Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weekly Update 1/30/08 - 2/5/08


-Morningtide Midnight Madness! All Morningtide products will be available for sale at Midnight on Jan. 31st/Feb. 1st! We will also be hosting a booster draft at Midnight! If you pre-register by January 30th your cost will be $15.00, when your register the day the event it will be $16.00

-Morningtide Launch Party (formally known as the Release Event & League): Complete details are posted on our website!

-Warhammer Fantasy Escalation League BEGINS Sunday, February 3rd! Sign ups start now. For full details follow this link:
New Warhammer Fantasy League!

-Attention Mahjong Players: Starting February 7th through 22nd, from 10AM-4PM, we will be hosting a Mahjong league. So if you have ever been interested in the game, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and meet other players.

-MTG GRAND PRIX-PHILADELPHIA TRIAL is scheduled for Sunday, March 2nd at 12:30PM! This tournament will be Extended and deck list are required! Complete details posted on our website just follow this link:
Grand Prix Trial Information

-Memoir ’44 (
www.daysofwonder.com) and Eco Fluxx (www.looneylabs.com) have been added to our game room library! We have over 100 games in our library, so there’s something for everyone on our board game night!

-February is going to be POCKET MODEL Month, NEW Pirates and Star Wars Pocket Model activities are now posted on our website and game room calendar!

-February 24, 2008, a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament will commence. The fee for this tournament will be $15, which goes towards the prizes. The more players we have the better the pay-out. There will be a Painting contest, and prizes for the top three winners and a sportsmanship award, in the form of Gift Certificates good at All Fun & Games. More information posted here:
WH Fantasy Tournament Details

-D&D Minis Constructed Qualifier will be held on Saturday, May 31st! More details to come!

-Game Room calendar posted on


-Wed: Trading Card Night, 6-10PM
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16

-Thu: Home Schoolers’ Game Day, 1-3PM *Earn rewards by participation in our game day*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12PM *Earn rewards by participating in our game night*
Morningtide Midnight Madness! Sanctioned Booster Draft, 12:00 Midnight

-Fri: Official Friday Night Magic Lorwyn/Morningtide Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16
Trading Card Night, 6-10PM

-Sat: Morningtide Release Tournament, 12PM, $25, *1st 32-Players to check in will receive a foil promo*
Morningtide League Play, All Day, full details posted here:
League Play Details
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6PM, $16
WizKids Supported Pirates Sealed Tournament, 6PM, $17
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 7PM, $16

-Sun: Open Gaming All Day
Warhammer Fantasy Escalation League Day

-Mon: Miniature Gaming of All Types
D&D and SW Minis League Day
Warhammer 40K Apocalypse League Day

-Tue: Role-Play Night of All Types


-Dungeon Twisters: Mercenaries (Board Game)
-Micro Mutants Evolution (Board Game)

-Munchkin Cthulhu 3: Unspeakable Vault (Card Game)
-Colossal Arena *Reprint* (Card Game)

-Pirates Rise of the Fiend Boosters *Wednesday* (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Pirates Rise of the Fiend Value Box *Wednesday* (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Magic the Gathering Morningtide Fatpacks *Jan 31st/Feb 1st Midnight* (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Magic the Gathering Morningtide Boosters *Jan 31st/Feb 1st Midnight* (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Magic the Gathering Morningtide Theme Decks *Jan 31st/Feb 1st Midnight* (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Magic the Gathering Morningtide Singles *Jan 31st/Feb 1st Midnight* (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-40K Ork Killa Khan (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Warlord Figures (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Dark Heaven Figures (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Legendary Encounters Figures (Pre-Painted) (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Warmachine Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile (Miniatures/Accessories)

-Game Trade Magazine Issue #96 (Publications)
-Scrye Magazine Issue #118 (Publications)

-40K RPG Game Master Kit (Role-Play/Accessories)
-40K RPG Dark Heresy Character Record (Role-Play/Accessories)


-Complete Restock on all Koplow Dice Products

-Apples to Apples Party Box (Board Game)
-Axis & Allies Revised (Board Game)
-Blokus (Board Game)
-Carcassonne Princess & Dragon Expansion (Board Game)
-Carcassonne The Tower Expansion (Board Game)
-Race for the Galaxy (Board Game)
-Runebound 2nd Edition (Board Game)
-Runbound Expansion II: Isle of Dread (Board Game)
-Settlers of Catan (Board Game)
-Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension (Board Game)
-Seafarers of Catan (Board Game)
-Ticket to Ride (Board Game)

-Fluxx 3.1 Edition (Card Game)
-Zombie Fluxx (Card Game)
-Guillotine (Card Game)
-Killer Bunnies (Card Game)
-Loot (Card Game)
-Mu & Lots More (Card Game)
-Munchkin (Card Game)
-Munchkin Cthulhu (Card Game)

-9 Pocket Pages (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Assorted Dragon Shields (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Assorted Dragon Shield 3-Ring Binders (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Assorted Max Protection Sleeves (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Assorted Ultra Pro Deck Protectors (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-World of Warcraft March of the Legions Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Maplestory Starters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Maplestory Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-Citadel Sculpting Tool (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Citadel File Set (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Kroot Shaper (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Tau Ethereal Caste (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Tau Fire Warrior Squad (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Space Marine Chaplain Terminator (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Space Marine Assault Squad (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Imperial Guard Shock Troops (Miniatures/Accessories)
-WH Fantasy Chaos Regiment (Miniatures/Accessories)
-WH Fantasy Orc Warrior Regiment (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Heroclix Marvel Avengers Boosters (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Heroclix Marvel Mutations & Monsters Boosters (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Heroclix DC Justice League Boosters (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Star Wars Minis Force Unleashed Boosters (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Zap A Gap Products (Miniatures/Accessories)

-D&D Spell Compendium (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Magic Item Compendium (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Rules Compendium (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Complete Psionic (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Complete Warrior (Role-Play/Accessories)
-World of Darkness (Role-Play/Accessories)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weekly Update 1/23 1/29!


-Morningtide Midnight Madness! All Morningtide products will be available for sale at Midnight on February 1st! We will also be hosting a booster draft at Midnight! If you pre-register by January 30th your cost will be $15.00, when your register the day the event it will be $16.00

-Morningtide Launch Party (formally known as the Release Event & League): Complete details are posted on our website!

-Warhammer Fantasy Escalation League BEGINS Sunday, February 3rd! Sign ups start now. For full details follow this link: New Warhammer Fantasy League!

-Attention Mahjong Players: Starting February 7th through 22nd, from 10AM-4PM, we will be hosting a Mahjong league. So if you have ever been interested in the game, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and meet other players.

-MTG GRAND PRIX-PHILADELPHIA TRIAL is scheduled for Sunday, March 2nd at 12:30PM! This tournament will be Extended and deck list are required! Complete details posted on our website just follow this link: Grand Prix Trial Information

-Memoir ’44 (www.daysofwonder.com) and Eco Fluxx (www.looneylabs.com) have been added to our game room library! We have over 100 games in our library, so there’s something for everyone on our board game night!

-February is going to be POCKET MODEL Month, NEW Pirates and Star Wars Pocket Model activities are now posted on our website and game room calendar!

-February 24, 2008, a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament will commence. The fee for this tournament will be $15, which goes towards the prizes. The more players we have the better the pay-out. There will be a Painting contest, and prizes for the top three winners and a sportsmanship award, in the form of Gift Certificates good at All Fun & Games. More information will be posted around the store.

-D&D Minis Constructed Qualifier will be held on Saturday, May 31st! More details to come!

-Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com


-Wed: Trading Card Night, 6-10PM
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16

-Thu: Home Schoolers’ Game Day, 1-3PM *Earn rewards by participation in our game day*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12PM *Earn rewards by participating in our game night*
Munchkin Cthulhu 3: Unspeakable Vault Demo, by Steve Jackson MIB

-Fri: Official Friday Night Magic Lorwyn 2-Headed Giant, 6:30PM, $19
Trading Card Night, 6-10PM

-Sat: Sanctioned Magic Standard Constructed Tournament, 12PM, $6
D&D Minis 200-point Constructed Tournament, 1PM, $5
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6PM, $16
Pirates Open Play, 6-10PM

-Sun: Rotating DM’s D&D Games, 12-6PM
Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse Game, 12-6PM

DM’s Get Together & Dinner Night, 6-8PM

-Mon: Miniature Gaming of All Types
D&D and SW Minis League Day

-Tue: Role-Play Night of All Types


-40K Ork Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Painboy (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Tankbustas (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Weirdboy (Miniatures/Accessories)
-D&D Wizad’s Presents World’s & Monsters (Role-Play/Accessories)
-Star Wars Galaxy Tiles (Role-Play/Accessories)


-11” Magnetic Walnut Chess Set (Classic Games)
-16” 3 in 1 Oak Game Set (Classic Games)
-16” 3 in 1 Walnut Game Set (Classic Games)
-Assorted 15” and 18” Backgammon Sets (Classic Games)
-Mah Jong Set of 4 Wood and Plastic Racks (Classic Games)
-Revolving Card Trays (Classic Games)
-40K Eldar Farseer (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Eldar Warlock (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Necron Flayed Ones
-40K Necron Immortal (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Trukk (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Space Marines Chaplain (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Tau Pathfinders (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Tyranid Raveners (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Citadel Paints and Brushes (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Citadel Basing Flocks (Miniatures/Accessories)

-D&D Player’s Handbook (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Dungeon Tiles Arcane Corridors (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Dungeon Tiles Dire Tombs (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Dungeon Tiles Lost Caverns (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Dungeon Tiles Ruins of the Wild (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Book of Nine Swords: Tome of Battle (Role-Play/Accessories)

**Can't find what you’re looking for? Please ask us about special ordering products that you can't find on our shelves. **

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

MTG Grand Prix-Philadelphia Trial!

Philadelphia Trial!
Entry Fee: $18.00
TOURNAMENT DATE: Sunday, March 2nd
Time: 12:30PM
· Extended-constructed format
· Deck lists are required
Tournament Length
· Swiss rounds will each be 50 minutes in length
· Top 8 matches will have no time limit
· Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
Attendance Swiss rounds
17 - 32 5
33 - 64 6
65 - 128 7
129 - 226 8
227 - 410 9
411 or higher 10
All players may participate in all Swiss rounds.
The top 8 players after the final Swiss round will advance to the top 8 single-elimination finals.
Top 8
Top 8 matches will be best 2 of 3
Where necessary, the standings after the Swiss rounds will still be used to determine final order in the standings
24K, REL Competitive
All Universal Tournament Rules and Magic: the Gathering Floor Rules are in effect for this event unless specifically overruled by information in this Format Document
Players must bring pen, paper, card sleeves and appropriate counters.

At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Philadelphia is offered at each Trial.
Product prizes to be determined by number of players

Registration Information
We are accepting Pre-Registration. Give us a call at 919-468-6322 or email us at
Players who have general questions about the Magic: The Gathering® trading card game, Wizards of the Coast, Inc., the Magic: The Gathering
Pro Tour, DCI players’ organization, Qualifier tournaments, the Magic® World Championships, National Championships, State/Provincial Championships, or Regional’s should call Wizards of the Coast at (800) 324-6496, or send email to <custserv@wizards.com>.

Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic, Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, and Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Morningtide Launch Party!

(Formally known as the Release Event & League)
· Launch Parties will deliver a friendly, fun, social event that appeals to new and current Magic players. The Morningtide Release Tournament and League Play will be the two key formats associated with Morningtide Launch Parties
ENTRY FEE: $25.00 for the tournament
DATE: Saturday, February 2nd 2008
TIME: 12:00 Noon
· The structure for the Release Tournament is Sealed Deck. The tournament will be modified Swiss-style.
· Each player receives one Lorwyn Tournament Pack and two Morningtide Boosters to build a 40-card minimum deck.
· The First 32-Players to check-in on day of tournament will receive a foil promo!

LEAGUE FEE: $1.00 + The cost of one Lorwyn Tournament Deck and two Morningtide Boosters
· ANY Players from the Release tournament may use the card pool they received during the tournament as their league deck! If you did not play in the release tournament and would still like to join in league play. You may purchase one Lorwyn Tournament deck and 2 Morningtide booster to create your league deck. IF you are un-satisfied with your card pool you may completely re-buy your pool of cards, but any league games that have been played will still count towards your over-all score.
· Adding Boosters to your card pool: You may choose to add an additional booster the day league begins! The listed dates below are when you may choose to purchase additional boosters to your card pool beginning:
1. Saturday 2/2/08
2. Saturday 2/9/08
3. Saturday 2/16/08
4. Saturday 2/23/08
5. Saturday 3/1/08 LAST DAY OF LEAGUE, no additional boosters maybe added
· The Official League Open Play Day from open to midnight will be Saturday. Players are also welcome to come in and play games on Wednesday and Friday. If you are coming to find a match please let the store know so we may let other league players know that you will be coming in, and we will make sure to save a table for you on any other day of the week.
· League Decks will be kept at the store until the League has been completed. Each player will receive a card box with their name on it. We will hold your cards for up to 1 month after the league is finished.
· All Players will have a card list which will be updated after each new pack is purchased and kept on file in the store.
· Players are responsible for returning their league boxes to an employee. If the your league cards are left in the game room, you are tempting fate.
· Anyone caught cheating (inserting cards, etc.) will be dropped from the league and banned from the store for 6 months.
· Players can play as many matches in a week as they wish, but only the first 6 matches in a week will count. If you do not play all 6 matches in a week those matches can be carried over into the next week. Example: You can wait until the last week and play 24 games. Also, you can only the same opponent 2 times in 1 week.
· Players are responsible for filling out the result entry slips that are provided and placing them in the bowl so labeled. Entry slips must be signed and dated with time of day for form to be valid. If the information is not listed on the result sheet that game WILL NOT be included into your score.
· When players win a match, they will receive 2 tick marks for their score and a loss will result in 1 tick mark for their score. Special Foil Promo Play Sets will be awarded at the end of the league based on points and completed games.
· All monies will go towards prizes and kits.

Morningtide Midnight Madness!


ENTRY FEE: $16.00/Day of Event, $15.00 Pre-Registration
TOURNAMENT DATE: February 1st 2008
TIME: 12:00 MIDNIGHT (Start arriving anytime on Thursday the 31st) BOOSTER DRAFT WILL START AT MIDNIGHT
· Booster Draft
· 1x Lorwyn and 2x Morningtide Boosters
· We are accepting pre-registration for the Midnight Booster Draft
· ALL Morningtide Products will be available for sale at 12:00 Midnight

Friday, January 18, 2008

February POCKETMODEL MONTH event details

For all events, the most current rules and FAQs apply. Printed FAQs will be available for reference.

All Sealed events will use the most recent available expansion set.

Saturday Feb 2nd 6:00pm
Pirates Sealed
3-booster sealed event
Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds
Fee: $17 (all fees go toward product and prizes)
  • Fleet must be built ONLY from the contents of the 3 packs you receive.
  • Fleet must be 40 points (maximum).
  • Crew affiliation does not matter (any crew can be used on any ship).
  • Duplicate ships or crew ARE allowed if your packs contained them.
  • Each player contributes 3 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling 15 Gold.

Saturday Feb 9th 12:30pm
Star Wars Constructed
Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds
Fee: $8 (all fees go toward prizes)
  • Fleet must be 30 points (maximum).
  • Deck must be 30 cards (minimum).

Saturday Feb 9th 6:00pm
Pirated Constructed
Cures of Cardinal’s Coins scenario
Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)
  • Up to 6 players per table (randomly assigned)
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 3 islands.
  • All standard rules apply with the following exceptions:
  • Each player is assigned one type of coin and receives a number of them equal to twice the number of players. (For example, if three people are playing, player 1 would receive six coins with the number 1 on them, player 2 would receive six coins with the number 2 on them, and player 3 would receive six coins with the number 3 on them.)
  • Each player distributes their coins amongst their ships own as evenly as possible. These coins do not take up cargo space.
  • If a ship sinks, the player whose ship sunk distributes any coins on it as equally as possible on wild islands.
  • Gold can only be retrieved from a Wild Island (Gold cannot be obtained through boarding or exploring derelict ships.)
  • The winner of this scenario is the first player to unload one coin of each value onto his or her home island. (You may not unload duplicate versions of the same coin onto your home island.)

Wednesday Feb 13th 6:30pm
Pirates Booster Draft
3-booster draft event
Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds
Fee: $17 (all fees go toward product and prizes)
  • Each player will receive 3 packs, which must remain sealed.
  • Each person opens 1 pack at the same time, and picks one card from that pack (if a ship card is picked, you get all cards that comprise that ship).
  • Then, take the remainder of the pack, and lay them out on the table.
  • Then, we randomize what order people pick in.
  • Then, in the order that was chosen, the 1st person picks a card from the table. Then the 2nd, then 3rd, etc.
  • Once everyone has picked, we go back again in reverse order (last, then second to last, etc until you get back to the first).
  • Then, if there are any remaining cards, we re-randomize, and repeat.
  • After that is all done, everyone opens the 2nd pack, and the process repeats. Then, repeat again for the third pack.
  • If a super-rare pack is opened, that player may choose to keep that pack, and purchase a new pack to replace it. If they do, those super-rare cards cannot be used in this event.
  • Fleet must be built ONLY from the cards that you drafted.
  • Fleet must be 40 points (maximum).
  • Crew affiliation does not matter (any crew can be used on any ship).
  • Duplicate ships or crew ARE allowed if you drafted them.
  • Each player contributes 3 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling 15 Gold.

Saturday Feb 16th 6:00pm
Pirates Sealed
3-booster sealed event
Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds
Fee: $17 (all fees go toward product and prizes)
  • Fleet must be built ONLY from the contents of the 3 packs you receive.
  • Fleet must be 40 points (maximum).
  • Crew affiliation does not matter (any crew can be used on any ship).
  • Duplicate ships or crew ARE allowed if your packs contained them.
  • Each player contributes 3 Islands.
  • Each player contributes 8 Coins totaling 15 Gold.

Saturday Feb 23rd 12:30pm
Star Wars Sealed
4-booster sealed event
Swiss pairing, minimum of 3 rounds
Fee: $28 (all fees go toward product and prizes)
  • Fleet and Deck must be built ONLY from the contents of the 4 packs you receive.
  • Fleet must be 30 points (maximum).
  • Deck must be 20 cards (minimum).
  • More then 3 of any unit/card ARE allowed if your packs contained them.

Saturday Feb 23rd 6:00pm
Pirates Constructed
Treasure Island scenario
Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)
  • Up to 6 players per table (randomly assigned)
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 3 islands.
  • Each player contributes 12 coins totally 23 gold.
  • All standard rules apply with the following exceptions:
  • The first player places one island at the center of the table. Then, going clockwise around the table, each other player places an island that must touch another island. All islands much have some point that actually opens to the sea and can be docked at. Continue until each player has placed 2 islands.
  • The first player places his or her home island at least 4L from the edge of any island placed at the center of the table. Other players then place their home islands in the same way, going clockwise around the table.
  • Gold is then distributed randomly with 6 coins on each of the center islands.
  • Each player may explore only one island at a time; that is, you must remove all treasure possible from a wild island before you may explore another.
  • The winner of this scenario is the first player to unload 24 gold onto his or her home island.

Wednesday Feb 27th 6:30pm
Pirates Constructed
The Wreck of the Black Galleon scenario
Fee: $7 (all fees go toward prizes)
  • Up to 6 players per table (randomly assigned)
  • Fleet must be 60 points (maximum).
  • Each player contributes 1 island.
  • Each player contributes 6 coins totally 12 gold.
  • All standard rules apply with the following exceptions:
  • The Black Galleon. To recreate the sinking Black Galleon, assemble any 5-masted or 4-masted ship (will be provided) so that it has only one side of its hull; when set on the table, it will roughly appear to be listing and sinking into the water; it blocks line of fire.
  • Roll the die to see who goes first. The first player places his or her home island 4L from the Black Galleon. Other players then place their islands in the same way, going clockwise around the table.
  • Place all the treasure on (or near, for game play purposes) the Black Galleon, face down.
  • To reflect that the Black Galleon is sinking, before the first player takes his or her first turn, place a six-sided die next to the ship, with the 6 showing. At the end of each turn during which treasure is removed, lower the number showing on the die by 1.
  • The Black Galleon sinks at the beginning of the turn after the 1 shows on the die. Any gold left on it sinks with the ship.
  • The Black Galleon cannot shot, rammed, boarded or in any other way affected except for exploring.
  • Gold is retrieved from the Black Galleon as if it were a wild island.
  • The winner of this scenario is the player who has the most gold after all gold is either on a home island or sunk.

February is Pocketmodel Month

Set Sail with us for a Sealed Pirates event on Saturday the 2nd at 6:00pm featuring the release of “Pirates of the Cursed Seas: Rise of the Fiends”. Prizes will include booster packs* plus Limited Edition** prizes including Fool’s Hope, Weasel, Crimson Angel, and Death Doll.

Stay On Target on Saturday the 9th at 12:30pm for our first ever Constructed Star Wars Pocketmodel event! Prizes will include booster packs* plus Limited Edition** ARC-170 ships.

Join us on Saturday the 9th at 6:00pm for the Curse of the Cardinal’s Coins, a constructed multiplayer scenario Pirates event. Prizes will include booster packs* plus Limited Edition** prizes including Weasel and Crimson Angel.

Rule Britannia on Wednesday the 13th at 6:30pm. Come try our first ever Pirates Booster Draft! Will you be able to draft the best fleet, and capture the prizes of the British Navy? Prizes will include booster packs* plus Limited Edition** prizes including HMS Stingray, HMS Apollo, Griffin, and Bloody Gold.

Por El Rey! Will you be able to defend the king’s armada? Join us on Saturday the 16th at 6:00pm for a Sealed Pirates event. Prizes will include booster packs* plus Limited Edition** prizes including San Cristobal, Halcon, Dominic Freda, and Savage Natives.

Feel the force flowing through you on Saturday the 23rd at 12:30pm, and try your luck at our first ever Sealed Star Wars Pocketmodel event! Will the force provide you with the best fleet, or will the dark side crush you? Prize will include booster packs* plus the winner will take home a giant AT-AT point of purchase display**. This piece is HUGE and fully playable!

Find the buried treasure on Saturday the 23rd at 6:00pm. Join us for another Pirates constructed multiplayer scenario, Treasure Island. Prizes will include booster packs* plus Limited Edition** prizes including Halcon and Dominic Freda.

Finally, loot The Wreck of the Black Galleon before it sinks on Wednesday the 27th at 6:30pm. Come play in this Pirates constructed multiplayer scenario event. Prizes will include booster packs* plus Limited Edition** prizes including HMS Stingray and Griffin.

Find details for all of these events at www.allfunngames.com

* Number of booster packs is determined by the number of participants and by product availability.
** Limited Edition prizes will be provided by WizKids and are subject to availability.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Weekly Update! 1/16 - 1/22


-Attention Mahjong Players: Starting February 7th through 22nd, from 10AM-4PM, we will be hosting a Mahjong league. So if you have ever been interested in the game, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and meet other players.

-MTG GRAND PRIX-PHILADELPHIA TRIAL is scheduled for Saturday, February 9th at 12:00 Noon! This tournament will be Extended and deck list are required! More details coming soon!

-Memoir ’44 (www.daysofwonder.com) and Eco Fluxx (www.looneylabs.com) have been added to our game room library! We have over 100 games in our library, so there’s something for everyone on our board game night!

-February is going to be POCKET MODEL Month, keep your eyes out for NEW Pirates and Star Wars Pocket Model activities!

-February 24, 2008, a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament will commence. The fee for this tournament will be $15, which goes towards the prizes. The more players we have the better the pay-out. There will be a Painting contest, and prizes for the top three winners and a sportsmanship award, in the form of Gift Certificates good at All Fun and Games. More information will be posted around the store.

-D&D Minis Constructed Qualifier will be held on Saturday, May 31st! More details to come!

-Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com


-Wed: Trading Card Night, 6-10PM
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16

-Thu: Home Schoolers’ Game Day, 1-3PM *Earn rewards by participation in our game day*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12PM *Earn rewards by participating in our game night*

-Fri: Official Friday Night Magic Lorwyn Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16
Trading Card Night, 6-10PM

-Sat: Warhammer 40,000 1000-Point Tournament , 11AM, $10
Sanctioned Magic Extended Constructed Tournament, 12PM, $6
Star Wars Minis 200-point Constructed Tournament, 1PM, *FREE*
WizKids Supported Heroclix 400-point Constructed Tournament, 1PM, *FREE*
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6PM, $16
Pirates Open Play, 6-10PM

-Sun: Open Gaming All Day

-Mon: Miniature Gaming of All Types
D&D and SW Minis League Day

-Tue: Role-Play Night of All Types
Heroscape Open Play Night


-Assorted Deck Protectors (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-World of Warcraft Magtheridon’s Raid Deck (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-40K Codex Orks (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Painboy *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Tankbustas *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Weirdboy *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)


-Alhambra (Board Game)
-Battlelore Scottish Wars Expansion
(Board Game)
-Power Grid
(Board Game)

-Shut the Box 12’s (Casino/Playing Card/Accessories)
-Automatic 4-Deck Shuffler
(Casino/Playing Card/Accessories)

-Assorted Deck Protectors (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Pirates of the Cursed Sea Plunder Pack (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Spoils Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-The Spoils Seed Children of the Lingamorph Competition Decks (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-The Spoils 1st Edition Part 2 Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-World of Warcraft March of the Legion Starter (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-40K Apocalypse Templates (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Templates (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Citadel Paints and Brushes (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Games Workshop Bases (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Citadel Paint Set (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Citadel Hobby Drill (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Heroscape Expansion Set #6 (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Marvel Heroclix Mutants and Monsters Boosters (Miniatures/Accessories)

-Changeling the Lost (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Elder Evils (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Player’s Handbook 2
-D&D Tome of Battle
-Gurp’s Basic Set
-Mutants & Masterminds Pocket Players Guide
-Savage Worlds Explorer’s Handbook

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Star Wars Minis Coming in March!

SW Minis Fans,

We’ve got a new release coming out for Legacy of the Force and the Street Date is March 28th. Get your pre-orders in as soon as possible. Don’t forget all Star Wars Tournaments and Leagues are free! Star Wars Tournaments have been moved to the 3rd Saturday of the month (1/19/08 is the next scheduled tournament) and will start at 1:00PM


SW Minis: Legacy o/t Force Booster Pack

ISBN: 978-0-7869-4795-9

$15.00 per booster

This 60 miniature set features characters from the Legacy comic book series as well as characters from across the entire Star Wars saga. By popular demand – more expanded universe than previous sets! Collect Cade Skywalker, Emperor Roan Fel, Darth Krayt, and more! Star Wars Miniatures make a great addition to any Star Wars Roleplaying Game campaign. Generations after the death of Palpatine, new Sith Lords arise to challenge a resurgent Empire and destroy the last of the Jedi, but the legacy of the Force lives on. Dark side battles light side in an all-out struggle to control the galaxy and determine the fate of the Force. Help establish the Legacy of the Force in your own corner of the Star Wars® universe.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Weekly Update 1/9/08 - 1/16/08


-GAME OF THE MONTH: 25% off the “Best of Chronology” a game for all time!

-Please visit our Game Room calendar, we’ve made some changes to our regular events and moved league days around to better fit your schedule.
We are currently working on scheduling Spoils, World of Warcraft, and Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Tournaments, please be patient and we will get these started as soon as possible.

-Two-Headed Giant Magic league has just started, if you are interested in signing up, stop by anytime and we’ll get you taken care of. Full details on League rules have been posted on our calendar.

-Warhammer 40K Apocalypse League will be starting in January 14th, 2008. Full details will be posted soon. Sign ups are being taken now! Don’t forget we have an Apocalypse Demo scheduled for January, 27th hosted by Matt Plonski

-Warhammer 40K 1000pt Tournament will be held on the 19th of January. That’s right. On a Saturday. So bring in $10 and an army list and let’s get going. Games start at 11am.

-Attention Mahjong Players: Starting February 7th through 22nd, from 10AM-4PM, we will be hosting a Mahjong league. So if you have ever been interested in the game, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and meet other players.

-Warhammer Fantasy Escalation league will begin February 2nd, sign ups are being taken now for the new league. Full details have been posted on our blog.

-February 24, 2008, a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament will commence. The fee for this tournament will be $15, which goes towards the prizes. The more players we have the better the pay-out. There will be a Painting contest, and prizes for the top three winners and a sportsmanship award, in the form of Gift Certificates good at All Fun & Games. More information will be posted around the store and on our website.

-The D&D Minis Dungeons of Dread PRE-Release is scheduled for Saturday, March 29th! There will be 24-Seats available. Tournament registration starts now.

-Game Room calendar posted on


-Wed: Trading Card Night, 6-10PM
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16

-Thu: Home Schoolers’ Game Day, 1-3PM *Earn rewards by participation in our game day*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12PM *Earn rewards by participating in our game night*

-Fri: Official Friday Night Magic Sealed Tournament, 6:30PM, $16
Trading Card Night, 6-10PM

-Sat: Sanctioned Magic City Champs Standard Tournament, 12PM, $6
Sanctioned D&D Minis Booster Draft, 1pm, $35
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6PM, $16
Pirates Open Play, 6-10PM

-Sun: Open Gaming All Day

-Mon: Miniature Gaming of All Types
D&D and SW Minis League Day
Warhammer 40,000 League Day

-Tue: Miniature Gaming of All Types


-Battlelore Scottish Wars Expansion (Board Game)
-Hamburgum (Board Game)
-In the Year of the Dragon (Board Game)
-Oregon (Board Game)
-Rattlesnake (Board Game)

-40K Ork Lootas/Burna Boyz *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Boyz *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Trukk *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Warbiker Mob *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Codex *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Reaper Miniatures (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Warmachine Lady Aiyana and Master Holt (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Warmachine Sea Dog Deck Gun Crew (Miniatures/Accessories)

-Shadowrun Corporate Enclaves (Role-Play/Accessories)


-Carcassonne (Board Game)
-Cities and Knights of Catan (Board Game)
-Seafarers of Catan (Board Game)
-Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Expansion (Board Game)
-Ticket to Ride (Board Game)
-Ticket to Ride Europe (Board Game)
-Ticket to Ride Switzerland Expansion (Board Game)

-For Sale (Card Game)
-Haunting House (Card Game)
-Munchkin Bites (Card Game)
-Munchkin Blender (Card Game)
-Munchkin D10 Dice Set (Card Game)
-Munchkin 5 Deranged (Card Game)

-3-ring Binder China Dragon Yellow (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-3-ring Binder Neo Wave Silver (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Assorted Card Sleeves and Deck Boxes (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Pocket Model Tin and Value Box (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Star Wars TCG Assorted Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-World of Warcraft March of the Legion Starter Set (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-Assorted Reaper Miniatures (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Marvel Heroclix Mutants and Monsters Boosters (Miniatures/Accessories)

-D&D Complete Adventurer (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Complete Scoundrel (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide version 3.5 (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Player’s Handbook version 3.5 (Role-Play/Accessories)

New WH Fantasy Escalation League

Warhammer Fantasy Fans

Time for another exciting Warhammer Fantasy league and the style will be Escalation! If you are interested in joining up for the next league, we are taking sign ups now. Please send us your name, phone number, email, and army that you will be using for our newest league. A contact list will be sent out once the league has started.

-Starting date 02/03/08– Ending date 04/26/08. You can play each pt. value twice, but you don't have to play the same person more than once. We will count the best of the eight games. (EX: If you play the 1000pt games twice and win the first game, but lose the second, we will count the win.)
1. 2/3/08-2/16/08 1000 pts
2. 2/17/08-3/1/08 1250 pts
3. 3/2/08-3/15/08 1500 pts
4. 3/16/08-3/29/08 1750 pts
5. 3/30/08-4/12/08 2000 pts
6. 4/13/08-4/26/08 2500 pts

-12 Week League, $5 League Fee (Please make sure to pay your league fees when you play your first league game or before)

-Army point values are presented above with how many games you can play during the mission weeks. You cannot go over this limit, not even by one point. But you can be under. No special characters or forge world. We've had problems in the past with computer generated lists, (The Forge Army Generator, etc.). If you choose to use these programs, make sure to manually recalculate based on Codex point listing for your final list.

-You must use the same army type during the entire league.

-Call ahead to reserve a gaming table for yourself and your opponent to guarantee your space. SUNDAYS will be the official league day, which guarantees the most room for Warhammer players to schedule your games. Games played during the weekdays cannot start any later then 7pm. All games will last 6 turns unless TIME is called. Sunday games will be scheduled in two shifts, 12-3pm & 3-6pm

-All League games must be played in the store.

-If you can’t attend a scheduled game, you must notify your opponent 3 hours in advance to avoid default. If you don't your opponent gets an automatic win.

-Standings will be determined by Victory Points from best 8 games. If there is a tie for first place, the two players will have a final battle to determine 1st place. There will be a Sportsmanship Award this league.

-Models must at least be assembled; all units must be represented by an appropriate model/s. If there is something in your army that is not WYSIWYG, you must inform your opponent.

-As new Warhammer Supplements come out, we will incorporate them into the league. You MUST have a copy of the rules with you at the game (GW Standard).

- We are changing the way the sportsmanship is conducted this time around. After each game, you'll answer questions on the score sheet, located in the orange envelope next to the back doorway, then hand them to an employee on duty.

Sportsmanship Questions
1. Was their army painted?
2. Was their army What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)?
3. Did you have fun playing with this player?
4. Did the game end in a timely manner (less than four hours)?
5. Did the opponent understand the rules?
6. Did your opponent have their army list prepared before they arrived?
7. Was the opponent forthcoming about his army (i.e. not waiting until you were in close combat before stating a special item he had paid for)?
8. Did the opponent have their own dice, measuring device, templates, and rulebooks?
9. Was the terrain agreed upon and placed evenly (i.e. not in one person's favor)?
10. Overall experience of the game you have just played. Brief summary.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Diplomacy Returns in March

Back for the first time since 2005 with all new artwork and packaging.


Street Date: March 14, 2008

· Game board measures ~30” x 20”

· 315 army, navy & national control markers

· Compact box, bookshelf ready

· 20 count strategy map pad

· 24 page rulebook

Diplomacy®: Keep Your Enemies Close

At the turn of the 20th century, prior to World War I, the seven Great European Powers engage in an intricate struggle for supremacy. Military forces invade and withdraw, shifting borders and altering empires with subtle maneuvers and daring gambits.

Alliances are formed and trust is betrayed as players negotiate and outwit one another-in a delicate balance of cooperation and competition-to gain dominance of the continent. Diplomacy® challenges players to rely on their own cunning and cleverness, not dice, to determine the outcome of this game of conspiracies and conquest.

Weekly Update 1/1/08 - 1/8/08


-Star Wars Pocket Model Promo Foil Cards available while supplies last with a $15.00 Pocket Model purchase. Promo Foils are R2-D2, Boss Nass, Chewbacca, Lama Su, IG-100 Magnaguard, Rune Haako, and Wampa.

-Warhammer 40K Apocalypse League will be starting in January 14th, 2008. Full details will be posted soon. Sign ups are being taken now! Don’t forget we have an Apocalypse Demo scheduled for January, 27th hosted by Matt Plonski

-Warhammer 40K 1000pt Tournament will be held on the 19th of January. That’s right. On a Saturday. So bring in $10 and an army list and let’s get going. Games start at 11am.

-Attention Mahjong Players: Starting February 7th through 22nd, from 10AM-4PM, we will be hosting a Mahjong league. So if you have ever been interested in the game, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and meet other players.

-Prize support for the Star Wars Minis League Play and Tournaments are sponsored by Wizards of the Coast. And we would like to pass those savings onto you. So, from now on as long as Wizards of the Coast sends up prize support, we are no longer charging any fees for tournaments or leagues. We are just offering a place to enjoy playing Star Wars Minis.

-Interested in trading for MTG singles that we do not have in the display case? Come by on Wednesday nights, during the Magic Drafts and check out our trade binders. Erik and Michael will gladly see what they can help you with.

-MTG 2-headed Giant League From the 5th of January to the 1st of February, find a partner and try out a different way to engage in Magic. Fee is $38 for the both of you (that’s $19 each) and the best of 24 games win. The more players, the better the prizes.

-February 24, 2008, a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament will commence. The fee for this tournament will be $15, which goes towards the prizes. The more players we have the better the pay-out. There will be a Painting contest, and prizes for the top three winners and a sportsmanship award, in the form of Gift Certificates good at All Fun and Games. More information will be posted around the store.

-Game Room calendar posted on


-Wed: Trading Card Night, 6-10PM
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16

-Thu: Home Schoolers’ Game Day, 1-3PM *Earn rewards by participation in our game day*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12PM *Earn rewards by participating in our game night*

-Fri: Official Friday Night Magic Lorwyn Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16
Trading Card Night, 6-10PM

-Sat: Sanctioned Magic City Champs Sealed Tournament, 12PM, $25
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6PM, $16
Pirates Open Play, 6-10PM

-Sun: D&D Miniature 200-Pt Constructed Tournament, 2PM, $5
Open Gaming All Day

-Mon: Miniature Gaming of All Types
D&D and SW Minis League Day

-Tue: Miniature Gaming of All Types
Heroscape Open Play Night


-Age of Gods (Board Game)

-The Spoils Seed Children of the Lingamorph Competition Decks (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-The Spoils Seed Children of the Lingamorph Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-Reaper Miniature Savage Beauty Box Set (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Warmachine Warcaster Captain Bartolo Montado (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Warmachine Dirty Meg (Miniatures/Accessories)

-Star Wars Starships of the Galaxy (Role-Play/Accessories)


-Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (Board Game)
-Hive! (Board Game)
-Ubongo! (Board Game)

-Bang Bullet (Card Game)
-Complete Munchkin Series Restock (Card Game)

-Pirates Ocean’s Edge Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-40K Battle for MaCragge (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Imperial Guard Heavy Weapon Squad (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Space Marine Bike Squadron (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Space Marine Razorback Squad (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Necron Destroyer (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Codex Tyranids (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Tyranid Gaunts (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Citadel Paint Set (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Citadel Paints (Miniatures/Accessories)

Warhammer Fantasy Tournament 02/24/08!

Cost: $15. Maximum of 20 Participants, pre-registering and payment is requested.

Time:  Check-in begins at 8:30.  1st round begins at 9am sharp.  
Games: 3 games, 2 hours per game.
Bring a 1500 point army.  No list restrictions other than your roster must be legal based on the most recent book available to your army, and no appendix or back of the book lists may be used.  Any special character requirement a list may have is waived.

This tournament will use 7th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles rules, with any official Errata and the Direwolf FAQ.
In keeping with the friendly nature of our events, markers, unpainted models, and proxied models are fine, but as usual, no over-the-top army lists please.
All lists will be checked for validity.  Please either submit a copy of your list (at least 3 days prior to the event) to

ocb-coordinator@earthlink.net or have an extra copy of your list ready at check-in.
Each table will have the terrain pre-set.  It is not to be moved (except by Tree Singing, in which case the original locations should be marked and the terrain returned there at the end of the battle).

For the purposes of this tournament, forests, hills, and buildings are infinitely tall. All hills are considered to be on the same level and thus block line of sight for each other. Buildings are impassable.

Special Rules:
Wood Elf players may not place their extra wood for any battle.

Clan Eshin may not use the “Night Fighting” rules.

Thorek gets 1 re-roll per game.
Prize amounts will be awarded dependent upon the number of participants.

We will have the following categories:

Overall Champion

Best General
Best Sportsman
Tournament Point Scoring:
Generalship Points:
Battle Outcome:
At the end of each battle, calculate the Victor based on the rules in the Warhammer rulebook (pages 102-103).  Generalship Points are awarded as follows:
Loss =                                    0 Points
Draw =                                   1 Point
Marginal Victory =                   2 Points
Solid Victory or Better =          5 Points
Additional Generalship points may be earned for a hard-fought battle.  Contestants who fail to achieve a Solid Victory or Better still earn 1 Generalship Point for every 500 points of casualties taken by the enemy army.  Calculate this based on the standard rules for Destroyed and Half-Strength units/models only.  Do not factor in table quarters, standards, etc.

For example: A Greeskin and Empire army fight a particularly one-sided but bloody battle which ends up as a Solid Victory for the Empire and a Loss for the Greenskins. The Empire earns its 5 Generalship Points while the Greenskins earn 0. However, the difference in the battle was the Empire’s 600 VPs points earned from captured table quarters and banners -- each side actually lost 1000 points in destroyed and half-strength units. The Greenskins thus earn 2 Generalship Points for their bloody-minded effort, while the Empire earns no additional points since they have already earned the points for a Solid Victory.
Bonus Objectives:
Additional Generalship points can be earned each battle by claiming Bonus Objectives.  Unlike past tournaments, you do not need to choose which Bonus Objectives to pursue each battle: any unclaimed Bonus Objective can be earned in each battle.  However, no Bonus Objective can be claimed more than once by a contestant over the course of the tournament, so once you have claimed a Bonus Objective, it is no longer attainable.
No more than three Bonus Objectives may be claimed per battle.  If a contestant achieves more than three Bonus Objectives in a single battle, it is up to the contestant to decide which of his/her accomplished Bonus Objectives to claim after each battle.  Those Bonus Objectives which were achieved but not claimed, may be claimed in a battle later in the tournament.
Each Claimed Bonus Objective is worth 1 Generalship Point.
Bonus Objectives:
  1. Mano y Mano:  Kill at least 1 enemy character in a challenge; killing a unit champion does not count.
  2. Rally on the Flag!:  You are in possession of all of your banners at the end of the game, and none were ever in the possession of the enemy.  You must start the game with at least two banners in order to achieve this objective.
  3. Continuity of Command:  All of your characters survive the battle.  You must have at least 2 characters at the start of the battle to qualify.  Champions do not count.
  4. Forlorn Hope: Successfully charge an enemy unit (other than an artillery piece) before the end of round 2.
  5. Cry Havoc!: In one turn, successfully charge at least three units of Unit Strength 5 (or greater) into two or more enemy units.  In other words, at the minimum, three of your US5 units must get charges off, and they cannot all be against the same enemy units.
  6. Superior Tactics: Successfully flank or rear charge an enemy unit of at least unit strength 10 with a unit of at least unit strength 5.
  7. Envelop & Destroy:  Destroy an enemy unit by causing it to flee through one of your units (of at least unit strength 5) or impassible terrain.
  8. Shock & Awe: For causing an enemy model/unit to flee off the table for any reason - if a unit flees in turn one, never rallies, but doesn’t leave the table until turn 6 you still get the bonus point.
  9. Never Say Die: Lose combat resolution by at least five and not be destroyed or break from combat.  Note: Any unit can achieve this – even ones which are Stubborn or Unbreakable.
  10. Magical Dominance: Successfully cast three or more spells in one magic phase.  Prayers, bound items, and other magic effects which do not require a die roll to work do not count.
  11. Smoking Crater: Eliminate an enemy unit of at least Unit Strength 10 in one magic phase.
  12. Master Artillerists: Inflict four or more unsaved wounds from a single shooting attack that determines hits with a template (such as a catapult or breath attack) or which follows the Bolt Thrower or Cannon rules.
  13. Concentrated Firepower: Eliminate an enemy unit of at least Unit Strength 10 in one shooting phase.
  14. Elite Troops Survive: Your most expensive model/unit has at least ½ of its wounds left at the end of the game. 
  15. Excellent Cannon Fodder: Your lowest point model/unit is alive and not fleeing at the end of the game - only one model in the unit needs to survive. 
  16. Press the Attack: At least one of your units with at least Unit Strength 5, or two with less than Unit Strength 5, are in the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game.  In order to count, the units cannot be fleeing.
  17. Deny the Field: If no enemy units are in your deployment zone at the end of the game.
  18. Sheer Luck: On a roll of three or more dice, all come up with the same number.
Sportsmanship Points:
These questions will determine your opponent’s Sportsmanship score.  Questions 1-6 are each worth 1 point; Questions 7-8 are each worth 2 points, and Question 9 will be used as a tie-breaker for determining Best Sportsman.  This is not a referendum on your opponent’s army list - this system is simply to grade your opponent’s attitude and congeniality during the game. 
Answer Yes or No to each question.
1.  Did you have fun playing this opponent? 
2.  Would you play this opponent again?
3.  Were any rules issues handled in a reasonable fashion?
4.  Was your opponent on time for your game?
5.  Did your opponent bring the “tools of the trade” (tape measure, dice, etc.)?
6.  Did your opponent practice reasonable measurement techniques?
7.  Did your opponent maintain a reasonable pace when taking his/her turn?
8.  Would you vote for this player as best sportsman?  (You may answer “yes” to this question as often as needed as this is not a vote for overall best sport.)
9.  On a scale of 1-10, how would your rate the overall sportsmanship of your opponent (higher is better)?

Painting Points:
On a scale of 0 - 10 as follows: 
0 =       Fewer than 10% of the models are painted.
5 =       All models painted to a decent standard.
9 =       All models are painted to a high standard.
10 =      All models are painted to a high standard with a distinct unifying theme (such as colors, basing, or composition).