Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
New Move Details!!!!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Clearance Price Update to 80% off!
In preparation for our move, all of our clearance items have been marked down to 80% off!! And if you pay cash, we'll hack off an additional 5%!! All of it must go! Stop by before it's gone! The sale ends when we close tonight (Saturday 4/21).
Monday, April 16, 2012
Moving Sale is Increasing!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Big News!
All Fun & Games is moving!
Let us THANK YOU for your continued patronage by offering some great deals.
We are having a Huge Moving Sale beginning today (Monday 4/9/12)!
Over ½ the store is 50% off or more. (Sale price is discounted from MSRP. All sales on discounted products are final.)
All gaming events will continue as scheduled at our current location.
Please come by and join in some of the fun.
It’s been a great five years here in Apex and now we’re heading just down the road to Cary.
We will be open in our new location beginning Friday April 27, 2012.
Our new location is: 487 James Jackson Avenue, Cary.
Stay tuned for news about our Grand Re-opening Celebration!
More information will be posted on www.allfunngames.com or call us at 919-468-6322. Please feel free to share this information with other folks you know that may be interested!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Missions For Warhammer Fanasty
Mission- Battle Line
Length of Game- 6 Turns
Terrain- 4 Mysterious Forests, 2 Normal Hills
Special Rules:
Each player nominates one core unit of their army to carry the blood soaked choppa. While the choppa is in the unit's possession that unit receives +1 to Strength and +1 to attack. If the unit should flee for any reason the blood soaked choppa is dropped and lost forever, and the unit no longer gains this bonus.
Victory Conditions:
Victory points. +200 for eliminating the unit carrying the blood soaked choppa.
Week 2: The End Times
Mission- Meeting Engagement
Game Length- Random
Terrian- 3 Mysterious Forests, 3 Normal Hills
Special Rules:
the very world itself is being ravaged by Chaos and is under constant change. Roll a d6 at the start of every game turn and apply the result on the cart below for the remainder of that turn.
1- Blood rain: The battlefield is showered in the blood of the fallen. All units are subject to frenzy and are stubborn
2- Lightning Storm- Every unit on the battlefield is struck by lighthing and suffers d6 wounds that cannot be saved by any means. Carachters that are not attached to units take d3 wounds.
3- Magical Vortex- All wizards automatically channel both power and dispel dice this round.
4- Tsunami- The oceans was away vast chucks of the world, and have it made it hard to reach the enemy. All models movement is halved and when charging they only roll 1d6 to see how far they charge.
5- Gale Force Winds- All shooting that uses BS are -1 to hit, and those that don't need a BS to shoot must roll at 4+ to shoot at all.
6- Gift of Chaos- The generals of the two armies are awarded great gifts by the gods, but it comes at a price. Both Generals have all their stats increased by 1 (to a max of 10). They have 3+ ward save and are subject to stupidity.
Victory Conditions-
Place a maker or suitable terrain piece in the center of the table to represent the chaos portal. The player with control of the portal at the end of the game gets 500 victory points.
Meeting Engagement
(see page 149 of the main rulebook)
6 turns
No need to roll for terrain each table should have 5
pieces of terrain.
All woods are mysterious woods.
All hills are normal hills.
At the start of each player’s turn, that player rolls an
artillery die and multiplies the result by 3. The result is
the number of inches both players can see that turn. If a
misfire is rolled there is no sight restriction that turn.
Use Victory points to determine the winner as described
on page 143 of the Main Rulebook.
Defeat your opponent by 1500 victory points or more.
Defeat your opponent by 800 – 1499 victory points.
Defeat you opponent by 200 – 799 Victory points.
Defeat your opponent by 199 victory points or less.
+1 point for killing your opponent’s cheapest unit.
+1 point for each of your opponent’s reserve
units you kill.
+1 point for massacring your opponent
Missions For Warhammer 40K
Git dat dirty git!
Score as many kill points as you can and try to kill the traitor.
This mission uses Annihilation with one modification. Each player will give his opponent 1 troop model form your army list to represent the traitor. The traitor is worth 5 kill points. The traitor can join any troop unit in your army. He can ride in a transport as long as his squad meets the unit size for the vehicles capacity. He loses all of his equipment/special rules and gains the Independent Character special rule with the following profile: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 I 5 W 2 A 2 LD 10 S 4+/5+.
Use Pitched Battle as per page 92 of the main rulebook.
Length of game:
Use random game length as per page 90 of the main rulebook. Or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.
Special Rules:
Infiltrate, Deep Strike, Outflank, Reserves, Night Fight (Turn 1 only), Seize the Initiative
Battle point modifiers:
+1 If you kill your traitor. (You only score this point if you kill the model you gave to your opponent)
+1 If you kill an enemy HQ
+1 If you control more pieces of terrain than your opponent. (To control you need a scoring unit within 3” of a piece of terrain)
+3 If you get the traitor you are controlling into your opponents deployment zone.
Whoz got da Motz!
Control as many objective counter as possible.
This scenario uses a modified Seize ground (page 91) missions. Please note that there are always 5 objectives, DO NOT ROLL. Before determining who goes first an objective marker is placed in the center of all four table quarters. The fifth and final objective is placed in the direct center of the table. The objective in each Deployment table quarter is worth 1 point. The objectives in the empty table quarters are worth 2 points and the objective in the center of the board is worth 4 points.
Spearhead as seen on page 93 of the main rulebook
Length of Game:
This game last 6 turns, or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.
Special Rules:
Reserves, Deep Strike, Night Fight (Turn 6 Only), Seize the Initiative
Battle point modifiers:
+1 If you control all the objectives at the end of the game.
+1 If your opponent has no units in your deployment zone.
+1 if all your hq choices are alive at the end of the game.
+1 if you kill all of your opponents Heavy Support choices. (If your opponent doesn’t have any heavy supports then you automatically get this point.)
Week 3:Head of Da Snake!
Destroy the Enemy HQ while keeping yours alive.
This scenario uses victory points. See page 300 of the rulebook for victory points rules. Each player must nominate a single HQ choice to be your army general. This choice is worth double victory points for this mission.
Dawn of War [table halves]
Length of Game:
Use random game length as per page 90 of the main rulebook. Or until time is called, so that each player completes the same number of turns.
Special Rules:
Deep Strike, Outflank, Reserves, Seize the Initiative,
Battle point modifiers:
+100 Victory Points if you killed all of your opponents troop choices
+100 Victory Points if your General is alive at the end of the game.
+100 Victory Points if you kill all of your opponents Fast Attack choices. (If your opponent doesn’t have any fast attack choices you score this point)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Munchkin Charity Tournament April 15th
Hosted by the Knightly order of the Fait Lux When: Sunday April 15th at 12Noon Entry Fee: $10- All donations go the Autism Society of North Carolina Like Munchkin? Want to support a good casue? Well then this is your event! We will be using the Cheatin' for Chartiy rules. Come out, make a difference, stab your buddy! This will be a daylong tournament with multiple rounds. If you've attended any of the previous charity tournaments, we will be using that same system. There will be prizes for the winner of every game and at the end of the day players will be grouped according to how well they've done during the day into a final round of games. The top winners of that round will all receive extra special prizes. Also there will be short Charity Auctions during the day where you'll be able to bid on promo items that give bonuses when playing Munchkin. It is not necessary to attend the entire event to get in on the games! Charity Tournament Rules: -Cheatin' for Charity - A $1 donation during the game gets you your choice of a treasure card or a door card, unless you are in combat when it costs $2. -More Cheatin' for Charity - A $2 donation lets you re-roll a failed die roll. It goes up $1 for each additional re-roll of the same roll. You can pay double that amount to force someone else to re-roll! -Cheatin' for Cheatin's Sake - A $5 donation will let you cheat as if you had a Cheat Card. -Cheatin'? We'll have none o' that! - A $5 donation will cancel one Cheat Card or Cheatin' for Cheatin's Sake. If you have questions email koflgames@gmail.com |
Monday, March 26, 2012
Avacyn Restored Pre-Release Event!
For the Avacyn Restored Pre-release (April 28th-29th) Wizards of the Coast has decided to do things a little differently. For each of our main events (11AM on Saturday and Sunday) we will have 54 seats for the special “Secrets of the Helvault.” In this there will be special prizes for the first 54 players who register. As such, we are opening preregistration now! We will not take money at the time of preregistration, but this will ensure your spot for Secrets of the Helvault. You must be here by 10:30AM the day of the event if you have preregistered to keep your spot, or call us to let us know you are on your way before then, otherwise we’ll have to pass the seat to the next person. We look forward to seeing you there!
We are currently taking pre-orders for the next Magic, Avacyn Restored! This is so we can hopefully get in all the foreign language everyone wants, and make sure we have enough come the launch of the product. As foreign language is a limited product, preorder as soon as possible! You can preorder English, Japanese, Russian, Korean, and Chinese, but these will go out on a first come first served basis.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Junior Magic the Gathering for Ages 15 and Under
Starting at 12 noon on the second and forth Saturday each Month, All Fun & Games will be having Magic: The Gathering tournaments for kids. In a friendly environment, we’ll be hosting Booster Drafts on the second Saturday to help teach kids magic and the basics of Magic’s limited formats. The entry fee is normally $10 to cover the three packs used in this limited format, and the prize support in the form of promotional cards. Sealed Deck will be on the fourth Saturday each Month, which is a slightly different limited format from the Booster Draft. The Sealed Deck entry fee is $20, due to the larger amount of product needed (6 packs).
The Draft format involves opening three packs, and then passing those cards around a table and choosing one card from each hand passed. Participants get to keep the cards they pick from these hands and build a deck from them, which they will then play with. The Sealed Deck format involves opening 6 packs and building a deck from those cards to place with, which they also get to keep.
Junior magic players are of course always welcome to come and play casual games, even if they do not wish to participate in the above tournaments.
At Pre-Release events, Junior Magic: The Gathering will be Open Dueling event available for all players which is appropriate for younger players, as it only involves playing casual games with a pre-constructed deck.
Monday, March 19, 2012
April-June Warhammer Fantasy/40K League
All Fun and Games 2012 April-June Warhammer Fantasy/40K League:
This league is for players who have played in the slow grow league and now want to learn to master their fully fledged armies, as well as for players who have existing armies who just like Warhammer in general. The theme of this League will be Missions, which will be put out each week via email. The league’s format will be 2000-point armies. We understand some players are still getting everything glued together so it will be fine if both players decide to play with smaller lists.
The Good Stuff:
- We are making Saturday official hobby day. Come in on Saturday’s to paint/assemble your armies here and hang out with your friends while you do it. In addition to this, on Saturday all league members will receive 20% off Citadel Hobby supplies (paints, tools, brushes, etc.)
- For those who played in the slow grow league with a new army, the Escalation League discount will continue until May 1st of the league to help you get your army filled out.
- For each League Game you play (win or lose) your name will be entered for drawing at the end of the League. The winner of this drawing will receive a free Dreadfleet Board Game.
- The entry fee for League is $5.00. ALL of this goes towards prize support.
- League members can play against any person in the store not just league members. If league player's are available we ask that you play against them first. League games are required to be played in the store.
- The league will last 13 weeks (From April 2nd to June 30th). Players can play a maximum of 13 games (one per week, with makeup games permitted). After each game player players must turn in their results slip to the result bin or we won’t know you played! Please remember to put the mission you played on the slip.
- There will be a different Mission for both Fantasy and 40K each week. These will go out in the weekly email, 2 at a time, and I will post all the old missions on our blog for makeup purposes.
- Models should be a WYSIWYG as possible. We understand that certain models are unavailable, and there is no representation for it. We also understand that putting an army together is hard work. As such we have a proxy procedure. 1) Proxies must be the same size as the unit they are representing. 2) Players should use models that stand out from the rest of the army. 3) Proxies should be clearly explained to their opponent at the start of the game. 4) In no situation should a player use confusion over what a proxy is for advantage in game.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Grand Prix Trial 2012 Minneapolis
- Saturday April 21st
- Doors Open @10AM, Tournament begins at 12 Noon
Entry Fee
- $10.00
- Constructed Standard with Top 8
- Deck lists are required
Tournament Length
- Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
- Top 8 matches will have no time limit
- Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
Attendance | Swiss rounds |
8-16 | 4 |
17 - 32 | 5 |
33 - 64 | 6 |
65 - 128 | 7 |
At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Minneapolis is offered at each Trial, based on attendance:
Attendance | 3-Round Byes Awarded |
8 - 32 | 1 |
33 - 64 | 2 |
65 - 128 | 4 |
In addition to the byes, the store will provide prizes based on attendance.
Grand Prix Trial 2012 Los Angeles
- Saturday March 31st
- Doors Open @10AM, Tournament begins at 12 Noon
Entry Fee
- $10.00
- Constructed Standard with Top 8
- Deck lists are required
Tournament Length
- Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
- Top 8 matches will have no time limit
- Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
Attendance | Swiss rounds |
8-16 | 4 |
17 - 32 | 5 |
33 - 64 | 6 |
65 - 128 | 7 |
At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Los Angeles is offered at each Trial, based on attendance:
Attendance | 3-Round Byes Awarded |
8 - 32 | 1 |
33 - 64 | 2 |
65 - 128 | 4 |
In addition to the byes, the store will provide prizes based on attendance.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Dungeons & Dragons Lair Assault: Attack of the Tryantclaw
- 1 Magic Item of the 7th level (or lower) of the player's choice
- 1 Magic Item of the 6th level (or lower) of the player's choice
- 1 Magic Item of the 5th level (or lower) of the player's choice
- 1000 Gold Pieces (gp) to spend on any other equipment (magical or mundane) of the player's choice
- Players may have no more then one rare magical item, and no more than two consumable magic times (such as potions or ammunition).
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Saturday Common Cube Drafting
Monday, February 20, 2012
Warhammer 40K 2000-Point Tournament
Cost: $15 at the door, $12 for preregistration.
2000 points , Army lists are required
Players must at least have their models primed. Painted armies are encouraged. Models are to be WYSWYG as much as possible. There will be leniency for models that have not come out yet, that cannot be ordered due to the new printings, and for conversions.
Sportsmanship is important to us. Bring your best game, but also bring a good attitude.
For preregistration you do NOT pay in advance, you will pay the day of, but get the three dollars off.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Warhammer Fantasy 3000 Point Tournament 2/25
When: Saturday February 25th 2011. Registration starts at 10AM, first round starts at 11AM
Price: $15 at the door, $12 if you preregister
Prizes based on attendance
Special Rules for Warhammer Fantasy 2/25/12:
We are going to be doing a special “comp” for this Warhammer Fantasy Tournament. As it stands, every tournament recently has not had any restrictions to balance the armies on it. I am not against this as a whole, as it does allow for players who wish to try to maximize their armies to do so, which I see as a part of the game. I have decided to put restrictions on this tournament because I also feel that players who don’t do this deserve to have their moments as well. Therefore, we will be abiding by the special rules I have put down below.
General Restrictions
· Army Value 3000 Points. Army lists are required.
· Apart from Winds of Magic dice and Challenging an army may only add 2 Power Dice or Dispel Dice to its magic dice pool in each magic phase. Any dice added to the pool, regardless of source (generated, stolen, stored from previous magic phases, generated by magic items/abilities to boost spellcasting before or after the casting attempt, produced by spells, lore abilities, and so on) count. Excess dice are simply discarded and cannot be used in any way (i.e. - they can’t be stored). If a dice is stolen from the opponent’s pool, but your army has already generated two extra dice, the dice is removed from the opponent’s pool and then discarded. Any additional dice are lost and cannot be used. The controlling player chooses which dice are discarded if there is a need to distinguish.
· Night Goblin Mushroom D6 do not count as "power dice" as per their Army book. Dark Elves may only use a max of 6 dice to cast a spell the same as everyone else. This overrides the rule in their book.
· Non warmachine shooting is limited to 90 shots per turn - count the number of shots, not models. So for example Dark Elf Warriors with repeater crossbows count as 2 shots. Ranked (non-skirmisher) infantry with missile weapons with a range of 12" or less are excluded from this restriction. (see note (i) for additional clarification)
· An army may not include more than 2 warmachines of the same type.
· No single non character unit in the army may be over 450 points
· Maximum of three units per army with the “fly” rule.
· The magic item “Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress” may not be taken.
· No special or Named characters may be taken (including unit upgrades)
· Characters affected by the following spells that would instantly remove it from the table only take one wound if it would normally benefit from a look out sir roll from being part of a unit. The Dwellers Below and Final Transmutation. This does not apply if you are a lone character outside of a unit.
· Notes:
(i) Any model with a fixed maximum amount of shots (read: shooting attacks) counts that maximum towards the shot cap (i.e blowpipes = 2, RXB = 2, lifetaker = 3) but those with a random/variable number (treeman, razordon, Hail of doom arrow, flamers etc) count as 1, excluding any ranked (non-skimirisher) infantry with missile weapons with a range of 12” or less from this as per this rulespack.
· (ii) Do not count the possibility of Tomb Kings being able to fire twice against this shot limit. For example a Skeleton Bowmen counts as 1 shot, despite the possibly that with magic he could fire twice.
Race Specific Restrictions:
· Salamanders 0 – 3 models per army.
· Higher State of Consciousness and the Crown of Command may not be taken on the same model.
· Scar Veterans are 0 – 2 models per army.
· Hell Pit Abominations and Warp Lighting Cannons are 0-1 unit selection per army.
· Warlock Engineers are 0 – 3 models per army.
Dark Elves
· The Pendant of Kaleth and the Crown of Command may not be taken on the same model.
· Hydras 0 – 1 unit selections per army.
· Steam Tanks are 0 – 1 models per army
Warriors of Chaos
· Hell Cannons are 0 – 1 unit selections per army
Daemons of Chaos
· Flamers of Tzeentch 0 – 6 models per army.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Out With the Old, In With the New Games Workshop Sale
Warhammer 40K stuff:
Tyranid Termagaunt Boxes
Tyranid Genestealer Boxes
Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons Team
Tau Kroot Carnivore Boxs
Space Marines Scouts with Sniper Rifles Boxes
Warhammer Fantasy
Beastmen Minotaurs Boxes
Orcs Black Orcs Boxes
Orcs Boys Boxes
Daemonetts of Slanesh Boxes
Vampire Counts Skelletons Boxes
Lord of the Rings
Easterling Boxes
Fighting Uruk-hai Boxes
Riders of Rohan Boxes
Wood Elves Boxes
Warriors of Minas Tirith Boxes
Come get 'em while the getting is good!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Grand Prix Trial: Indianapolis
- Saturday February 11th
- Doors Open @10AM event begins @ 12 Noon
Entry Fee
- $15.00 (prize support will be increased)
- Modern
- Deck lists are required
Tournament Length
- Swiss rounds - 50 minutes per round
- Top 8 matches will have no time limit
- Number of Swiss rounds based on attendance according to the following chart:
Attendance | Swiss rounds |
8-16 | 4 |
17 - 32 | 5 |
33 - 64 | 6 |
65 - 128 | 7 |
-At least 1 third-round bye at Grand Prix–Indianapolis is offered at each Trial, based on attendance:
Attendance | 3-Round Byes Awarded |
8 - 32 | 1 |
33 - 64 | 2 |
65 - 128 | 4 |
In addition to the byes, the store will provide prizes based on attendance.