SLOW GROW LEAGUE RULES August 4TH – September 22nd
Registration Now Through August 25th
Entry will be $5
Always been interested in starting up a miniatures game, but never had the time or the money to start up an army? Are you a veteran player who has been eyeing a new army, but didn’t think you should abandon your guns without knowing more? Well then...we’re here to help. The theme for our next league is “Slow Grow”, where players are all encouraged to start a brand spanking new army, and we’ll be doing everything we can to make that leap a little less scary.
If you sign up for the league, you will choose the army that you will use for the whole league
· All league specific army orders have to be turned in by Tuesday so that items will arrive in time for Sunday league night.
· All products purchased on league day or for the league specifically will be discounted an additional 10%. This applies to special orders and in-store product. This discount will also apply to supplies like paints, brushes, and glue purchased.
· League play will be escalation format, with a maximum of 3 recordable games each week. We will start at 15 points. Every two weeks it will go up by 10 points.
· Thursday will always be “Hobby Day”. You can always play games on these days, but the focus will be building the new items for your army.
· Because of the high need for players to come in and construct armies, we will be adding Sunday as a secondary league day.
· There will be a spot behind the store designated for primer spray painting so that players can do all the work they need to here at the store.
· Players that do not want to start a new army can still take part in the league, their discount will only apply on models from the army they registered with.
· At the end of the league, we’ll hold a day long tournament to celebrate. It’s on this day we’ll have the standings and hand out prizes from the league (in addition to any prizes the players get in the tournament itself). On this day players will be allowed to enter models in a painting contest. The winner will get a prize. This Tournament will be held on Sunday September 25th.
· The Army lists are completely open and do not need to be handed in. The players must have a written copy of the list on them when they play the game, in case there are discrepancies.
· Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. Thursday nights will be the official league night, which guarantees the most room for Warmachine players to schedule your games. Games can be played during the weekdays but cannot start any later then 7pm. All League games must be played in the store.
· If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win. A league contact sheet will be posted and sent out to our mailing list.
· Models do not have to be painted. But we do prefer and to promote that, players with fully painted armies will get small in-game bonuses, these will be announced at the start of league, and will change based on the point level being played. To encourage players to paint, league members can enter the painting contest at the end for free (non-league players may enter, but they have to pay an entry fee).