the event as well.

The Gates of Neverdeath adventure has the characters escorting a mysterious package from Waterdeep to Neverwinter, and serves as a prelude to the upcoming D&D Encounters season, Lost Crown of Neverwinter. Players keep the treasure and experience points they earn for their character here – it’ll come in handy a few days later when the Lost Crown of Neverwinter begins! In addition, players might learn some valuable story bits that could give them an edge in dealing with the people and dangers of the frontier city of Neverwinter.

Grand Prix Trial: Pittsburg

Entry Fee

  • $12.00

Date & Time

  • Saturday, August 6th @ 12 Noon, registration starts at 10AM


Tournament Length

  • Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
  • Top 8 matches will have no time limit


Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:


Swiss rounds




None (run Single Elimination)



If Constructed format, cut to Top 4

17 - 32


Top 8

33 - 64


Top 8

65 - 128


Top 8

129 - 226


Top 8

227 - 409


Top 8

410 or higher


Top 8



  • All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
  • The top 8 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 8 single-elimination finals.

Top 8

  • Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3
  • Top 8 matches will have no time limit.
  • Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings.


24K, REL Competitive

All the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules and the Magic: The Gathering Infraction Procedure Guide are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document. Rules documents can be found in the DCI Document Center.

Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters.

This is a premier Magic tournament. Organizers and judges of a Grand Prix Trial are not permitted to play in the tournament.



At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix Pittsburgh is offered at each Trial, based on attendance:


3-Round Byes Awarded

8 - 32


33 - 64


65 - 128




Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pathfinder RPG Weekly Game

"Welcome to Al Helion:

Al Helion awaits. Al Helion is a fantasy world unlike any other you might have played. The world of Al Helion is a ring world. Off in the distance in the directions of "Approach" and "Retreat", from the motions of the 5 moons, if one is lucky and the winds are right, one can see the ghostly image of the land as it arcs up into the blue. High above the mountains and clouds, the "Great Egg" provides the light for day and at night, the "Deep Black Ribbon" rules the night, stealing the light from the land.

There's plenty more but for those of you who want more than just an idea of what the world of Al Helion is, here are a few things about my game and style of DMing:

The style I use is as a Judge/Referee with Story Telling. My understanding of the Judge/Referee is to be impartial and call the game in the most logical and sound way, based on what is going on, not have ulterior motives (or at least as much as possible). To be consistent, fair and even handed is what I try to be.

What "Story Telling" here is the world's story. What is different is that the players are free and encouraged to ad lib and change the story's course. How the Story continues depends on how much the players leave their mark on the world. With the players rewriting the Story as they see fit, they can choose to keep a low profile, be the power behind the throne, or go for broke and be those the bards will sing about throughout the ages.

The game is primed to being heavy on Role Playing but that doesn't mean there is no combat. Rest assured though that there can be as much combat as the players want. If they wish, they can go and start a fight in every tavern, inn, village and town they want. What is certain though is that actions have consequences and that nothing is done in a vacuum. I like to bring "realism" into a game.

I know "realism" and "fantasy", why bother? That leads me to one aspect that I think and believe is the most important factor in any game: The "human" condition. To me, the best stories aren't those with the most awesome technology with the cool gadgets, the biggest bad guy, weirdest races or most intriguing magic ring, but how that all blends in as a backdrop to the story of those characters that are in it.

Perhaps I should say more the "character" condition. Without a feel for the world and societies the characters face, the game becomes mere mechanics. When the player can feel and see the game through the eyes and feelings of their character, then the world becomes alive, the story matters and the immersion is complete. That is what I strive for in my games and that is why I like "realism" from the point of view of the "human" condition.

So I'm looking forward to sharing that world with interested players. I'm looking for players who want to take charge of a game where the DM is not railroading the group to play some scenario. If that is what you're looking for as well, this is it.

Al l it needs now are the adventurers to ad lib, rewrite and change the story and make it their own

Books used: Core Rule Books

Optional books: Other 3rd party Pathfinder books, check with GM

Special Rules: The "special rules" are going to be used to help with making the world ready for publishing. Still, it is a "think rather than swing first" style of game. Also, the world is "alive" meaning interesting things don't just happen when the PCs show up. The world goes on with or without the PCs doing anything. The world the PCs will go into is one that evolves and changes as time and circumstances move on.

Players can contact me at for more information."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Warmachine/Hordes Slow Grow League

SLOW GROW LEAGUE RULES August 4TH – September 22nd

Registration Now Through August 25th

Entry will be $5

Always been interested in starting up a miniatures game, but never had the time or the money to start up an army? Are you a veteran player who has been eyeing a new army, but didn’t think you should abandon your guns without knowing more? Well then...we’re here to help. The theme for our next league is “Slow Grow”, where players are all encouraged to start a brand spanking new army, and we’ll be doing everything we can to make that leap a little less scary.

If you sign up for the league, you will choose the army that you will use for the whole league

· All league specific army orders have to be turned in by Tuesday so that items will arrive in time for Sunday league night.

· All products purchased on league day or for the league specifically will be discounted an additional 10%. This applies to special orders and in-store product. This discount will also apply to supplies like paints, brushes, and glue purchased.

· League play will be escalation format, with a maximum of 3 recordable games each week. We will start at 15 points. Every two weeks it will go up by 10 points.

· Thursday will always be “Hobby Day”. You can always play games on these days, but the focus will be building the new items for your army.

· Because of the high need for players to come in and construct armies, we will be adding Sunday as a secondary league day.

· There will be a spot behind the store designated for primer spray painting so that players can do all the work they need to here at the store.

· Players that do not want to start a new army can still take part in the league, their discount will only apply on models from the army they registered with.

· At the end of the league, we’ll hold a day long tournament to celebrate. It’s on this day we’ll have the standings and hand out prizes from the league (in addition to any prizes the players get in the tournament itself). On this day players will be allowed to enter models in a painting contest. The winner will get a prize. This Tournament will be held on Sunday September 25th.

· The Army lists are completely open and do not need to be handed in. The players must have a written copy of the list on them when they play the game, in case there are discrepancies.

· Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. Thursday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for Warmachine players to schedule your games. Games can be played during the weekdays but cannot start any later then 7pm. All League games must be played in the store.

· If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win. A league contact sheet will be posted and sent out to our mailing list.

· Models do not have to be painted. But we do prefer and to promote that, players with fully painted armies will get small in-game bonuses, these will be announced at the start of league, and will change based on the point level being played. To encourage players to paint, league members can enter the painting contest at the end for free (non-league players may enter, but they have to pay an entry fee).