Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Weekly Update! 1/16 - 1/22


-Attention Mahjong Players: Starting February 7th through 22nd, from 10AM-4PM, we will be hosting a Mahjong league. So if you have ever been interested in the game, this is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and meet other players.

-MTG GRAND PRIX-PHILADELPHIA TRIAL is scheduled for Saturday, February 9th at 12:00 Noon! This tournament will be Extended and deck list are required! More details coming soon!

-Memoir ’44 (www.daysofwonder.com) and Eco Fluxx (www.looneylabs.com) have been added to our game room library! We have over 100 games in our library, so there’s something for everyone on our board game night!

-February is going to be POCKET MODEL Month, keep your eyes out for NEW Pirates and Star Wars Pocket Model activities!

-February 24, 2008, a Warhammer Fantasy Tournament will commence. The fee for this tournament will be $15, which goes towards the prizes. The more players we have the better the pay-out. There will be a Painting contest, and prizes for the top three winners and a sportsmanship award, in the form of Gift Certificates good at All Fun and Games. More information will be posted around the store.

-D&D Minis Constructed Qualifier will be held on Saturday, May 31st! More details to come!

-Game Room calendar posted on www.allfunngames.com


-Wed: Trading Card Night, 6-10PM
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16

-Thu: Home Schoolers’ Game Day, 1-3PM *Earn rewards by participation in our game day*
Board Game Night, 6PM-12PM *Earn rewards by participating in our game night*

-Fri: Official Friday Night Magic Lorwyn Booster Draft, 6:30PM, $16
Trading Card Night, 6-10PM

-Sat: Warhammer 40,000 1000-Point Tournament , 11AM, $10
Sanctioned Magic Extended Constructed Tournament, 12PM, $6
Star Wars Minis 200-point Constructed Tournament, 1PM, *FREE*
WizKids Supported Heroclix 400-point Constructed Tournament, 1PM, *FREE*
Sanctioned Magic Booster Draft, 6PM, $16
Pirates Open Play, 6-10PM

-Sun: Open Gaming All Day

-Mon: Miniature Gaming of All Types
D&D and SW Minis League Day

-Tue: Role-Play Night of All Types
Heroscape Open Play Night


-Assorted Deck Protectors (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-World of Warcraft Magtheridon’s Raid Deck (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-40K Codex Orks (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Painboy *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Tankbustas *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Ork Weirdboy *Friday* (Miniatures/Accessories)


-Alhambra (Board Game)
-Battlelore Scottish Wars Expansion
(Board Game)
-Power Grid
(Board Game)

-Shut the Box 12’s (Casino/Playing Card/Accessories)
-Automatic 4-Deck Shuffler
(Casino/Playing Card/Accessories)

-Assorted Deck Protectors (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Pirates of the Cursed Sea Plunder Pack (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-Spoils Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-The Spoils Seed Children of the Lingamorph Competition Decks (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-The Spoils 1st Edition Part 2 Boosters (CCG/TCG/Accessories)
-World of Warcraft March of the Legion Starter (CCG/TCG/Accessories)

-40K Apocalypse Templates (Miniatures/Accessories)
-40K Templates (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Citadel Paints and Brushes (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Assorted Games Workshop Bases (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Citadel Paint Set (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Citadel Hobby Drill (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Heroscape Expansion Set #6 (Miniatures/Accessories)
-Marvel Heroclix Mutants and Monsters Boosters (Miniatures/Accessories)

-Changeling the Lost (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Elder Evils (Role-Play/Accessories)
-D&D Player’s Handbook 2
-D&D Tome of Battle
-Gurp’s Basic Set
-Mutants & Masterminds Pocket Players Guide
-Savage Worlds Explorer’s Handbook