This Winter Warhammer Fantasy league for 2009 is ready! There are new players who are signing up. See if you can answer their challenge. If you are interested in joining up for the next league, we are taking sign ups now. Please send us your name, phone number, email, and army that you will be using for our newest league. A contact list will be sent out once the league has started.
-Starting date 01/18/09 - Ending date 03/14/09.
You can play each mission no more than twice, but you don't have to play the same person more than once. We will count the best of four out of eight games.
-8 Week League, $10 League Fee (Please make sure to pay your league fees when you play your first league game or before)
-The missions are as follows:
1/18/09-1/31/09 Gold Rush
Prospectors have found gold in the nearby mountains. Armies are being sent in to stake claims to the land. Control as much territory as possible to strike it rich!
(1) Special Scenario Rules – None.
(2) Mission Objective/Scoring – Use the standard victory point scoring rules for the League, with the following modifications:
(a) 100 bonus victory points are awarded in this scenario for each table quarter which is controlled at the end of the battle (i.e. each table quarter is worth 200 victory points in this scenario). In order to hold or contest a table quarter in this scenario, the unit must have a current unit strength of TEN or greater.
2/1/09-2/14/09 Harbingers of Doom!
Mad Scientists and Crazed Engineers in Tilea have been busy building new weapons of war for the highest bidders.
These Harbingers of Doom! are now being unleashed across the Old World
(1) Special Scenario Rules:
(a) Each player fields three extra models on 20mm or 25mm square bases in this Scenario. These represent the Harbingers of Doom! If they have extra models, they may use them, if not take one model from 3 different units.
(b) Once regular deployment is finished (including characters), then starting with the player who placed his final unit last, players alternate deploying the Harbingers of Doom! anywhere in their Deployment Zone
(c) Harbingers of Doom have the following profile:
5 3 - 4 4 2 2 2 10
(d) Each Harbinger of Doom! is armed with a hand weapon and has a 5+ ward save. Harbingers of Doom! is Unbreakable. They can prevent enemy units from Marching and they do trigger events and reactions in enemy units such as Night Goblin Fanatics and forcing Frenzied units to charge. Harbingers of Doom! may charge enemy units.
(e) Harbingers of Doom! are strapped with explosives which they also may use to attack their enemies with. Harbingers of Doom! may be detonated by the owning player at the START of either player's shooting phase. The presence of nearby friendly models or any models in close combat does NOT prevent the detonation. If both players wish to detonate Harbingers of Doom! in the same shooting phase, then start with the player whose turn it is and alternate the detonations. If a Harbinger of Doom! has been charged and is subsequently detonated in the same turn by the owning player prior to close combat occurring, the unit which charged is not eligible for an overrun move as it was not engaged during the close combat phase.
(f) When detonated, center the Large Round Template on the Harbinger of Doom! All models (friend or foe… regardless of whether or not they are in close combat) fully under the template are hit automatically. Those whose bases are partially covered are hit on a 4+.
(g) Each model hit by the blast suffers a S4, armour piercing hit. When detonated the Harbinger of Doom! is killed and removed from play.
(h) If a Harbinger of Doom! is killed by an attack prior to voluntary detonation, then roll a D6. On a 1- 4 the Harbinger of Doom! does not detonate. On a 5-6 the Harbinger of Doom! detonates (resolve the detonation immediately).
(i) Casualties caused by a detonating Harbinger (friendly or enemy) can cause panic tests (resolve at the end of the phase in which the detonation occurs).
(j) Treat Harbingers of Doom! as generic humans. Do not apply army specific rules to them (e.g. Tomb Kings messengers are not Undead, etc.)
(k) If a Harbinger of Doom! is killed he is worth zero victory points to the enemy.
(2) Mission Objective/Scoring – Use the standard victory point scoring rules for the League.
2/15/09-2/28/09 Infantry Strikes Back!
Old World infantry tactics, training, and equipment are finally catching up to the recent proliferation of Cavalry intense armies reigning terror upon their enemies….but will the new developments be enough to stem the tide?
(1) Special Scenario Rules –
(a) Shieldwall: When stationary for the player turn, infantry units using spears and shields increase their Armour Save by +1 in close combat against enemies fighting to their front. Characters may not benefit from this bonus, and this bonus only applies in close combat, not against wounds suffered from shooting, magic, or other means.
(b) Keen Halberds – In addition to providing their normal +1 Strength, Halberds also benefit from the Armour Piercing rule.
(2) Mission Objective/Scoring – Use the standard victory point scoring rules for the League.
3/1/09-3/14/09 King of the Hill
The opposing generals have ordered their armies to take the high ground in the center of the battlefield.
(1) Special Scenario Rules:
(a) The primary objective is a hill that must be placed in the center of the table. The hill does not count as one of the pieces of terrain for purposes of generating terrain.
(b) A unit must have a current unit strength of 5 (in addition to not being a character, monster, or fleeing as outlined in the scenario) or greater to capture the hill.
(c) The army with the unit closest to the hill at the end of the battle captures it. If both players have a unit equidistant from the hill, one player captures the hill if their unit is worth more than double the points value of the closest enemy unit (which is eligible to capture the hill).
(d) Multiple units that are on the hill are not combined to determine who captures the hill. If an army has multiple units that occupy the hill, only the most expensive unit for the army that's on the hill counts.
(e) It is the point value of the current models in the unit, not US that determines who captures the hill. Also, it is not victory points as determined for scoring (i.e., half points for a unit under half or full points for a unit over half), but the current value of the models in the unit(not including characters or monsters).
(f) A unit on the hill is considered as close as any other unit on the hill – there is no additional advantage to be "closer to the center" of the hill. You're either on or off the hill.
(2) Mission Objective/Scoring – Use the standard victory point scoring rules for the League, with the following modifications:
(a) The army that captures the hill earns 300 bonus victory points.
-The mission details will be placed at the store alongside the contact list and league result slips. Make sure the slips are filled out all the way or it will not count.
-Each army will be 2500 points. You cannot go over this limit, not even by one point. But you can be under. We've had problems in the past with computer generated lists, (The Forge Army Generator, etc.). If you choose to use these programs, make sure to manually recalculate based on Armies point listing for your final list.
-You must use the same army type during the entire league.
-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. SUNDAYS will be the official league day, which guarantees the most room for Warhammer players to schedule your games. Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm. All games will last 6 turns unless TIME is called. Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm
-All League games must be played in the store.
-If you can't attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win.
-Standings will be determined by Battle Points from best 4 games. If there is a tie for first place, the two players will have a final battle to determine 1st place. There will be a Sportsmanship Award this league.
-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponent.
-As new Warhammer Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league. You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard).