"Welcome to Al Helion:
Al Helion awaits. Al Helion is a fantasy world unlike any other you might have played. The world of Al Helion is a ring world. Off in the distance in the directions of "Approach" and "Retreat", from the motions of the 5 moons, if one is lucky and the winds are right, one can see the ghostly image of the land as it arcs up into the blue. High above the mountains and clouds, the "Great Egg" provides the light for day and at night, the "Deep Black Ribbon" rules the night, stealing the light from the land.
There's plenty more but for those of you who want more than just an idea of what the world of Al Helion is, here are a few things about my game and style of DMing:
The style I use is as a Judge/Referee with Story Telling. My understanding of the Judge/Referee is to be impartial and call the game in the most logical and sound way, based on what is going on, not have ulterior motives (or at least as much as possible). To be consistent, fair and even handed is what I try to be.
What "Story Telling" here is the world's story. What is different is that the players are free and encouraged to ad lib and change the story's course. How the Story continues depends on how much the players leave their mark on the world. With the players rewriting the Story as they see fit, they can choose to keep a low profile, be the power behind the throne, or go for broke and be those the bards will sing about throughout the ages.
The game is primed to being heavy on Role Playing but that doesn't mean there is no combat. Rest assured though that there can be as much combat as the players want. If they wish, they can go and start a fight in every tavern, inn, village and town they want. What is certain though is that actions have consequences and that nothing is done in a vacuum. I like to bring "realism" into a game.
I know "realism" and "fantasy", why bother? That leads me to one aspect that I think and believe is the most important factor in any game: The "human" condition. To me, the best stories aren't those with the most awesome technology with the cool gadgets, the biggest bad guy, weirdest races or most intriguing magic ring, but how that all blends in as a backdrop to the story of those characters that are in it.
Perhaps I should say more the "character" condition. Without a feel for the world and societies the characters face, the game becomes mere mechanics. When the player can feel and see the game through the eyes and feelings of their character, then the world becomes alive, the story matters and the immersion is complete. That is what I strive for in my games and that is why I like "realism" from the point of view of the "human" condition.
So I'm looking forward to sharing that world with interested players. I'm looking for players who want to take charge of a game where the DM is not railroading the group to play some scenario. If that is what you're looking for as well, this is it.
Al l it needs now are the adventurers to ad lib, rewrite and change the story and make it their own
Books used: Core Rule Books
Optional books: Other 3rd party Pathfinder books, check with GM
Special Rules: The "special rules" are going to be used to help with making the world ready for publishing. Still, it is a "think rather than swing first" style of game. Also, the world is "alive" meaning interesting things don't just happen when the PCs show up. The world goes on with or without the PCs doing anything. The world the PCs will go into is one that evolves and changes as time and circumstances move on.