Here are the rules for the Two-Headed Giant League:
-Tournament fee is $38.00/team.
-Teams receive 1 Lorwyn tournament deck and 4 Lorywn boosters.
-The league runs from January 5th-February 1st .
-There are no limits on the amount of matches played per week. There are also no limits on how many times to play against a particular team. You can play all 24 matches in one day if you have the stamina.
-The only restriction we are applying is that you cannot turn down a match if you have the time.
-Each player may add 1 booster pack to their decks each week if so desired. Main deck modification is allowed which means each player may share their packs with their teammates.
-If you don’t like your card pool, you may buy a COMPLETELY new card pool at any time but results for any played matches still count. If you purchase a new card pool, that means 1 tournament deck and 4 more boosters . One teammate cannot keep their deck and the other buy new. It’s either all or nothing.
-Game play is standard 2HG rules