GAME Day is scheduled for Saturday August 6th We will host 2 Tables @12 Noon and 2 tables at 6PM! We are still in need of 3 volunteer DM! *Remember when you volunteer as DM, you will receive 25% off any in stock D&D role-playing related products as a thank you! We will have early release copies of the Neverwinter Campaign Setting starting Friday the 5th! This one-day event highlights the new Neverwinter Campaign Setting with an exciting adventure, Gates of Neverdeath, and ties into the next D&D Encounters season, Lost Crown of Neverwinter (beginning August 10th).
This is the first Game Day where you can create your own character! Players get a custom Neverwinter character sheet and a random theme card with one of 13 themes present in the Neverwinter Campaign Setting. They can create a character using rules found in Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms, or the Neverwinter Campaign Setting. The Neverwinter set of D&D Fortune Cards are usable for the event as well.
The Gates of Neverdeath adventure has the characters escorting a mysterious package from Waterdeep to Neverwinter, and serves as a prelude to the upcoming D&D Encounters season, Lost Crown of Neverwinter. Players keep the treasure and experience points they earn for their character here – it’ll come in handy a few days later when the Lost Crown of Neverwinter begins! In addition, players might learn some valuable story bits that could give them an edge in dealing with the people and dangers of the frontier city of Neverwinter.