Thursday, January 3, 2008

Warhammer Fantasy Tournament 02/24/08!

Cost: $15. Maximum of 20 Participants, pre-registering and payment is requested.

Time:  Check-in begins at 8:30.  1st round begins at 9am sharp.  
Games: 3 games, 2 hours per game.
Bring a 1500 point army.  No list restrictions other than your roster must be legal based on the most recent book available to your army, and no appendix or back of the book lists may be used.  Any special character requirement a list may have is waived.

This tournament will use 7th edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles rules, with any official Errata and the Direwolf FAQ.
In keeping with the friendly nature of our events, markers, unpainted models, and proxied models are fine, but as usual, no over-the-top army lists please.
All lists will be checked for validity.  Please either submit a copy of your list (at least 3 days prior to the event) to or have an extra copy of your list ready at check-in.
Each table will have the terrain pre-set.  It is not to be moved (except by Tree Singing, in which case the original locations should be marked and the terrain returned there at the end of the battle).

For the purposes of this tournament, forests, hills, and buildings are infinitely tall. All hills are considered to be on the same level and thus block line of sight for each other. Buildings are impassable.

Special Rules:
Wood Elf players may not place their extra wood for any battle.

Clan Eshin may not use the “Night Fighting” rules.

Thorek gets 1 re-roll per game.
Prize amounts will be awarded dependent upon the number of participants.

We will have the following categories:

Overall Champion

Best General
Best Sportsman
Tournament Point Scoring:
Generalship Points:
Battle Outcome:
At the end of each battle, calculate the Victor based on the rules in the Warhammer rulebook (pages 102-103).  Generalship Points are awarded as follows:
Loss =                                    0 Points
Draw =                                   1 Point
Marginal Victory =                   2 Points
Solid Victory or Better =          5 Points
Additional Generalship points may be earned for a hard-fought battle.  Contestants who fail to achieve a Solid Victory or Better still earn 1 Generalship Point for every 500 points of casualties taken by the enemy army.  Calculate this based on the standard rules for Destroyed and Half-Strength units/models only.  Do not factor in table quarters, standards, etc.

For example: A Greeskin and Empire army fight a particularly one-sided but bloody battle which ends up as a Solid Victory for the Empire and a Loss for the Greenskins. The Empire earns its 5 Generalship Points while the Greenskins earn 0. However, the difference in the battle was the Empire’s 600 VPs points earned from captured table quarters and banners -- each side actually lost 1000 points in destroyed and half-strength units. The Greenskins thus earn 2 Generalship Points for their bloody-minded effort, while the Empire earns no additional points since they have already earned the points for a Solid Victory.
Bonus Objectives:
Additional Generalship points can be earned each battle by claiming Bonus Objectives.  Unlike past tournaments, you do not need to choose which Bonus Objectives to pursue each battle: any unclaimed Bonus Objective can be earned in each battle.  However, no Bonus Objective can be claimed more than once by a contestant over the course of the tournament, so once you have claimed a Bonus Objective, it is no longer attainable.
No more than three Bonus Objectives may be claimed per battle.  If a contestant achieves more than three Bonus Objectives in a single battle, it is up to the contestant to decide which of his/her accomplished Bonus Objectives to claim after each battle.  Those Bonus Objectives which were achieved but not claimed, may be claimed in a battle later in the tournament.
Each Claimed Bonus Objective is worth 1 Generalship Point.
Bonus Objectives:
  1. Mano y Mano:  Kill at least 1 enemy character in a challenge; killing a unit champion does not count.
  2. Rally on the Flag!:  You are in possession of all of your banners at the end of the game, and none were ever in the possession of the enemy.  You must start the game with at least two banners in order to achieve this objective.
  3. Continuity of Command:  All of your characters survive the battle.  You must have at least 2 characters at the start of the battle to qualify.  Champions do not count.
  4. Forlorn Hope: Successfully charge an enemy unit (other than an artillery piece) before the end of round 2.
  5. Cry Havoc!: In one turn, successfully charge at least three units of Unit Strength 5 (or greater) into two or more enemy units.  In other words, at the minimum, three of your US5 units must get charges off, and they cannot all be against the same enemy units.
  6. Superior Tactics: Successfully flank or rear charge an enemy unit of at least unit strength 10 with a unit of at least unit strength 5.
  7. Envelop & Destroy:  Destroy an enemy unit by causing it to flee through one of your units (of at least unit strength 5) or impassible terrain.
  8. Shock & Awe: For causing an enemy model/unit to flee off the table for any reason - if a unit flees in turn one, never rallies, but doesn’t leave the table until turn 6 you still get the bonus point.
  9. Never Say Die: Lose combat resolution by at least five and not be destroyed or break from combat.  Note: Any unit can achieve this – even ones which are Stubborn or Unbreakable.
  10. Magical Dominance: Successfully cast three or more spells in one magic phase.  Prayers, bound items, and other magic effects which do not require a die roll to work do not count.
  11. Smoking Crater: Eliminate an enemy unit of at least Unit Strength 10 in one magic phase.
  12. Master Artillerists: Inflict four or more unsaved wounds from a single shooting attack that determines hits with a template (such as a catapult or breath attack) or which follows the Bolt Thrower or Cannon rules.
  13. Concentrated Firepower: Eliminate an enemy unit of at least Unit Strength 10 in one shooting phase.
  14. Elite Troops Survive: Your most expensive model/unit has at least ½ of its wounds left at the end of the game. 
  15. Excellent Cannon Fodder: Your lowest point model/unit is alive and not fleeing at the end of the game - only one model in the unit needs to survive. 
  16. Press the Attack: At least one of your units with at least Unit Strength 5, or two with less than Unit Strength 5, are in the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game.  In order to count, the units cannot be fleeing.
  17. Deny the Field: If no enemy units are in your deployment zone at the end of the game.
  18. Sheer Luck: On a roll of three or more dice, all come up with the same number.
Sportsmanship Points:
These questions will determine your opponent’s Sportsmanship score.  Questions 1-6 are each worth 1 point; Questions 7-8 are each worth 2 points, and Question 9 will be used as a tie-breaker for determining Best Sportsman.  This is not a referendum on your opponent’s army list - this system is simply to grade your opponent’s attitude and congeniality during the game. 
Answer Yes or No to each question.
1.  Did you have fun playing this opponent? 
2.  Would you play this opponent again?
3.  Were any rules issues handled in a reasonable fashion?
4.  Was your opponent on time for your game?
5.  Did your opponent bring the “tools of the trade” (tape measure, dice, etc.)?
6.  Did your opponent practice reasonable measurement techniques?
7.  Did your opponent maintain a reasonable pace when taking his/her turn?
8.  Would you vote for this player as best sportsman?  (You may answer “yes” to this question as often as needed as this is not a vote for overall best sport.)
9.  On a scale of 1-10, how would your rate the overall sportsmanship of your opponent (higher is better)?

Painting Points:
On a scale of 0 - 10 as follows: 
0 =       Fewer than 10% of the models are painted.
5 =       All models painted to a decent standard.
9 =       All models are painted to a high standard.
10 =      All models are painted to a high standard with a distinct unifying theme (such as colors, basing, or composition).